

caudal:[英 ['kɔ:dl] 美 ['kɔ:dəl] ]


caudal 基本解释


caudal 网络解释

1. 尾的,尾侧的:catoptroscope 返光检查器 | caudal 尾的,尾侧的 | caudal knot 尾结

2. 尾部:cattishness 敏捷 | caudal 尾部 | caudate 有尾的

3. caudal的近义词

3. [尾侧]:?Cranial[头侧] | ?Caudal[尾侧] | ?anterior[前]

caudal 双语例句

1. Caudal peduncle of Mary River cod is shorter and the pelvic fins are longer than in Murray cod.


2. From May to August in 2000, in Xiangshang Bay, Ningbo, Zhejiang province, the net-cage cultured large yellow croaker occurred infection diseases, the infected fish showed two types of main symptoms: one type, the skin festered and the caudal fin rotted; the other type, the infected fish was anorexia, its stomach and intestine were empty, and the end intestine was full of yellow mucus.


3. It was only in the last few years that advances were made for the work of identification of pain-sensitive cells in the caudal part of SNT.



4. FLN densely distributed not only in the Ⅰ、Ⅱ layers of trigeminal caudal nucleus, but also in interpolar nucleus, oral nucleus, main sensory and body cerebral cortex. FLN were also seen in the nucleus associated with pain regulation such as parabrachial nucleus and nucleus of solitary tract.

FLN除了密集分布在三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核(nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve,caudal part,sp5c的Ⅰ、Ⅱ层外,极间核、口核、感觉主核、躯体感觉皮层等可见FLN的表达;臂旁核、室旁核、中央杏仁核等与痛调节有关的内脏中继核团亦可见FLN的表达。

5. On the radiographs above, the end of the fractured right humerus is seen separated from the end of the bone and elbow joint. In addition, the right distal humerus has pushed to the right side in caudal-cranial view.

在上面图示的 X 光片上,我们可以发现骨折右上膊骨的远端末端生长板的部位和肘关节的骨头分离开,另外从尾头照的 X 光,尚可看到上膊骨远端的右侧出现移位推往右侧方。

6. Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of continuous caudal anesthesia in pedooperation.

目的 观察连续骶管麻醉在小儿脐以下手术中的应用效果。

7. Another characteristic is the presence of large black spots on the back and on both lobes of the caudal fin.


8. At the caudal pole of the left kidney, search for evidence of a left ovary.


9. The percent of OPS at end of the surgery in caudal groups was higher than the control groups.


10. Relating to the caudal end of the body in quadrupeds or the dorsal side in human beings and other primate s.


11. OBJECTIVE: To observe homing and differentiation of BMSCs via caudal vein transplantation in acute hepatic injury rats.


12. caudal

12. ATP level was high (63%) in the caudal muscle which moves hard.


13. The pelvic nerve of inferior hypogastric plexus originated from the most caudal root of the pelvic splanchnic nerve, running along the surface of the levator ani and passing laterally around the vagina and rectum to enter the sphincter musculature at the 5-o'clock and 7-o'clock positions. 7l.4% of specimens were found intrapelvic branches which were given by pudendal nerve. Before leaving the pudendal canal, pudendal nerve gave an intrapelvic branch that passed the levator ani and accompanied with pelvic nerve to innervate the sphincter when it approached the sphincter. The distance between these intrapelvic branches and the level of the bladder neck was about (12.6±1.6)mm.


14. caudal的翻译

14. Based on motion similarity of microrobot drive fin and fish caudal fin, this paper discusses fish muscle hydrodynamics, and analyzes propulsion force produced by biomimetic fish-like drive fin.


15. Therefore, the heterogeneous tissue engineered vessel material from acellular caudal artery of Wistar rats can be used in blood vessel transplantation.


16. In the caudal artery of Wistar rat, the expression of α-Gal is higher than that in the central artery of Japanese white rabbit.


17. Finally, this paper analyzes how to improve propulsive efficiency from the viewpoint of structure design of the caudal fin propulsor.


18. He is sweating and strenuously panting while Skywalker puts his hand on Po`s caudal vertebra then moves it upward along the chine.


19. caudal的翻译

19. Vatica guangxiensis and Altingia andersonii are dominant tree species of the upper layer in the community, which can be divided into A, B, C, D, E layers. and is mainly charactered by evergreen megaphaenerophytes and mesophaenerophytes with simple, chartaceous, entire, caudal mesophyll leaves. There are a lot of wooden lianas and epiphytes between layers.


20. Barrington's nucleus that located in the pontine dorsolateral tegmentum is an important site for controlling voiding in the mammalian brain and is often referred to as pontine micturition center. Barrington's nucleus sends direct projection fibers to the sacral parasympathetic nucleus in which parasympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating detrusor muscles of the bladder are distributed. Electron or chemical stimulation of Barrington's nucleus clicits bladder contraction and increases discharges of bladder postganglionic nerve. Conversely, lesion of the nucleus results in a permanent inability to empty the bladder. On the other hand, an area located just ventral to Barrington's nucleu has been reported to send projection fibers to the ventrolateral group of Onuf's nucleus in the caudal lumbar cord segments; the vetrolateral group of Onuf's nucleus is mainly composed of pudendal motor neurons innervating the external urethral sphincter muscle.


caudal 单语例句

1. The paleontologists cannot explain functions of small holes found in the caudal vertebrae, located on near the tail joint.

caudal是什么意思caudal 英英释义


1. situated in or directed toward the part of the body from which the tail arises

e.g. caudal fins

the caudal end of the body

2. resembling a tail

Synonym: taillike

3. constituting or relating to a tail

e.g. caudal appendage


1. toward the posterior end of the body

Synonym: caudally