

shale:[英 [ʃeɪl] 美 [ʃel] ]



shale 基本解释


名词[矿]页岩; 泥板岩

shale 网络解释

1. 页岩:由于技术改进和天然气价格的上涨,美国的天然气生产预期将增至24.1万亿立方英尺,其中大部份来自非常规资源,如致密砂岩(tight sands)、页岩(shale)和煤层气(coalbed methane) 等.

2. 板岩:它呈现在人们眼前的是由古生代志留纪的白云岩(dolostone)和它上面的泥板岩(shale)构成的像破布屑一般不齐整的悬崖,大量的水流注在这里,使世界第二大瀑布形成成为可能.

3. 泥板岩:它呈现在人们眼前的是由古生代志留纪的白云岩(dolostone)和它上面的泥板岩(shale)构成的像破布屑一般不齐整的悬崖,大量的水流注在这里,使世界第二大瀑布形成成为可能.

4. shale

4. 工程地质及勘察页岩:2. 工程地质及勘察岩体rock mass | 2. 工程地质及勘察页岩shale | 2. 工程地质及勘察原生矿物primary mineral

shale 双语例句

1. shale的反义词

1. The test results indicated that by using the new type of solidification agent to solidify the waste slurries, the brick could be manufactured successfully with a mix proportion of 30% solidified waste slurries and 70% shale.



2. Then necessity and feasibility of determining clay content and shale content are studied with different logging response curves.


3. As the cementation factor is controlled by pore structure and shale content, first of all, we must make use of core-analysis data and GR or SP to establish the formula that can calculate the cementation factor, and then use the well logging data according to this formula to determine the cementation factor in each reservoir.


4. The synthetic fuels program including coal liquefaction as well as tar sands and oil shale will boost pump sales by hundreds of millions of dollars/yr.


5. U. S. production of common clay and shale declined by 2.1% to 23.2 Mt valued at $129 million.


6. shale的意思

6. The swelling of clay shale is an important problem in many fields, such as road, slope and underground structure.

前 言泥质页岩膨胀是地质工程应用中一个重要问题,它可能引起建筑、道路和地下结构的损坏。


7. As the coal ash is similar in composition to the clay or shale, it can stay in the cement clinker.


8. They were created by hydrothermal processes that are found in black shale clay dating back 120 million years.


9. The principal direction of small-scale movement is from a shale or clay to a sandstone or other permeable bed.


10. shale什么意思

10. It is a finely ground powder made by burning and grinding a limestone mixed with clay or shale.



11. According to core observation and description, many deformation structures with seismite characteristics are recognized within sandstone and shale sedimentary strata of Paleogene continental faulted basin in Yangxin Subsag, such as micro-faults, earthquake fissures, liquefaction sandstone veins, water-escape structure, vibrational liquefaction deformation structure, seismic pillow structure and associated structure, etc. The vertical sequence of seismites in Yangxin Subsag, in ascending order, is underlying unshocked layer, micro-faults layer, autoclastic shattered breccia layer, vibrational liquefaction deformation structure layer, seismic pillow structure and associated structure layer, liquefied homogeneous layer and overlying unshocked layer, which corresponds to different earthquake intensity respectively.


12. Base on core and well log comprehensive analysis and the sensitivity of the slope of reflection strength of seismic attributes to depositional sequence, the sedimentary facies in sand-shale member of Bachu formation of Lower Carboniferous in Tahe oilfield of Tarim basin is studied, identifying flood tidal delta, coastal shoreface sand, lagoon and barrier island etc.


13. In Estonia three types of shale tar have been used as alternatives to anthracene oil or carbolineum.


14. The chlorine log was originally sensitive to shales but a shale-compensated chlorinity log is now available.


15. Therefore, delamination of water body and algal blooming are the main controlling factors in the formation of oil shale.



16. The focal point on the phase diagram of No.1 light gas oil of Fushun shale oil is 39.3 atm.

应用 Edmister 的石油经验图所推算的平衡汽化率或相图焦点,与实验值是有一定偏差的。

17. Can you make this shale shaker work?


18. shale是什么意思

18. Yellow mudstone mainly folder gray-green sandstone and white plaster 7: Gray Yunyan ranging from thick and yellow was interbedded shale, thin sandstone even clip 8: the upper part is yellow and gray mudstone with gypsum, anhydrite was brown, ranging from inter-layer thickness; central part of the mudstone sandstone; lower in limestone, Yunyan mainly folders mudstone and gypsum; 9: In drilling wells by this group at paragraph 2595~2596m, see oil dip and the fluorescent display, for a total display thickness of 43m.

以黄色泥岩为主,夹灰绿色砂岩及灰白色石膏 7:灰色云岩与黄色泥岩呈不等厚互层,偶夹薄层砂岩 8:上部为黄色泥岩与灰白色石膏、褐色硬石膏呈不等厚互层状;中部为泥岩夹砂岩;下部以灰岩、云岩为主,夹泥岩和石膏; 9:在钻经本组时在井段2595~2596m见油气浸及荧光显示,共计显示厚度43m。以上是我在国外工作中遇到的一些问题目,希望网友们帮我译成英语,真心地谢谢

19. On the basis of isotope Sr variation, integrated with lithologic association, authigenic mineral assemblage, sedimentary structure and paleontologic evidence, the Shenglihe oil shale is classified into two major sedimentary environments such as tidal flat one and lagoon one.


20. Lithologic character of Eogene syste is interbedded sandstone and mudstone primarily, including the thin layer oil shale, Neocene- Quaternary system is set of rivers deposits. Based on this, through the reaserch of ateral correlation and distribution characteristics of every structural layers show that: Paleozoic synthem overall thickness of relatively stable. The residual thickness of Mesozoic synthem is difference in the horizontal, Residues in the horizontal thickness of greater difference, to the greatest thickness achieve to 4500m. Eogene syste has obviously fault depression basin deposition characteristic, the thickness of many sags achieve to 3000 m, from Neocene, the stratum crosswise mop tended to be stable.


shale 词典解释

1. 页岩

Shale is smooth soft rock that breaks easily into thin layers.

shale 单语例句

1. Shale gas could thus reduce dependency on OPEC oil and gas while reducing carbon emission.

2. Shale gas exploitation has been gathering steam in China as the nation looks for cleaner energy to cut its carbon emissions and fuel economic growth.

3. Shale gas emits about 45 percent less per unit of energy and could thus help China to reduce its carbon footprint significantly.

4. The year 2011 also saw the consolidation of new developments in shale gas, which many say can be a " game changer ".

5. Shale is a sedimentary rock composed of very small particles of clay, mud and sand.

6. The auctions are part of efforts to boost the production of shale gas, a clean and efficient energy source that is mainly composed of methane.

7. Shale gas is a clean and efficient energy trapped within shale formations.

8. For shale gas, we will concentrate for the next two years on collecting data and doing research.

9. China is at early stage in exploring for shale gas, with so far no commercial production.

10. Oil shale is a sedimentary rock that contains shale oil, considered a substitute for conventional crude oil.

shale 英英释义


1. a sedimentary rock formed by the deposition of successive layers of clay