

biochemistry:[英 [ˌbaɪəʊˈkemɪstri] 美 [ˌbaɪoʊˈkemɪstri] ]



biochemistry 基本解释

名词生物化学; 生物化学成份

biochemistry 网络解释

1. 生化学:几点技术面的东西可能还是得略要提一下,一个是故事中止痛剂的用法似乎有些问题,另一个是生化学(biochemistry)的范围一般著眼於分子层面,属於基础科学,所谓的人-机介面相关科技似乎不属於此,后者应当是连结多种基础学科的应用科学才是.

2. biochemistry的近义词

2. 生化:我想报考生物类的专业,但不清楚科大生物(Biology)与生化(Biochemistry)的区别何在?有了解的学生帮忙回答这个问题吗?谢谢 [CR]

3. 生物化学系:庄博宇教育顾问在申请大学时,进入了UC Berkeley 和UC Davis的生物化学系 (Biochemistry). 杰出的表现,他不仅获得UC加大学术性质 (merit-based) 的奖学金,更得到许多竞争激烈的全国奖学金和医学研究中心所提供的奖学金. 庄博宇在荣誉毕业后,

biochemistry 双语例句

1. Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA.


2. Biochemistry is an advanced subject with a lot of knowledge to be understood and recited, which is one of curriculum hard to both teaching and studying in the field of life sciences.



3. It offers postgraduate courses such as cellular pathology, hematology, immunology, medical microbiology; and undergraduate courses such as applied biochemistry and molecular biology, conservation biology, and applied microbiology.


4. The Journal provides a forum for work on the biochemistry, physiology, behaviour, and genetics of marine plants and animals in relation to their ecology; all levels of biological organization will be considered, including studies of ecosystems and ecological modelling.


5. Experiment Center of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, Jilin, China

作者:作者:李俐张家颖刘剑凯杨成君吴山力马颖哲作者单位:吉林大学白求恩医学院生物化学与分子生物学中心,吉林长春 130021 来源:医学期刊/内科学收藏本文章

6. biochemistry的翻译

6. Department of forest sciences is primarily dedicated to education and research in forest sciences including developing forest ecosystem management, improving forecasts of forest growth and yield, designing cost-effective forest regeneration practices, natural resources management, biometeorology, soil microbiology and biochemistry, horticulture and agronomy, animal science.


7. Each of these planets has a different biochemistry and variant life form.


8. Methods: One hundred and sixty SD rats were randomly divided into four groups (40 in each group), and orally given the medicine with doses of 50, 25, or 12.5 g/kg of crude drug, or with bean oil of 0.5%CMC-Na daily for 26 weeks. The physical status (body weight, growth rate and appetite), hematological parameters, blood biochemistry, blood cotting, organ index, and tissue pathological changes of rats were checked in the 13th week, and 26th week of the administration and in four weeks after the stop of the administration.


9. The physical status (body weight, growth rate and appetite), hematological parameters, blood biochemistry, blood cotting, organ index, and tissue pathological changes of rats were checked in the 13th week, and 26th week of the administration and in four weeks after the stop of the administration.


10. The aim was to study the change of physiology and biochemistry of Xinjiang Saussurea involucrata during differentiation.


11. The study aimed to explore the changes and the law of physiology and biochemistry in the rabbits by implanting electronic tags into the neck after feeding a certain stage, and to provide realistic basis for widely applying to animal.


12. Improves the skin gloomily, rough, to do and so on questions astringently rapidly only, including the high-purity laevo - rotatory vitamin C ingredient, may resist the melanin to precipitate, the promotion blood circulation reduction wrinkle, causes the flesh to unfold the youth the gloss, prevents the skin cell to suffer injury the aging, has function which the tight skin eliminates wrinkles by way of biochemistry whitening reduction.


13. In medical biochemistry from the University of Alberta in 1993 and his postdoctoral training at the Harvard Medical School.


14. It is indicated considerable similarity in the system of bioluminescence in earlier research by the comparison physiology and biochemistry of many bioluminescence earthworms. However, recently experiment show the luminescence systems of the enchytraeids Fridericia heliota and Henlea sp. significantly differ from each other and from all luminescence systems of oligochaetes known to date.


15. Nonetheless, the technology continues to evolve with new breakthroughs in optics, biochemistry, and chemical engineering.


16. We used in vivo (1)H MR spectroscopy in subjects with low back pain compared with control subjects to detect alterations in biochemistry in three brain regions associated with pain processing.

我们采用在体(1)H MR 光谱法在腰痛组与对照组中进行比较以观察与疼痛处理相关的三个脑区的生化改变。

17. biochemistry在线翻译

17. Quinine is an early used drug to resist malaria, it is also an extensively used fluorescence reagent in analytical chemistry, biochemistry and medical science. But its detailed study of fluorescence spectra has not been found in the literature.


18. The journal publishes original scientific-technological articles on plant physiology, plant pathology, crop science, genetics, soil science, food technology and animal science, agriclultural chemistry, agricultural implements, agricultural machinery, agroclimatology, agroindustrial technology, agrometeorology, animal nutrition, aviculture, bacteriology, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, botany, climatology, disease bases, ecology, economical and environment impacts, economics, entomology, fertilization, floriculture, forestry, horticultural science, horticulture.


19. This course includes:(1) Introductions of Chemistry, (2) Periodic Table of Elements and Dalton's Atomic Theory, (3) Solids, Liquids, Gases, Plasma, and Solutions (4) Oxidation-Reduction Reactions, (5) Electrochemistry, (6) Organic Chemistry, (7) Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy, (8) Biochemistry.


20. The calorie is the unit usually used for measuring the amount of energy transfer in biochemistry.


biochemistry 词典解释

1. 生物化学

Bio- chemistry is the study of the chemical processes that happen in living things.

2. 生物化学过程

The biochemistry of a living thing is the chemical processes that happen in it or are involved in it.

biochemistry 单语例句

1. The idea " seems by far the most likely " explanation for the function of the appendix, said Brandeis University biochemistry professor Douglas Theobald.

2. He was born in Binyang County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and was a student of biochemistry at Yunnan University.

3. Scientists who are starting to understand the biochemistry of kisses say that saliva increases sex drive.

4. The Metropolitan Police said the biochemistry students working on a DNA project were covered with stab wounds all over their bodies.

5. He graduated from the University of North Carolina with a chemistry degree and earned a doctorate in biochemistry from Northwestern University in 1940.

6. He obtained both a bachelor's and master's degree in biochemistry at the Zhongshan University in 1985 and 1988 respectively.

7. Huge gaps of knowledge about the workings of nutritional biochemistry and body function remain.

8. His older brother Gilbert Chu is a professor and researcher of biochemistry and medicine at Stanford University.

biochemistry的近义词biochemistry 英英释义



1. the organic chemistry of compounds and processes occurring in organisms

the effort to understand biology within the context of chemistry