

plead:[英 [pli:d] 美 [plid] ]


过去式:pleaded;   过去分词:pleaded;   现在分词:pleading;

plead 基本解释

不及物动词恳求; 辩论

及物动词以…为理由; 陈述案情; 申辩,认罪,辩护


plead 相关例句


1. He pleaded illness as the reason for his absence.


2. He pleaded guilty.


3. The boy pleaded innocence and said he had not stolen the fruit.



1. The boy pleaded for mercy.


2. plead在线翻译

2. I heard him plead in court only once.


plead 网络解释

1. plead

1. 恳求:来到黑瓦公司,佐伊向办公室服务员表明自己的来意,但对方说海伦娜不在这里,让她明天再来,信以为真的佐伊正准备离开,前方屏幕突然显示一名女子被关押着,佐伊猜测服务员在撒谎,于是恳求(Plead)她寻找一下是否有海伦娜留下的公文包,

2. 抗辩:其中respondent和suitor往往指婚姻案中的原被告,而corespondent 指的是第三者,原告和被告统称为诉讼当事人(litigant),原告对被告的动作叫做起诉(accuse/ prosecute),被告在法庭可以进行抗辩(plead).

3. 辩护:/pick (拾取) | /plead (辩护) | /point (指向)

4. 申诉,辩护:plaintiff(民事)原告 | plead申诉,辩护 | probation缓刑.察看

plead 双语例句

1. plead

1. Far from fleeing a tyrant, MacDonald had in fact had to plead with a concerned captain of the Plymouth, a whaler out of Sag Harbour, New York, to be put down in the waters near Japan.



2. I don't come here to plead for him.


3. He had an impulse to kneel and plead for forgiveness. But a bitterer red anger burned up to fury in him.


4. When mammary development when, should special attention mammary hygiene, prevent a breast to be bumped, extruding; Notice Morpheus pose, unfavorable Fu lies, advocate lie on one's back; Often do a few breasts that accord with healthy demand to plead to massage (take everyday lie on one's back maintain with left hand hold left breast bottom in the palm, use right hand palm and left hand to exert oneself to do sth. relatively at the same time, plead to tit direction join forces 2030 one, apply same method to hold in the palm again next push on the right side of breast Become position of a few handstand appropriately, or often make a few copies exercise a movement; Adorn brassiere is very important in time, not constrained just use brassiere to much old age, want mammary development to fold the lower edge of place to exceed 10 centimeters instead to pectoral wall skin to the tit only, answer to adorn at any time, in case the breast is overweight cause farther prolapse.


5. I cannot plead innocence for having been the first to call for quality labor, but not for this kind of work.


6. plead的意思

6. The boy plead ed innocence and said he had not stolen the fruit.



7. The boy plead innocence and say he have not steal the fruit.



8. The bleeding captive plead his innocence, and pointed to Christianity who stood weeping at the cross.


9. Though most business schools plead innocence over the crisis, they acknowledge the perception that their MBA graduates are seen as part of the problem.


10. Nobody can plead innocence, because nobody can plead ignorance.



11. Section 29(2) thereof, however, provides for the circumstances under which a Candidate may plead innocence for acts done by his agent.

惟该条例第29(2)条亦指出在某些情况8tt§t8.com 下,候选人可就其代理人的行动请求宽免。

12. He refused to plead guilty of their charges, or to be catechized by them.


13. Then, in reply to the charge of intolerance, it may be said that if this be taken to mean an honest and sincere repudiation of Liberalism and Rationalism, infallibilists must plead guilty to the charge; but in doing so they are in good company.


14. Initially charged with five felonies, Ainley was now allowed to plead to two misdemeanors.


15. So i plead with you to look at this.


16. plead

16. So, I want to give you a chance to plead this sentence down.


17. plead

17. And he said, I plead to you, show me your glory.


18. Your friends all plead for you to stay.


19. She had been transformed from a frivolous childish beauty into a woman, strong to argue her own cause and plead her own defence.


20. Article 198 Any interested parties shall plead the people`s court for asserting their claims within the time limit of a public summon.


plead 词典解释

1. 恳求;请求

If you plead with someone to do something, you ask them in an intense, emotional way to do it.


e.g. The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home...


e.g. He was kneeling on the floor pleading for mercy...


2. 作(有罪或无罪的)答辩

When someone charged with a crime pleads guilty or not guilty in a court of law, they officially state that they are guilty or not guilty of the crime.

e.g. Morris had pleaded guilty to robbery.


3. 为…辩护;维护;声援

If you plead the case or cause of someone or something, you speak out in their support or defence.

e.g. He appeared before the Committee to plead his case...


e.g. He would plead the cause of Russian unity.


4. 提出…为理由;把…作为借口

If you plead a particular thing as the reason for doing or not doing something, you give it as your excuse.

e.g. Mr Burke, pleading poverty, changed his mind...


e.g. Mr Giles pleads ignorance as his excuse...


plead 单语例句plead的意思

1. He got a call from Uribe after going on national television to plead for help.

2. The animal rights activist told NZPA he " rescued " the hens from Turks farm in November 2006 and indicated he would plead not guilty.

3. But the paper said it could not be determined to which charge he would plead guilty.

4. The judge said Tsang had refused to plead guilty and did not show remorse, and his only motive for the crime was earning money.

5. Milosevic refused to plead to the war crimes charges against him at the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia on Tuesday.

6. It is indeed ridiculous for power companies earning huge profits to plead deficit and threaten to ration electricity supply this summer.

7. We sincerely plead that female students resist the illusory temptations and male students don't use up your future happiness on ephemeral and shallow pleasures.

8. Under Alabama law, capital murder defendants must be tried before a jury even if they plead guilty.

9. Her father Franco spoke on Italian television on Saturday to plead for her release.

10. Shania Twain's alleged stalker interrupted her testimony at his trial on Sept 29, 2011 to declare he would plead guilty.

pleadplead 英英释义


1. appeal or request earnestly

e.g. I pleaded with him to stop

2. enter a plea, as in courts of law

e.g. She pleaded not guilty

3. offer as an excuse or plea

e.g. She was pleading insanity

4. make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts