

trainee:[英 [ˌtreɪˈni:] 美 [treˈni] ]



trainee 基本解释

名词受训练的人[动物]; 新兵; 练习生,实习生


trainee 相关例句


1. The teachers are all happy that the trainees have checked out all right.


trainee 网络解释

1. 受训者:Information Agency)特别核准的教育活动的人,例如:交换学人(Exchange Visitor)、受训者(Trainee)、暑期旅行工作(Summer Work-travel)等. 在1992年所公布的草案中规定,提供J-1签证来美研习,研究的美国单位,每年须提交一份报告,

2. trainee什么意思

2. 学员:职位描述: 1、 学员(Trainee)签订培训协议,经培训达到公司要求的,按照签订正式的员工合同. 2、 每周工作五天,周末双休;薪资待遇优厚(目前公司交易员平均工资5000元/月,能力突出者月薪两万以上).


3. 实习生:各项外汇交易的完成都需依靠交易员,交易员是一群反映机敏的专门技术人员,主要包括首席交易员(Chief dealer)、高级交易员(Senior dealer)、交易员(Dealer)、初级交易员(Junior dealer))、实习生(Trainee)和头寸管理员(Position clerk)等.

4. trainee的近义词

4. 培训生:朱云来在威斯康星大学大学获得气象学博士学位,在芝加哥德保罗大学获得会计硕士学位,在芝加哥安达信工作过一段时间,也曾作为培训生(trainee)在纽约的瑞士信贷第一波士顿工作过.

trainee 双语例句

1. When i first came in, it was my first day as a trainee and i met eunhyuk.


2. trainee在线翻译

2. I believe I qualify as a management trainee in your company.


3. trainee的解释

3. Each trainee practices first as guest, then as Reservation Sales Agent.

每一个学员先作客人,后作预订部 5 Minutes 销售文员。

4. The Federation has put in place a graduated test system in order to ensure that each trainee will achieve the best level of attainment.


5. My major is Tourism Management and I think it can help me to be a trainee in the hotel.


6. trainee的解释

6. By volunteering in the kitchen, these young men are learning how to cook. Not sure if the leaves or stalks can be eaten, everything is new for the trainee chefs. Donning their aprons and cleaning the floor, it may be the first time some of these 17-year-olds have picked up a mop.


7. trainee的意思

7. Lahai Koroma, who comes from Sierra Leone, is a master degree holder. With a degree majoring in Chemistry and Physics, he has been employed by the Egret PharmaCompany Limited as a trainee.

来自塞拉利昂的Lahai Koroma是硕士毕业生,因其本科主修过化学和物理课程,故获上海白鹭医药有限公司聘为实习生。

8. trainee的解释

8. After the climax, it is time to create some excitements and to present our talented actors:If lost/drunk, please return to......!? Perhaps it's too good to let go. Making liquour milkshake behind the bar.:The bitterness behind the bar...

还有最近另一份国际公司的新工作Management Trainee Job Test,我还复习了四天四夜的Advance English (我当然知道平常的努力很重要,可是我就是无法完全在这一刻不去准备),结果还是落单了。

9. trainee的解释

9. The last chapter concludes that an interpreter trainee of non-science basis, if instructed and sustained by scientific and persistent training, despite his or her academic background, could also, through a period of training and practicing, well fulfill the task of SI of EST nature and better offset the liabilities of his or her with more assets.


10. trainee的解释

10. I am writing to really say thank you for giving me this change to be here in Amari Resorts and Hotels in Thailand as a Manager Trainee.

我真的要感谢 HTMi 给我这个机会来到泰国的 Amari 旅馆来当储备经理。

11. trainee的翻译

11. Maria is a management trainee from Tectron Espana.


12. Objectives:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to provide sales Associates with guide line in conducting inspection of hotel.


13. He joined Disc nearly two years ago as a management trainee.


14. During those teenage years, I also worked as an Engineer Trainee in Process Engineering functions of multinational automobile and consumer goods processing companies.


15. Cherie Blair, the wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair, posed nude for a painting when she was a trainee lawyer in her mid-20s, The Times reported.


16. Our training equipments include:3 big training classrooms (for 120 people), 8 training classrooms (for 45 people), 2 computer classrooms (for 40 people), an audio-visual classroom (for 96 people), and a conference room (for 30 people agriculture production facilities such as automatic greenhouse, simple warm web house, tissue-culture laboratory, agricultural machinery practicing factory; 185 double suites and double rooms, trainee restaurant, recreation and sport facilities, and a parking lot for 160 cars are all ready to use.


17. Four of his elves got sick and the trainee eleves weren't making toys as fast as the regulars, so Santa was beginning to feel the pressure of being behind.


18. He/she has to relate to the needs of each individual trainee.


19. If the reaction is too late, the consequences are being shown to the trainee and he/she will receive extra information.


20. trainee的意思

20. Do you, or any member of your family unit included in this application, intend to work in an Australian preschool-aged child care center (including preschools and creches) as an employee or trainee?


trainee 词典解释

1. 受培训者;实习生

A trainee is someone who is employed at a low level in a particular job in order to learn the skills needed for that job.


e.g. He is a 24-year-old trainee reporter...

他 24 岁,是一名实习记者。

e.g. My first job was as a graduate trainee with a bank.


trainee 单语例句

1. He was once a trainee at Kweichow Moutai Distillery Co, the parent of one of the world's largest listed distillers by market capitalization.

2. He was once a trainee in Kweichow Moutai Distillery Co, the parent of one of the world's largest listed distillers by market capitalization.

3. A pair of toy stuffed panda bears floated past the camera while a trainee in a space helmet waved a Chinese flag.

4. Ross was not paid because he was a trainee, but said he spent less during that period than the wage for a little brother.

5. Many foreign banks have similar trainee programmes, including Citibank and HSBC.

6. Their management trainee scheme aims to nurture dedicated employees who serve the company with one heart and soul.

7. The process to get a trainee physically up to task usually includes two different types of training normal and special.

8. Ms Yim joined IBM in 1985 as a sales and distribution trainee.

9. The trainee doctors learnt to distinguish which herb should be collected at sunrise or dusk, from the sunny slope or the humid shady place.

10. He worked as a trainee at the Stalin Automobile Works in Moscow in 1955.

trainee 英英释义



1. someone who is being trained