

fictional:[英 [ˈfɪkʃənl] 美 [ ˈfɪkʃənl:] ]


fictional 基本解释

形容词虚构的; 小说的

fictional 反义词



fictional 网络解释

1. 小说的,幻想的:fictionist 小说家 | fictional 小说的,幻想的 | fictionalize 把......编成小说,使小说化

2. 虚构的; 小说的 (形):fiction 小说, 法律的拟制, 虚构的故事 (名) | fictional 虚构的; 小说的 (形) | fictionalize 使小说化; 把...编成小说 (动)

fictional 双语例句

1. fictional

1. Iˇm not sure whether it was Wang Xiaoshuai or Zhang Yuan who first had the idea of intercutting fictional and documentary material in Mama, but that was an important innovation too.


2. A fictional Buddhist realm into a local real name, so that the local rivers and mountains shrouded in a mysterious religious overtones.


3. In this double-decker concoction, a wealthy woman dabbles in blue-collar passion, even as her lover regales her with a series of science-fictional parables.



4. Though he kept many of the events oftheir lives, and his father'S actual WOrds and habitsof speech, neither the ludicrous but fundamentallvbenign Micawbers, nor David's charming butchildish m0er-the mother of Dickens's earliestmemories-are responsible for llis sufferin9, butthe wholly fictional step. father and step-aunt Mrand Miss Murdstone.


5. Todd Lapin founded Telstar Logistics, a fictional company whose name and mark is used to gain access to places most of us couldn't reach.



6. I assure you that the person on whom Gilderoy was modelled was even more objectionable than his fictional counterpart.


7. These fictional aircraft have been independently created and the aircraft share nothing but a name, although it has also often even been given the NATO reporting name Finback.


8. fictional是什么意思

8. On the other hand, lexical, discoursal and stylistical differences also exist between CMEN and RLC owing to the topic of CMEN as fictional English. This paper can provide corpus-based statistic materials for future teaching and book compile ti n.


9. It is concluded that CMEN is a specific register combining the characteristics of oral English and fictional English together. Due t t ic oval medium of CMEN, there are lexical, discoursal and stylistical similarities between CMEN and RLC.


10. His fictional accounts of the shenanigans in representative offices rang all too true.


11. fictional的解释

11. Novels and news reports wereneither clearly factual nor clearly fictional: our own sharp discriminations between these categories simply did not apply.


12. fictional的解释

12. Oh, and he's fictional.


13. He's fictional but you can't have everything.


14. The epic is set in the year 2154 on Pandora, a fictional Earth-like moon in a distant planetary system.


15. There are two wallet badges with the picture-identifications of two fictional detectives from the radio and television show Dragnet.


16. Despite the plain evidence, some people in the media tried to push the possibility that the action was a real-life version of Wag the Dog, a movie in which a fictional President starts a made-for-TV war to distract public attention from his personal problems.


17. In Rowling's fictional reality, there is no Other Place and Time.



18. After almost five years, since the superb campaign'The Adventures of Robin Hood'by Gregory Koteles, you can witness another great fictional adventure about the most famous outlaw of all times that made it to the best of AoK.

终于等到了……自从 Gregory Koteles 在差不多五年前推出一流作品《罗宾汉冒险记》后,今天你终于可以在 AoKH 见证到有史以来最有名之义贼的另一次冒险。


19. In the form of narration, some changes have taken place, they use curtail scene and detail depiction, besides summary and abbreviation With intricate details, they embody more doughtier fictional consciousness than pre-Tang fantasies, showing original legendary consciousness.


20. The fictional tale of land expropriation and eviction seemed to cut too close to the bone.


fictional 词典解释

1. 虚构的;非真实的

Fictional characters or events occur only in stories, plays, or films and never actually existed or happened.


e.g. It is drama featuring fictional characters...


e.g. Ulverton is a fictional village on the Wessex Downs.


fictional 单语例句fictional什么意思

1. She is not a soap opera junkie, but just knows the secret to christening fictional individuals by way of association.

2. The word is a homonym for " burning ", suggesting that people will burn with passion when they see this type of fictional character.

3. A circular from the SFDA said the advertisements lied about or exaggerated the efficacy of the products and used fictional consumers in promotions.

4. The gang mirrored the group in the fictional book and film A Clockwork Orange.

5. It's a fictional story set in an imaginary castle in Rome, where angels and demons coexist.

6. It has got to a point where even New York Times columnist Frank Rich regards him almost as a fictional character.

7. The fictional King Solomon's Mines held a treasure of gold and diamonds, but archaeologists say the real mines may have supplied the ancient king with copper.

8. Meng said because the fictional women are so romanticized in China any definite judgment about them is treated as a profanity.

9. So diehard fans of the fictional sleuth may be disappointed if they met Wu Guoqing, the famed detective known as " China's Sherlock Holmes ".

10. But a few of them are inclined to present a picture more fictional than factual.

fictional 英英释义


1. formed or conceived by the imagination

e.g. a fabricated excuse for his absence

a fancied wrong

a fictional character

Synonym: fabricatedfanciedfictitious

2. related to or involving literary fiction

e.g. clever fictional devices

a fictional treatment of the train robbery