

incision:[英 [ɪnˈsɪʒn] 美 [ɪnˈsɪʒən] ]



incision 基本解释


incision 相关例句


1. incision在线翻译

1. An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter.


incision 网络解释

1. incision是什么意思

1. 切口:理论上,最理想的进入孔位置是在胫骨外棘(lateral tibial spine)内侧以及胫骨关节面前缘,虽然不同的手术入路都可以到达此处,但是其中一定有一个最直接且对邻近软组织伤害最少的路径,且此路径决定了皮肤切口(incision)的位置.

2. incision的翻译

2. 切口,切开:incinerator 焚化炉 | incision 切口,切开 | incision scissors 切开剪


3. 切割:incised 雕刻的 | incision 切割 | incisive 深刻的

incision 双语例句

1. Surgical incision of the sclerotic coat of the eye.


2. The gloved hand should not come in contact with the skin before the incision is made. For the extremities, a section of sterile stockinette is drawn proximally over the operative field. Then the stockinette is grasped proximally and distally and cut with scissors to uncover the area of the proposed incision. Its cut edges are pulled apart, and the area is covered by a transparent adhesive-coated material.



3. The gloed hand should not come in contact with the skin before the incision is made. For the extremities, a section of sterile stockinette is drawn proximally oer the operatie field. Then the stockinette is grasped proximally and distally and cut with scissors to uncoer the area of the proposed incision. Its cut edges are pulled apart, and the area is coered by a transparent adhesie-coated material.


4. incision的翻译

4. After bleeding sloped, the hemoglobin amount in films or gauzes were measured to determine the hemostatic effect Using a randomized design, one incision in each animal was treated with C-CM membrane, the influence of C-CM film on the growth of bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 27853. Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. Monil lia albicans ATCC 14053)were observed in vitro with solid medium. Rusults: It was observed that C-CM membrane had no toxic effects on surrounding tissue and was slowly degraded after implanted into rat leg muscular porch; The results of hemostatic experiment showed that C-CM film adhered well to incisions.


5. Objective To discuss the clinical effect of the manual small incision cataract sugery.

目的 探讨手法小切口白内障手术硬核碎核技术的临床效果。

6. Stable-nucleus chopping is fit for the management of nucleus with degree IlI or harder and the technique is safe and effective in small incision non-phacoemulsification cataract surgery.


7. AIM: To evaluate the safety of small incision cataract extraction by manual nucleus division and intraocular lens implantation for agerelated cataract to analyze the intraoperative complications and put forward corresponding treatment measures.


8. Objective To discuss tke clinical value of areola of mammary gland incision in resecting breast phymas.

摘要] 目的研究经乳晕切口行乳房肿块切除术的临床应用价值。

9. incision什么意思

9. Results: There were scalp numbness and paraesthesia in 18 cases, incision scar in 9 cases, alopecia in 6 cases, temporal fossa introcession in 4 cases, subcutaneous hematoma in 2 cases, injury of unilateral temple branch of the facial nerve in 2 cases and naso-orbital pachynsis in 1 case.


10. incision

10. After anesthesia was induced, external jugular vein of rats was exposed, and an approximately 0.6 cm incision was made to create hemorrhage. The bleeding areas were blotted by antiseptic gauze. After removing the gauze, the bleeding surfaces were immediately treated with RT-Q aerosol in the RT-Q group, excipient aerosol in the excipient group, 0.15 mL SUNCON medical adhesive in the SUNCON group, or no agent in non-treatment group, respectively. Then, injury surfaces were covered by gauze. In the non-treatment group, bleeding was left to naturally stop.

动物麻醉后于分离的一侧颈外静脉剪一约0.6 cm切口使其出血,并立即以消毒纱布擦拭创面,纱布移开瞬间迅速喷RT-Q气雾剂1次,或附加剂气雾剂1次,或α-氰基丙烯酸酯医用胶0.15 mL,而后覆上纱布,阴性对照组则擦拭创面后直接覆上纱布让其自然止血,记录止血时间,计算出血量(止血后纱布重量-使用前重量)。

11. incision

11. Before and after tentorial incision, the exposed area of petrous apex area and the important microanatomy structure surrounding was measured and photographed.


