

deficient:[英 [dɪˈfɪʃnt] 美 [dɪˈfɪʃənt] ]


deficient 基本解释

形容词不足的,缺乏的; 有缺陷的; 不充分的; 短少

deficient 同义词


deficient 反义词


deficient 相关例句


1. He is mentally deficient.


deficient 网络解释

1. 有缺点,不足的:defer 延期 | deficient 有缺点,不足的 | deficit 赤字,不足(额)

2. 缺少的,缺损的,缺陷的:deficiency 缺乏,缺损,缺陷 | deficient 缺少的,缺损的,缺陷的 | defined 确定的

3. 缺乏的:deficient 缺乏的 | proficient 精通 | efficient 有效的

deficient 双语例句


1. However, planets up to several Jupiter masses have been found orbiting metal-deficient stars, setting an important constraint for planet formation models.


2. The deficient of industry person with ability, one pair when cause SEM group to just be put on chessboard likely comes loose chess.


3. deficient

3. In our work the conditioned avoidance training of Fyn deficient mice was carried out in a one way avoidance box.


4. HsMAD2(Human, mitotic arrest deficient-2) is one of the most important checkpoints that monitor the activities of the spindle in the process of mitosis.

hsMAD2(Human,mitotic arrest deficient-2)是监控有丝分裂时纺锤体行为的最重要的关卡基因之一。

5. deficient的意思

5. Carefully compare the opposing army with your own, so that you may know where strength is superabundant and where it is deficient.


6. You provide prove is deficient, so we can`t think over you counterclaim require.


7. While it's true that it's important to have a caloric deficient in order to lose weight, the importance of your lean body mass is often overlooked.


8. On the other hand, it might be postulated that the deviation is due to a genetically transmitted trait, so that deviant children could resonate to their deviant parents. In fact, language deficient families do exist, although it is not yet certain that the mechanism is necessarily the one postulated here. However, there is another reason why marked deviations of latent structure have a low chance for dissemination.


9. For example, by using the systematic approach and MYR, S has been found to be limiting rice yields in northeastern China, B is commonly found deficient where rapeseed is grown, higher plant populations have been tested in several provinces with success.


10. Results There was a similar distributive pattern of Neul, PPCA and β-gal in the inner ear. Neul intense staining was observed in the cochlear spiral ganglion cells, spiral limbus, spiral ligament, vestibular ganglion cells, cristae, maculae hair cells, and weak staining in inner hair cells, outer hair cells, supplying cells of the organ of Corti and stria vascularis. The intense staining of PPCA and β-gal were observed in the spiral ganglion and vestibular ganglion cells, and weak staining in the spiral limbus, spiral ligament, stria vascularis and organ of Corti. The inner ear exhibited no staining when Neul, PPCA and β-gal were deficient, respectively.


11. When wheat plants allowed to become deficient in potassium, pyruvate kinase activity increased.


12. In the end, it recommends the deficient and advance in the domestic and foreign denitrification research.



13. Uses in Yin deficient positive Yuan, cards and so on wet dream backache, the blood deficiency and related debilities kidney empty, the dizziness annoyed, loses sleep the multi-dreams, the waist foot atrophy weak one.


14. deficient

14. Treated with 3 μmol. L-1 Nd(NO3)3 in Ca2+-deficient solution, the symptom of Ca2+ starvation was relieved and the peroxidization process in rape was inhibited.


15. deficient

15. Additionally, two raremutations, G6PD Songklanagarind and G6PD Asali known to be present in Japan orThailand, were firstly identified in Chinese patients. The data on haplotyping 176male and 6 female deficient chromosomes showed that the haplotype isdominant, covering over 94%of the haplotype patterns in Chinese G6PD-deficientindividuals, supporting the hypothesis that mutations occurring at nt 95, 1024, 1376, and 1388 could be derived from this ancient common haplotype. The two mutations, all 871G>A mutations and very few 1376G>T mutations, are linked with a minorhaplotype, indicating that the mutation happened more recently.

我们对176例男性G6PD缺陷染色体和6例女性新突变染色体的单倍型进行了202A,376G,1116G,1311T,内含子11-93C等5个多态性位点的分析,结果表明182个缺陷染色体中的94%为单倍型,提示常见的nt95A>G,1024C>T,1376G>T和1388G>A等4个位点的突变应源于这一古老的常见单倍型,此外,还存在三种不同的单倍型:8例G6PD Viangchan突变、1例G6PD Canton突变和6例未知突变为单倍型;新突变G6PD Hechi~(202A/871A)为单倍型和G6PD Asali为单倍型。

16. As indicated by results of XRD、SEM and EDS, phase-separative opacifying isdominant in the area with a high content of bone ash. The continues phase is silicate glass rich in aluminumand silicon but deficient in phosphorus however disperse phase is phosphate silicate glass rich in phosphorus, zinc...


17. deficient的反义词

17. ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of Baokundan Pills on reproductive organs and endocrine function in normal rat and kidney deficient model mice.


18. In a 1990 study of more than 1000 men, German researchers found that among those with diets only slightly deficient in vitamin C, a daily dose of 150 mg.— roughly the amount in two oranges—resulted in less nervousness, crankiness and depression.


19. However, the regulations connected with advance notice registration in the Draft still are deficient



20. B If the Provider finds the complaint to be administratively deficient, it shall promptly notify the Complainant and the Respondent of the nature of the''.


deficient 词典解释

1. 缺乏的;缺少的;不足的

If someone or something is deficient in a particular thing, they do not have the full amount of it that they need in order to function normally or work properly.

e.g. ...a diet deficient in vitamin B.

缺乏维生素 B 的饮食

2. 有缺点的;有缺陷的;不完善的

Someone or something that is deficient is not good enough for a particular purpose.

e.g. ...deficient landing systems.


deficient 单语例句deficient

1. Compared with the US, both Japan and China have deficient natural resources.

2. But they are hamstrung by deficient movie resources and bad feature quality, due to movies are usually being distributed through cinemas and TV movie channels.

3. The legislation the administration promoted would have allowed the government to buy bad mortgages and other deficient assets held by troubled financial institutions.

4. Twelve percent of the children were found to have short statures and 9 percent were underweight because of deficient nutrient intake.

5. A doctor at the local hospital told Zhao that his lust for soda had made him potassium deficient.

6. Awareness of and attitude toward sanitation is a cultural trait, which somehow seems deficient among many of today's Chinese.

7. Deficient safety facilities and a lack of concern for safety rules were often found responsible for past coal mine accidents.

8. Poor packing and deficient logistics can make some food products rot while being transported.

9. Zhang said that the " Xinfu " incident had unveiled " glaring problems " among China's drug manufacturers and " deficient supervision " by drug authorities.

10. It said that followers of other religions are in a " gravely deficient situation " compared to those in the church.

deficient 英英释义



1. inadequate in amount or degree

e.g. a deficient education

deficient in common sense

lacking in stamina

tested and found wanting

Synonym: lacking(p)wanting(p)

2. falling short of some prescribed norm

e.g. substandard housing

Synonym: inferiorsubstandard

3. of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement

e.g. insufficient funds

Synonym: insufficient