

frozen:[英 [ˈfrəʊzn] 美 [ˈfroʊzn] ]


过去式:froze;   现在分词:freezing;

frozen 基本解释

形容词冷冻的; 冰封的; 冻硬的; 呆若木鸡的

动词冻结; 冷藏; 结冰( freeze的过去分词); 冻住

frozen 相关例句


1. The man sat frozen with fear.


2. I am absolutely frozen.



3. The river is frozen over.


frozen 双语例句

1. According to SPS of WTO, a risk assessment on the public and aquatic health impact and spread of Vibrio alginolyticusin imported frozen Chum salmon was conducted respectively.


2. frozen

2. According to SPS of WTO, a risk assessment on the public and aquatic health impact and spread of Vibrio alginolyticus in imported frozen Chum salmon was conducted respectively.


3. A book should serve as an ice-axe to break the frozen sea within us.


4. frozen的反义词

4. B Construction of facilities for winter 1, to ensure the quality of construction in winter, to achieve progress, the need for winter construction skills training; 2, raw materials used in the project approaching, the need for testing of raw materials, in order to pass; 3, the construction site layout, layout point of fire facilities, particularly in the use of fire, electric heating construction site, must be clearly marked, the road should be open, timely removal of snow and frozen by the distribution of fire safety requirements, and facilities were set up regular inspections; 4, in the winter season outdoor temperature may reach 10 degrees Celsius below Wall again and under the law drilling mud during the construction period shall be guaranteed from the freezing mud; 5, entered the cold season, one-time seasonal maintenance on machinery and equipment, construction safety technology development cold season, and the use of mechanical equipment operatives safety education for the cold season.

冬季施工设施 1、为确保冬期施工质量,达到施工进度要求,必须进行冬期施工技术培训; 2、工程中使用的原材料进场后,必须进行原材料化验,合格后方能使用; 3、布置施工现场时,注意防火设施点的布置,特别在使用明火处,电加热施工现场,都要有明显标志,道路要通畅,及时清除冰冻和积雪,按防火要求配置,设施齐全并设人定期检查; 4、在严冬季节室外气温可能达到-10摄氏度以下,再次环境下进行泥浆护壁法钻孔,施工期间应保证泥浆不受冻结; 5、在进入寒冷季节前,对机械设备进行一次性换季保养,制定寒冷季节施工安全技术措施,并对机械操作工进行寒冷季节使用设备的安全教育。

5. As I was grating the onions and carrots, I grabbed the frozen bread and grated that, too.


6. According to the result of the bariam enema examination after 6 Months, the average diameter of microcolon was 15mm. And based on the pathological report by frozen section during the 2nd operation. Gangliocyte could be seen into the mucous layer of the microcolon. They were all accepted the end-to end intestinal conastomosis in two-stage operation and be used intravenous feeding for 7 days.


7. frozen

7. Two of them were used99mTcsestemibi as mark to discriminate the parathyroidoma during the operation, frozen section pathological examination was used to determine the diagnosis post parathyroidoma excision.

目的 探讨放射性核素99mTcsestemibi双时相显像在原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进病人术前诊断、定位及术中辅助识别切除甲状旁腺瘤的应用价值。

8. frozen

8. Time starts to pass, before you know it, you're frozen.


9. A lone rock outcropping juts through frozen Pasagshak Bay off Alaska's Kodiak Island.


10. frozen

10. A lone rock outcropping juts through frozen Pasagshak Bay off Alaska`s Kodiak Island.


11. frozen的意思

11. Carefully examine ea ch photo, and you will see the vital spark of life in these frozen moments of time.



12. And New York's rebellion called to me excitedly, this savagery which piled great concrete block on concrete block, topping at the last moment as in an afterthought, with crowns as delicate as pinnacled ice; this lavishness which, without a prayer, pillaged coal mines and waterfalls for light, festooning the great nature-severed city with diamonds of frozen electrical phenomena─ it fascinated me, the Asian man, and in it I saw not Milton's Satan, but the one of Blake.


13. And New York's rebellion called to me excitedly, this savagery which piled great concrete block on concrete block, topping at the last moment as in an afterthought, with crowns as delicate as pinnacled ice; this lavishness which, without a prayer, pillaged coal mines and waterfalls for light, festooning the great nature-severed city with diamonds of frozen electrical phenomena― it fascinated me, the Asian man, and in it I saw not Milton's Satan, but the one of Blake.


14. frozen在线翻译

14. The part of a glacier resembling a frozen waterfall that flows down a steep slope.


15. Sometimes, people's nose can frozen red and when people say words you can see fog.


16. Results:The EP group had higher fallopian tube diseases history than control group, 76% and 43% respectively; EP patients treated by ICSI were more than those by IVF(χ2=4.11, P.05EP patients after frozen embryo transfer were more than those after fresh embryo t...



17. High temperature glasses are frozen rapidly and therefore are more homogeneous, leading to a lower scattering loss.


18. When I first pasted the frozen photos here I did not know it would be so complicated case.


19. Chinatown in Manhattan, a supermarket owner, said the trip on the 19th, sold most of the fresh vegetables are planted in the United States, yams, dry, lines, and silk, canned bamboo shoots, Frozen soup and other products were mostly imported from China.


20. The researches on preparing techniques for 3 kinds of frozen dishes with Chinese style i. e.

本文简要介绍 3种中式菜肴即青椒肉丝、粉蒸肉和干扁四季豆的冷冻调理技术方面的研究。

frozen 词典解释


2. (地面)冰冻的,冻硬的

If the ground is frozen it has become very hard because the weather is very cold.


e.g. It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard.


e.g. ...the frozen bleakness of the Far North.


3. (食物)冷冻的

Frozen food has been preserved by being kept at a very low temperature.


e.g. Frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food.


e.g. ...frozen desserts like ice cream.


4. (人或身体某部位)冻坏的,冻僵的

If you say that you are frozen, or a part of your body is frozen, you are emphasizing that you feel very cold.

e.g. He put one hand up to his frozen face...


e.g. I'm frozen to the bone out here.


5. (因非常担心、害怕等而)呆若木鸡的,一动不动的

If you describe someone as frozen, you mean that their body is fixed in a particular position, for example because they are very worried or afraid.

e.g. One boy, aged about 11, looks frozen with fright...

一个大约 11 岁的男孩吓得一动不动。

e.g. Katherine was frozen in horror.


frozen 单语例句frozen

1. Residents will be allowed to buy up to 10 kilograms of frozen pork or beef, according to the report.

2. A mouse used for cloning had been preserved at - 20 C, a temperature similar to frozen ground.

3. Lai persuaded Li to lend her money so she could activate her frozen bank account.

4. China has raised the reserve ratios for banks nine times since last year, and 3 trillion yuan of banks'capital has been frozen as a result.

5. Trillions of yuan of capital may have been frozen in subscription for the initial public offering shares of China Railway Engineering Corporation.

6. The most beautiful feature of the ice park is probably the " natural " frozen waterfall dripping down from the dam wall behind the carnival tent.

7. Fishermen on frozen Chagan Lake in Jilin province haul in an impressive catch on Thursday at the start of a regional winter festival.

8. As one of the most durable cells in the body, sperm can maintain potency even if frozen for a decade or two.

9. I can use a fork to eat meatballs, pierce frozen dinner wraps and even spoon my cereal.

10. Nasser said the pipeline would continue to operate if the consortium pays the royalties frozen in London and pays future revenues directly to Chad's treasury.
