

evidence:[英 [ˈevɪdəns] 美 [ˈɛvɪdəns] ]


过去式:evidenced;   过去分词:evidenced;   现在分词:evidencing;   复数形式:evidences;

evidence 基本解释

名词证据; 迹象; 证词; 明显

及物动词表明; 使明显; 显示; 证实


evidence 相关词组

1. in evidence : 明显;

2. turn Queens evidence : 供出对同案犯不利的证据;

evidence 相关例句


1. evidence的翻译

1. The police have evidence that the killer was an old woman.



1. He was punished for giving false evidence.


2. There are evidences that somebody has been living here.


3. The evidence is very shaky.


4. A smile gives evidence of her consent.


evidence 双语例句

1. Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.


2. But now there's evidence that those colors may be more than just marketing gimmicks.


3. In his litigation of claiming the hospital for compensation, the medical identification---the misdiagnosis and the wrong treatments didn`t constitute medical blunders---made by the Medical Association would not be adopted by the court because the staff constitution of the identification group was not compliable. This non-adoption upgraded the status of the other evidence helpful for xxx. But in this favorable situation, xxx`s lawyer took advantage of the ignorance of xxx, convincing him to remove the litigation. As medical institutions have a powerful force in society, and they can affect many aspects of the social life, lawing medical institutions not only consume time and energy, but also would brought adverse effects to his career.


4. Adoption studies provide more evidence of a genetic link to ADHD: biological relatives of children with ADHD have a higher chance of having ADHD than adoptive relatives of children with ADHD.


5. evidence的反义词

5. There'd be evidence of discoloration.


6. evidence

6. Ethic intermarriage is an important content to study the national relationship as well as a strung evidence to prove the reasonable effective movement of the nationality policy in our country, which has not only reflected different national groups'acceptting nod approvaling to the different cultures, but also has reflected objectively that national relationship is going well.


7. Evidence of potential fraud already has surfaced.


8. evidence在线翻译

8. N Adequacy is a property of evidence, and one of the types of absolute evidence that Husserl identifies.


9. But, he says, there is not enough evidence to just find justify measuring these in everybody.


10. Coconut oil that has been kept at room temperature for a year has been tested for rancidity, and showed no evidence of it.


11. If nothing else has tipped you offyet, that switch from donkey to'ass'should be evidence enough that Oliphant is not really worried about epizootics


12. evidence的意思

12. If nothing else have tipped you off①yet, those switch from donkey to'ass'have to be evidence full those Oliphant is not really worried about epizootics.



13. While there is a little evidence to suggest that cocoa is a mild aphrodisiac, chocolate contains over 300 different chemical compounds.


14. There was no evidence of human-to-human transmission in those cases.


15. To date, Chinese authorities say they have found no evidence of human-to-human transmission.


16. evidence在线翻译

16. Even in Britain, there is no evidence that transmission has ever occurred through vaccines


17. The World Health Organisation said there was no evidence of transmission between humans in all three cases.


18. The best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands, islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle, are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, most geologists contend, is the upper mantle.


19. The best evidence for the layered mantlethesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands, islands believed to result from mantle plumesarising from the lower mantle, are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, most geologists contend, is the upper mantle.


20. The best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands, islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle, are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, mostgeologists contend, is the upper mantle.


evidence 词典解释

1. 证据;佐证;根据

Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened.

e.g. Ganley said he'd seen no evidence of widespread fraud...


e.g. There is a lot of evidence that stress is partly responsible for disease...


2. (法庭上的)证据,证物,证词

Evidence is the information which is used in a court of law to try to prove something. Evidence is obtained from documents, objects, or witnesses.


e.g. The evidence against him was purely circumstantial.


e.g. ...enough evidence for a successful prosecution.


3. (在法庭上)提供证据,作证

If you give evidence in a court of law or an official enquiry, you officially say what you know about people or events, or describe an occasion at which you were present.

e.g. The forensic scientists who carried out the original tests will be called to give evidence...


e.g. Cabin crew have been giving evidence at the M1 aircrash enquiry.


4. 证明;表明;显示

If a particular feeling, ability, or attitude is evidenced by something or someone, it is seen or felt.

e.g. He's wise in other ways too, as evidenced by his reason for switching from tennis to golf...


e.g. She was not calculating and evidenced no specific interest in money.


5. 显眼;显而易见

If someone or something is in evidence, they are present and can be clearly seen.

e.g. Few soldiers were in evidence...


e.g. Poverty and bad housing conditions are still very much in evidence.


evidence 单语例句

1. Tu's father claimed Wang had lit the fire with his cigarette butt, but the court rejected this after reviewing evidence from fire authorities.

2. Elkins secured a discarded cigarette butt from Earl Gene Mann, and DNA on it matched evidence found at the crime scene.

3. This is by no means evidence that RCSC has any problem in the management and use of the charity donations it has received.

4. There is emerging evidence that cancer tumors are started and sustained by a small group of cancer cells - cancer stem cells.

5. The evidence that she is after her husband's old White House job grows stronger by the day.

6. The Phoenix team also is on the hunt for evidence of minerals affected by water.

7. Hui reported the case to police on May 8 but lack of evidence meant no action was taken.

8. Cai said as irrefutable evidence for the atrocities of the invading Japanese army, the site is a mirror of history and a warning to the future.

9. She referred to the declaration by the participating countries of the 1943 Cairo Conference as evidence in the matter.

10. Steele responded by reading sections of the California vehicle code to them and reminding jurors that they could only consider evidence introduced during the trial.

evidence的意思evidence 英英释义


1. your basis for belief or disbelief

knowledge on which to base belief

e.g. the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling

Synonym: grounds

2. an indication that makes something evident

e.g. his trembling was evidence of his fear

3. (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved


1. provide evidence for

stand as proof of

show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes

e.g. His high fever attested to his illness

The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication

This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness

Synonym: attestcertifymanifestdemonstrate

2. give evidence

e.g. he was telling on all his former colleague

Synonym: tell

3. provide evidence for

e.g. The blood test showed that he was the father

Her behavior testified to her incompetence

Synonym: testifybear witnessproveshow