

creature:[英 [ˈkri:tʃə(r)] 美 [ˈkritʃɚ] ]



creature 基本解释

名词人; 生物,动物; 创造物; (他人的)工具

creature 相关例句


1. creature

1. Worms are very simple creatures.



2. She's a beautiful creature.


3. Poor creature!


4. creature的解释

4. She was a poor creature.


creature 网络解释

1. 傀儡:傀儡(Creature)系统 与现有的宠物系统不同,Rappelz的傀儡是具有像人物似的操控规模来成长的第2个人物. 与人物公用道具,一起去战斗,通过获得经验值,而且,随着他自己的技巧系统能成长. 并且,每只傀儡都有3个阶段的进化过程,

2. 创造物:这些家伙异常发达而且自由伸缩的右手,另外还有可以把人活吞的超大型生化兵器,超强生命力的丧尸和创造物(Creature)在岛屿里徘徊. 而且连监狱里关押着的犯人们也因为病毒的影响变为丧尸.

creature 双语例句

1. God, the Omnipotent, ought not to bring under judgment so frail a creature as man.


2. creature是什么意思

2. Which new creature is able to take soul for 3 rounds?


3. When mankind can be evolved into a higher rank of creature and do not let down dogs'loyalty?


4. At last Wilbur saw the creature that had spoken to him in such a kindly way.


5. The human body is a miracle in motion. With it we can do more things than any creature on earth.


6. Legend says that whomever collects all seven Dragon Balls can call forth the awesome Eternal Dragon, a powerful creature that will grant whatever wish their heart desires!


7. Journey across India, a breathtaking land shaped by a myriad of cultures, customs and traditions. Come face to face with the Bengal Tiger and explore the spectacular world of this majestic creature with stunning clarity, captured only as IMAX technology can.


8. There, scientists found 20 fossilized pterodactyls dating back more than 160 million years. In early January 2010, another group of scientists found the oldest fossilized footprint s made by a four-legged creature


9. Song Lee's dragon is beautiful and benevolent; Harry's is a fierce, fire-eating creature that drinks elephants'blood.

宋丽的龙是美丽而吉祥的,Harry 的则是吞吐火焰的、喝大象血的可怕生物。

10. Instead, it folds into itself as the enormous creature matures, creating a rounded rudder called a clavus.

它的尾鳍自出生后就不再生长得更大更长,却折成自身庞大的身躯,形成一个圆舵,也被叫成 calvus。

11. Fortuitously finding the creature he was previously working on, he brings it back to a semblance of life but requires the services of a mesmerist, Zoltan, to successfully animate it.

偶然发现的动物他以前的工作,他将回到最起码的生活,而且需要的服务mesmerist ,佐尔坦,成功地激励它。

12. creature

12. Clues to the crested auklet's unique ability to repel mosquitoes and pests like ticks and lice was apparent the first time Douglas encountered the creature, one of four auklet species in Alaska.


13. creature

13. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.


14. creature的反义词

14. Or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature


15. In this country the consequences of killing a fellow- creature are awkward.


16. Philanthropy is the refuge of people who wish to annoy their fellow creature.


17. I expect to pass through this world but once; any god thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.


18. I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, for I shall not pass this way again.


19. Thus talking hand in hand alone they pass'd On to thir blissful Bower; it was a place [690] Chos'n by the sovran Planter, when he fram'd All things to mans delightful use; the roofe Of thickest covert was inwoven shade Laurel and Mirtle, and what higher grew Of firm and fragrant leaf; on either side [695] Acanthus, and each odorous bushie shrub Fenc'd up the verdant wall; each beauteous flour, Iris all hues, Roses, and Gessamin Rear'd high thir flourisht heads between, and wrought Mosaic; underfoot the Violet, [700] Crocus, and Hyacinth with rich inlay Broiderd the ground, more colour'd then with stone Of costliest Emblem: other Creature here Beast, Bird, Insect, or Worm durst enter none; Such was thir awe of Man.


20. creature的意思

20. Every creature can be reached through telepathic communication -- from your tabby cat or cockatiel to the wasps that build nests in the eaves of your home or even the common flea -- you just have to be open to the idea, and mind-to-mind communication will be in your grasp.


creature 词典解释

1. (尤指不熟悉或想象中的)生物,动物

You can refer to any living thing that is not a plant as a creature, especially when it is of an unknown or unfamiliar kind. People also refer to imaginary animals and beings as creatures .

e.g. Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living creature possesses a spirit...


e.g. The garden is surrounded by a hedge in which many small creatures can live...


2. (具有某种特征的)人

If you say that someone is a particular type of creature, you are focusing on a particular quality they have.

e.g. She's charming, a sweet creature...


e.g. I am not a vain creature...


3. 傀儡;奴才;走狗

If you describe someone as someone else's creature, you mean that they are controlled by or depend on that person.

e.g. We are not creatures of the Conservative government.


creature 单语例句

1. But what if this little creature becomes a barrier between you and your lover, then what?

2. Strange that this creature of such cannibalism can produce such exquisite food.

3. He is the key character in the traditional Chinese fairy tale " Journey to the West " and is regarded as a creature of integrity.

4. The creature seems to have russet colored rings, according to a paper published online Wednesday in the journal Nature.

5. No such creature had existed in China until 1993, when the Company Law took effect.

6. A hairy corpse crammed in a Georgia freezer is Bigfoot, two men who have been tracking the legendary creature have claimed.

7. They ended up using a crane and truck to lift and weigh the massive creature, which weighed 381 kilograms.

8. But no hard evidence of the creature's existence has been found.

9. Legal medical experts anatomized body of the creature and found remains of a human being, therefore confirmed the missing child was eaten by the crocodiles.

10. A winged horse has also been seen flying from the lake, and local folklore records sightings of a pure white horselike creature.

creature 英英释义


1. a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

Synonym: animalanimate beingbeastbrutefauna

2. a human being

`wight' is an archaic term

Synonym: wight

3. a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else

Synonym: toolpuppet