

devastating:[英 [ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ] [ˈdevəsteitiŋ] ]


过去式:devastated;   过去分词:devastated;

devastating 基本解释

形容词毁灭性的,灾难性的; 惊人的,可怕的; 迷人的; 强大的

动词毁灭; 彻底破坏( devastate的现在分词); 摧毁


devastating 相关例句


1. devastating在线翻译

1. You look devastating in that new dress.


2. A smouldering cigarette can kindle a devastating bushfire.


3. His jokes were completely devastating.


4. She looks devastating.


devastating 网络解释


1. 毁灭性的:使人们习惯使用Linux,一种无痛苦的体验,而且立即就有回报;第二,此举可以告诉人们,在大多数时间里面,这就是他们所需要的那些功能;第三,这种(Linux)体验的心里效应是非常深奥的,其结果对于微软而言将是毁灭性的(devastating).

2. devastating的翻译

2. 破坏性的:derail 脱轨 | devastating 破坏性的 | drawing 抽签

3. devastating是什么意思

3. 灾难性的:12.surge: 爆发,事态突然扩大. | 13.devastating: 灾难性的. | 14.ringleader: (骚乱、违法活动中的)头目.

4. 破坏性:devanture 蒸锌炉冷凝器 | devastating 破坏性 | developable 可发展的

devastating 双语例句

1. For the future of Chinese society, the environment, and the world, the impact is potentially devastating.


2. However their basic magical attack is devastating as well.


3. He's a tactical nuke of a player: impersonal, cold, and devastating.



4. His lift hook is very devastating.


5. The occupation of Paris would have been devastating to the Allies. The U. S.


6. The matter was at its final stage and the required legislation was about to be tabled in the US Congress for facilitation of the supply, but the devastating earthquake of October 8 last year forced Pakistan to request shelving the plan for the time being and Pakistan requested the US to keep the matter pending.

物质在它的结局阶段,而且必需的立法是有关对于补给的简易化在美国国会中被桌子,但是十月 8 日去年的破坏性地震强迫了巴基斯坦暂时请求搁板计划,而且巴基斯坦请求了美国使物质保持未决定的。

7. devastating

7. Pakistan had made up its mind to buy 75 new F-16 last year. The matter was at its final stage and the required legislation was about to be tabled in the US Congress for facilitation of the supply, but the devastating earthquake of October 8 last year forced Pakistan to request shelving the plan for the time being and Pakistan requested the US to keep the matter pending.


8. The shaking from the devastating 8.1 magnitude earthquake that struck near the Solomon Islands on Sunday at 4:39 p. m. EDT took just shy of 16 minutes to reach Virginia Tech's statewide seismic network, said seismologist Martin Chapman.



9. I know the miscarriage was devastating to my parents, but we were honestly blessed by it.


10. devastating在线翻译

10. Anor was finally able to redeem himself in Warmaster Tsavong Lah's eyes by devastating and conquering the world of Duro.


11. During this very sad and devastating time, my thoughts and prayers go out to all the tulkus, khenpos, lamas, and thousands upon thousands of monks and nuns that were under His Holiness's care.


12. Insurance, a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss, is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium, and can be thought of a guaranteed small loss to prevent a large, possibly devastating loss.


13. This was devastating and it showed on every dissident`s face.


14. Wearing basic padded armour these troops use composite bows and are capable of unleashing devastating volleys of arrows.



15. A bus shelter sustained damage from this devastating storm months ago which located in front of Pangsapuri Polis Taman Nelly Fasa 4, Kolombong, remain in an unattended condition, currently commuters were forced to huddle in the collapsed bus shelters in the rainy days, which is very risky or could be fatal especially to children or students waiting for buses if the roof further fall apart.

在哥隆邦Taman Nelly警察局前的一座巴士站在月前遭受风暴雨的破坏,直到今天该情况没有被处理或维修,导致乘客在雨天被迫蜷缩在倒塌的巴士站里。若有一天该巴士站的遮棚倒塌,这将会非常很危险的事,特别是针对儿童或学生,可能会造成意外致命的发生。

16. In my experience, one of two things happen topoint, the company loses the customer or the customer renegotiates the deal –either of which is devastating to the company and its stock.



17. The cubs were born after the devastating earthquake that hit China's Sichuan P rovince last May.



18. The devastating floods and droughts that imposed a recurrent tax of suffering on the fellahin no longer occur.


19. Eg:Afghanistan was one of seven devastating cat`s-paw wars, all fought in impoverished third world societies, between belligerents backed by either Moscow or Washington.

指令人羡慕得地位,有支配权的,有利可图的地位,常用于sit in the catbird seat中。猫鸟是北美洲的一种鸟,其形状如雀,青灰色,冠和尾布为黑色,鸣声如猫叫。在美国南方看来这种鸟聪明而骄傲,又爱栖息在搞树枝上。

20. Procrastination in and of itself is not a problem - the consequences of procrastination, however, can be devastating.


devastating 词典解释

1. 毁灭性的;极具破坏力的

If you describe something as devastating, you are emphasizing that it is very harmful or damaging.

e.g. The city of Ormac took the full force of the winds and devastating floods...


e.g. Affairs do have a devastating effect on marriages.


2. 令人极为震惊的;使人极度不安的;可怕的

You can use devastating to emphasize that something is very shocking, upsetting, or terrible.


e.g. The diagnosis was devastating. She had cancer.


3. 极其引人注目的;令人印象深刻的

You can use devastating to emphasize that something or someone is very impressive.

e.g. ...a devastating display of galloping and jumping...


e.g. I was devastating, if I do say so myself.



Its advertising is devastatingly successful...


She was charming and devastatingly beautiful too.

她魅力四射,美貌绝伦。devastating 单语例句

1. The final group's action saw Cuba show who was boss with a devastating triple in Reggio Calabria to sit in third spot.

2. Ivory Coast warplanes had earlier executed a devastating raid on a French army camp killing the nine men and wounding 23 others.

3. CANBERRA - Australia Tourism authorities on Monday said international coverage of Queensland's floods is having a devastating affect on the industry.

4. Beijing has vowed to be honest about the casualty figures from the weekend's devastating storms amid mounting skepticism about the true toll of the disaster.

5. Mao assumed the primary responsibility for the " Great Leap Forward " and the central authorities categorically repudiated the devastating " cultural revolution ".

6. And in case it becomes the US'official policy, the chain reaction would be too devastating for the American market to withstand.

7. Police also foiled a potentially devastating attack in March 2004 when they discovered a van packed with powerful chemical explosives parked outside the consulate.

8. New Zealand police confirmed Thursday that 98 people are now known to have died in the devastating earthquake in Christchurch while 226 people remain missing.

9. Chinese insurers acted promptly after the devastating quake by sending emergency teams to serve policyholders, the CIRC said.

10. Medical experts have suggested the government reform the social medical insurance system to better address this devastating public health problem.
