

eddy:[英 [ˈedi] 美 [ˈɛdi] ]


过去式:eddied;   过去分词:eddied;   现在分词:eddying;   复数形式:eddies;

eddy 基本解释




eddy 相关例句


1. The mist eddied round the old house.



1. The car went past in an eddy of dust.


2. The motor car disappeared in eddy of dust.


eddy 网络解释

1. eddy在线翻译

1. 涡流:涡流进气系统的作用效果: 涡流(EDDY)进气系统采用高品质304铝合金研制而成的进气管,具有高密度、抗腐蚀、耐寒、耐热等特X,同时,这空气滤芯使用高密度聚氮酯海绵,具有独特的网型设计帮助引擎获得大进气量效果之余也有效将空气中的尘埃分离过滤.能够有效吸收外来气流,

eddy 双语例句

1. With PC, eddy current sensor and sound card, a vibration signal collecting system was sacredly designed.


2. The technology of non-destructive testing, eddy current testing, virtual instrument and signal processing have been combined in this paper, and then the eddy current testing method for testing the surface crack of steel balls has been put forth.


3. On the basis of the analysis and comparison of some sensors, Eddy Current Sensor is selected, and its equivalent circuit, strength and depth of the eddy current, radial distribution of the current, axile intensity of the magnetic inductorium are all analyzed. The processing circuit of sensors signal is designed. Because of coupling problem of the sensors, differential measurement of sensor is applied.



4. This method is used to solve the eddy current problems of railgun when the velocity of armature is constant.


5. Downstream to Lin vast, Cheonggye eddy whirl, its winding streets of the main gully.



6. Suddenly there came Pieces leisurely, this moonlight, the fluttering of the street plucked string yo-yo, I do not know why, I suddenly remembered that when the plane had just two river from Guilin International Airport when they go to the Guilin bus ride Car audio, then pull the situation of the female voice: the mountains drop of water, winding eddy whirl, then drained out of a Li River; the sea a stone, lift ups and downs, then out of this piece of spectacle.

oVld4c beW0 忽有琴声悠悠传来,将这月色里的小街弹拨的飘飘游游,不知为何,我又突然想起了那刚下飞机时从桂林两江国际机场去到桂林市区时所乘坐的大巴车音响里那牵情的女声:高山上一滴水,曲折潆洄,便流出了一条漓江;大海中一片石,升降沉浮,便化出了这片奇景。

7. Stand on the bridge the distance, lofty blue sky, the bright sun and wind, clear water eddy whirl, green bamboo charming and shady trees, the distance like a huge rock to wear thin air gates open, transparent on three sides of this mountain air, The guests can walk through.


8. Shun Jiang Liu Yang Di Cruise came, we saw Qingfeng Suo-jiang, clear water eddy whirl; Amidst the mist, bamboo vertical shore; pastoral pro-Chui, farmhouse loomed; smoke curl, river Yiyi.


9. eddy的近义词

9. Integrated eddy-current, laser gauge and marking modules


10. This method has the advantages of both FEM and BEM, which can be seen in its engineering applications (such as the 3D eddy current problems in the end region of large turbo-generators).


11. Multi-axis of the vehicle actinomyces actinomyces coil independent control of tension, according to the length of the coil winding, with moving cars Actinomyces tracking, to avoid distortion of the wire a new stress, reduce winding eddy current loss.


12. eddy

12. Waste tires; Eddy Dissipation Model; Probability Density Function model; rice hulls; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Rotary kiln incinerator; oil sludge


13. eddy

13. In particular, flows through the throttling or pressure valve, cross-sectional mutation or rapid-bend of the elbow pipe when the fluid turbulence with these obstacles through the part of the interaction of eddy-current noise, the sound power level vs.

尤其流经节流或降压阀门、截面突变的管道或急骤拐弯的弯头时,湍流与这些阻碍流体通过的部分相互作用产生涡流噪声,其声功率级随流速的变化关系可表示为:△Lw=60lg,若管路设计不当还可以产生空化噪声; 2、再说阀门,带有节流或限压作用的阀门,是液体传输管道中影响最大的噪声源。

14. eddy

14. Both sides after a quarrel finally has found out a compromised solution, is leading his two next to the skin good friend by history Leica, that chatterbox common loquacious donkey (the eddy · ink Philippines) and the critical moment plays the pitiful boots cat (Antonio · class Germany Russ), goes soon the Philippine Austria elegant younger male cousin Asia peduncle which graduates from the school to meet together the kingdom inheritance throne.


15. In this paper, large eddy simulation method, respectively, combined with a simplified four-step reaction mechanism and reaction mechanisms of numerical simulation was carried out, qualitative analysis of the surface mixed layer of methane/air...


16. In this paper, the Boundary Element Method combined with an Electromagnetic Charge Simulation Method is recommended for the solution of 3-D eddy current problems with linear media and arbitrary boundary geometry.


17. The numerical method of large-eddy simulation, the computational method of compressible turbulent flow, parallel cluster, POD method and the statistical analysis method of turbulence are studied, and the parallel program of large-eddy simulation of turbulent jet are obtained.


18. The eddy current proximity switch is composed of exciting winding, detection winding and post process circuit.


19. Sets of metal used in isolation, isolation sets in a sine alternating magnetic field, in line perpendicular to the direction of magnetic induction to the section on the eddy current and converted into heat.


20. About four a-Clock in the Evening, being then within about a League of the Island, I found the Point of the Rocks which occasioned this Disaster, stretching out as is describ'd before to the Southward, and casting off the Current more Southwardly, had of Course made another Eddy to the North, and this I found very strong, but not directly setting the Way my Course lay which was due West, but almost full North.


eddy 词典解释

1. (水或气流的)漩涡,涡流

An eddy is a movement in water or in the air which goes round and round instead of flowing in one continuous direction.

2. 起漩涡;旋转;杂乱无章地移动

To eddy means to move round and round, or to move in a disorganized way.

e.g. The dust whirled and eddied in the sunlight...


e.g. The crowds were eddying into the road.


eddy 单语例句

1. Team manager Eddy Tay Han Chong said all the players had been subject to strict selection procedures.

2. Eddy Curry had 20 points and nine rebounds and Jared Jeffries added 15 points in his first start of the season for host New York.

3. His birth mother named him Eddy, which they took as a sign she wanted him raised in the United States.

4. Eddy suggests that the authorities provide a specific location for the fairs now they are becoming popular.

5. Once the glider left a particular eddy the problems went away, he said.

6. Eddy Curry led the Knicks with 27 points and nine rebounds, while Stephon Marbury added 22 points and had seven rebounds.

7. The Knicks got no closer than seven in the fourth, despite six points apiece from Richardson and Eddy Curry.

8. Eddy Curry led New York with 20 points but finished with five fouls and only two rebounds.

9. Eddy is my smallest, very delicate and needs to be cuddled a lot.

10. A similar device was found Wednesday evening just north of Fenway Park, police spokesman Eddy Chrispin said.

eddy 英英释义


1. a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself

Synonym: twist


1. flow in a circular current, of liquids

Synonym: purlwhirlpoolswirlwhirl