

sternum:[英 [ˈstɜ:nəm] 美 [ˈstɜ:rnəm] ]



sternum 基本解释


sternum 网络解释

1. 胸骨:(二) 胸骨(sternum)是1块扁骨,浅居胸前壁正中皮下,自上而下可分为胸骨柄、胸骨体和剑突三部分. (三)肋(ribs)由肋骨和肋软件组成,共12对. 肋骨为细长的弓形扁骨, 分为体和前、后两端. 后端膨大,称肋头,有关节面与相应胸椎的肋凹相关节.

2. sternum

2. 腹板:各体节的骨化区,依其所在的体面分别命名为:背板(tergum)、腹板(sternum)和侧板(pleuron). 骨板常在适当的部分向里褶陷,称为沟(suLcus),由沟可将骨板划分为若干小片,称为骨片(sclerite),按其所在骨板,

3. [解]胸骨, 胸片, 胸板:devil 魔鬼, 恶棍 | sternum [解]胸骨, 胸片, 胸板 | fuor (木工)补强板条

4. 胸骨;腹 ;腹板:sterility 不育性 | sternum 胸骨;腹 ;腹板 | steroid 类固醇,甾类,甾族化合物

sternum 双语例句


1. No patient required reexploration for mediastinitis and no patient had an unstable sternum.


2. The skeletal system was divided into 13 regions: skull, sternum, clavicle, cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, sacrum, ribs, pelvic bone, scapula, humerus, femur, and tibia/fibula.


3. Objective: To study the relationship between content of lipid in bone marrow of sternum and postmortem interval.


4. The needle was inserted from left oblique of exposed xiphisternum, which was at the sagittal plane area of lateral margin of left sternum with depth of 2 cm. When blood returning was found, the needle tube was pumpback with a relative uniform motion, it was better to obtain 5 mL of blood within 25-35 s.

首先暴露皮下胸骨剑突,然后从胸骨剑突左侧斜行入针,入针的路线在胸骨左侧缘矢状面上,深度大约2 cm为敏感采血深度,当见到针管有血液进入后,缓慢回抽针管,速度尽量保持均匀,5 mL血液一般用25~35 s的时间采完为宜。

5. Diagnosis: The first Mesozoic bird found in Hebei Provicne. Different from Confuciusornis by smaller size, sharp teeth, well-developed sternum, carpometacarpus unfused and three wing claws present.


6. Hypalon main compartment/Waterproof gusset/Adjustable flap/Camera pocket with key-ring /- Flapped document pocket/Water pouch compartment/Reinforced ski-holders/FPP ice axe holder /- Equipment carrier on waistband/Sternum strap.


7. The typical angina is located at the left of the sternum or precordium. The range of pain is fist size, and can radiate to left shoulder and back.

部位 典型的心绞痛位于胸骨区或心前区,有手掌大小范围,可向左肩背部放散。

8. The pain is usually greatest in the central precordium and may be demonstrated by the patient placing a clenched fist over the center of the sternum.


9. sternum是什么意思

9. The pain is usually greatest in the central precordium and may be demo trated by the patient placing a clenched fist over the center of the sternum.


10. A third major problem is the lack of a sternum.



11. Floating ribs are not connected with the sternum; a floating kidney.


12. Methods 140 patients were divided into experiment group(70 patients) and control group(also 70 patients) in random. In the experiment group we anesthetize, in infiltrating manner, the par laryngea pharynges by 2% lidocaine before intubation, and elevate the head when the gastric canal was inserted 10~15 cm and make sure the mandible close to sternum to augment to radian of the par laryngea pharynges. In control group we adopted the traditional manner.

将140例患者随机分为试验组和对照组各70例,试验组采用置管前使用2%利多卡因行咽喉部黏膜浸润麻醉,胃管插入10~15 cm时抬起头部使下颌骨贴近胸骨增大咽喉部弧度将胃管经口置入,对照组采用传统经口置入。

13. Methods 140 patients were divided into experiment group(70 patients) and control group(also 70 patients) in random. in the experiment group we anesthetize, in infiltrating manner, the par laryngea pharynges by 2% lidocaine before intubation, and elevate the head when the gastric canal was inserted 10~15 cm and make sure the mandible close to sternum to augment to radian of the par laryngea pharynges. in control group we adopted the traditional manner.

将140例患者随机分为试验组和对照组各70例,试验组采用置管前使用2%利多卡因行咽喉部黏膜浸润麻醉,胃管插入10~15 cm时抬起头部使下颌骨贴近胸骨增大咽喉部弧度将胃管经口置入,对照组采用传统经口置入。结果试验组一次插管成功率94.1%,对照组78.5%,p.01。


14. Is mainly manifested in the growth of bone lesions, muscle relaxation and nerve excitability changes, such as bowel, distress, night crying, disturbed sleep, sweat and more appear to stimulate the occipital scalp and shaking his head bald and so on, the disease will be heavier emergence of a tooth late, the former increased fontanelle, soft or deformed skull, deformed sternum, legs deformation (bandy legs, X-type legs) and so on.


15. Investigation section:Left ventricular long axis, Large-artery short axis, Four cavity heart[Beside sternum, apex of heart, examine arch of aorta in Suprasternal Fossa prorenata].


16. The objective and accurate methods of bone age estimation will be constructed with the application of computerized medical imaging and graphics and intellectual technique. The bone age estimation used the sternum, clavicle and pubic bone in adult and the methods need deeply research for better bone age estimated result. This article the present situation and research progress of bone age estimation with X-ray plate were summarized.


17. Of or relating to or near the sternum.


18. These ladies know that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his sternum.


19. Dont Choke On Thy Sternum Strap This webbing and buckle connect the two shoulder straps, guiding where the pressure falls on your shoulders.



20. Lift the top of your sternum as high as you can, but take care not to lift your head so far that you compress the back of your neck.


sternum 词典解释

1. 胸骨

Your sternum is the long flat bone which goes from your throat to the bottom of your ribs and to which your ribs are attached.

sternum 单语例句sternum什么意思

1. Chen suffers from " pentalogy of Cantrell, " with complex series of defects including congenital heart disease and sternum abnormalities.

2. The doctor said if the chief executive had been struck on the sternum his injuries could have been more serious.

sternum的反义词sternum 英英释义


1. the flat bone that articulates with the clavicles and the first seven pairs of ribs

Synonym: breastbone