12. objective:to investigate the present situation and features of infection of incisional wound after sesarean section, so as to find the best method in the diagnosis and prevention of incisional infection. methods:the patients undergoing cesarean section were investigated retrospectively for studying the basic features of incisional infection after operation. results:of 13798 investigated parturients after cesarean section, 96 were found with the infection of incisional wound accounting for 0.7%.the main symptom was distending pain or jumping pain on the site of incision, the emergence time of symptom in major cases(78.13%) was 4 to 7 days after operation. the local therapy including drainage, ultraviolet rays or infrared rays irradiation and ultrashort wave therapy was the main method in concert with antibiotic treatment and support therapy. the antibiotic therapy was changeable, and albumin intromission was the main method in the general support therapy.

目的:了解剖宫产手术切口感染的现状特点,分析其感染原因,便于临床上更好的诊断和预防切口感染。方法:采用回顾性调查方法,研究剖宫产切口感染的基本特征。结果:调查产妇13 798例,其中切口感染96例,感染率0.7%,症状主要表现为切口胀痛、跳痛,78.13%出现在术后4~7天,57例产妇伴有发热,占59.38%;感染后治疗主要是局部治疗配合抗生素治疗、支持治疗,局部治疗以引流、紫外线或红外线照射、超短波疗法为主,抗生素的使用比较混乱,全身支持治疗以输入白蛋白为主。

13. These patients were told that there were three operation methods for them to select. We also told patients the operation-relative informaˉtion such as the site, length and number of operative incision, the degree of damage to body, the complication, the cosˉmetic effect, and the operation cost for each operation ways.


14. incision的解释

14. Objective To explore the effects of granulite mini-incision varicocele high ligation varicoceles clinical.

目的 探讨局麻下小切口精索内静脉高位结扎治疗精索静脉曲张的临床疗效。

15. incision

15. Results: The pathogenesis at first place was placenta residue (32 cases, 44.4%), the secondary was endometritis (15cases, 20.8%), the third was uterus subinvolution ( 12 cases, 16.7%), the rest were adverse healing of uterus incision ( 7cases, 9.7%) and birth canal hematoma (6 cases, 8.3%).


16. incision的翻译

16. Results The causes were rupture of cesarean incision, subinvolution of uterus, retained placenta or decidua, endometritis, serious anemia, and postpartum choriocarcinoma in order.

结果 发病原因依次为子宫切口裂开,子宫复旧不良,胎盘、蜕膜残留,子宫内膜炎,重度贫血,产后绒癌。

17. Results The eyeball distorted, intraocular structure disordered and vision lost severely in 3 eyes. Epithelial plugs were found in superficial layer of stroma and Bowman's layer broke and displaced in three cases. Healing and gap of incision presented 29 days after RK in 1 case. There were incision scar, collagen disarrangement and epithelial island in deep incision more than 2 years following RK in two cases, descent's layer broke in 1 case.



18. The absence of an incision eliminates the risk of hemorrhage and infection.



19. Methods After conjunctival incision. inject 1 ml aneasthetic liquid intothe middle、inner and outer group of orbital fat along the lower orbital wall with the 1ml syringe with 5# a long needle, then released and removed at times orbital fat Results This method has been used in 75 case(females 65, males 1 O), which have obtained satisfied effects after 1-24 moths following up. all lower eyelid bags has been well corrected andhave a natural transition to facial.


20. Meltzer has trimmed the skin of the labium on the right, and is beginning to close the incision with sutures.


incision 词典解释

1. 切口;伤口

An incision is a sharp cut made in something, for example by a surgeon who is operating on a patient.

e.g. The technique involves making a tiny incision in the skin.


incision 单语例句

1. By measuring when the rocks were cooled below a particular temperature, the research team was able to gauge when gorge incision began.

2. For example in the operation to put in material to heighten the nose bridge, the incision is made within the nostrils.

3. So you make the incision, and then you can pick it out.

4. Sharon underwent a tracheotomy earlier this week that created an incision in his windpipe to help wean him off respiratory machines.

5. The highlight of the meal was when he made the first incision and the stuffing would spill out like colorful jewels.

6. Surgeons made a larger incision than normal to ensure that the heart would not be squeezed or touch any part of the womb.

7. French jewellery watch manufacturer Boucheron is well known for its perfect incision technology and top quality gems.

8. So McDonald was fine with his doctor writing on his body where the incision would be.

9. Doctors removed the splint around his ankle and discovered the incision was infected.

10. They could have chosen a tracheostomy, a breathing pipe inserted through an incision in the throat.

incision什么意思incision 英英释义


1. the cutting of or into body tissues or organs (especially by a surgeon as part of an operation)

Synonym: sectionsurgical incision

2. a depression scratched or carved into a surface

Synonym: scratchprickslitdent