

awl:[英 [ɔ:l] 美 [ɔl] ]


awl 基本解释

名词锥子; 钻,锥

awl 网络解释

1. 安全气囊指示灯:KLR 接通后这些电子组件将进行自检,驾驶员可通过安全气囊指示灯(AWL) 亮起识别到这一信息. 该灯亮起时间约为5 秒钟. 智能安全集成系统(ISIS )由以下部件组成:

2. 锥子:锡腊 pewter | 锥子 awl | 锥形顶尖 cone centre

3. 锥子,钻子:avometer 万用电表 | awl 锥子,钻子 | awn needle 芒针


4. 锥子, 尖钻:mongrel 杂种的, 混血儿的 | awl 锥子, 尖钻 | owl 猫头鹰

5. awl:the academic word list; 学术词汇表

awl 双语例句

1. Mrs. Saddletree saw the house freed of her importunate visitors, and the little boy reclaimed from the pastimes of the wind to the exercise of the awl


2. When Louis was three, he tried to use his father's awl.


3. Then you shall take an awl, and put it through his ear into the door, and he shall be your slave forever.


4. 17 Then take an awl and push it through his ear lobe into the door, and he will become your servant for life.

15:17 你就要拿锥子、将他的耳朵在门上刺透、他便永为你的奴仆了。

5. I used the awl with the broken handle.


6. Late at night, if feel sleepy, take awl stabbed his thigh, it will be able to remain sober.


7. It's innovation point is that instead of the hemisphere type or ball awl type discharge of old type of two hemisphere surfaces coupling get up coil tower structure, the design of claw tooth is may changed which is not only safety reliable, and need not change tower body, and extend the longevity of this device.



8. By the combination of experimental results with theory of crystal growth, some growth models and growth mechanisms were proposed. Research results confirmed that pillar-shaped TaC whisker with spherical droplet at the end grew via a vapor-liquid-solid mechanism, pillar-shaped whisker with pyramid-like end was formed via a vapor-solid mechanism, awl-shaped TaC whisker with zigzag end formed via a liquid-solid mechanism, awl-shaped TaC whisker with growth step at the end has a growth mechanism of screw dislocation mechanism. The growth mechanism of dumbbell-shaped MgO nanowhisker and NaCl particle-decorated MgO nanowhisker is VS; C and MgO powder-yielded MgO nanowhisker was formed via a VLS mechanism, Mg powder-yielded MgO microwhisker and MgO microsized or nanosized crystal sheet grew via a VS mechanism. In the Si and SiO〓 nanostructures, Si nanowires formed in higher-temperature zone grew via oxide-assistant mechanism, while Si nanowires or nanorods formed in lower-temperature zone have a growth mechanism of VLS, and the growth mechanism of SiO〓 nanowires is VS.


9. awl

9. If not but to act as the Poem and Book, take an examle for it, it is likemeasuring the depth of the river with fingers or hitting the millet with long dagger or eat food in the food kettle with awl instead of chopsticks, which never get aims.


10. awl

10. With laser polarization interference law realized KDP crystal cone to grow to be measured of speed in real time, as similar as cylinder dead band exists in discovering look unfamiliar of KDP crystal awl grows a process, drop in temperature to the tradition the law gives birth to crystal of grown dimension KDP and dot seed brilliant to grow quickly the control that the supersaturation in the technology spends has important and direct sense.


11. Prod oneself awake with an awl in the thigh, is called the hardworking, like the Foolish Old Man who removed the mountains, use the pool to fill with prepared Chinese ink, this is the folklore passed by mouth to mouth as the diligent much-told tales.


12. To stage this photo, a long balloon was filled with water, set on a railing, and punctured with a sharpened awl.


13. A case is placed on an awl, he immediately stop to think: the dozing awl stab.


14. awl的近义词

14. There was a famous scholar who studied bitterly and who stuck an awl in his calf when he fell asleep while studying at night.



15. Any of several evergreen coniferous trees of the genus Araucaria native to South America and Australia, having awl-shaped leaves and whorled branches and including the monkey puzzle and Norfolk lsland pine.


16. The main pharmacokinetic parameters of Hui and Han group were as follows: t(subscript 1/2)(6.8 ± s 1.0) and (6.2 ± 10) h, t (2.6 ± 0.7) awl (2.4 ± 0.7) h, ρ(309 ± 55) and (401 ± 78)μgL^(-1), AUC(subscript 0-36)(3483±799) and (4297±1262)μghL^(-1), AUC(subscript 0-∞)(3613±862) and (4456±1318)μghL^(-1), V1/F (3.6 ± 0.6) and (5.0 ± 0.9) Lkg^(-1), respectively.

主要药动学参数分别为,t(下标 1/2):(6.8±s1.0)和(6.2±1.0)h,t:(2.6±0.7)和(2.4±0.7)h,ρ:(309±55)和(401±78)μgL^(-1),AUC(下标 0-36):(3483±799)和(4297±1262)μghL^(-1),AUC(下标 0-∞):(3613±862)和(4456±1318)μghL^(-1),V1/F:(3.6±0.6)和(5.0±0.9)Lkg^(-1)。汉族、回族受试者ρ、AUC(下标 0-4)、和AUC(下标 0-∞)个体间差异较大。

17. awl在线翻译

17. Results using leep to definite diagnosis is not typical significance of squamous epithelial cells diagnostic awl to cut more accurately than points biopsy found high levels ⅱ case, can avoid cin lesions points biopsy omission, studies of tbs cytology asc - h, lsil, hsil and not satisfied in the vaginal mirror image, high grade point biopsy determine ⅱ more serious cases cin leep remoes the cerix, use, can avoid the omission of cervical carcinoma in situ lesions, appropriate intervention, if found invasive cancer tissue remoed by, then consider the hysterectomy, on cytology instructions are abnormal cells, and vaginal bronchoscopy cannot fully observed transformation, conversion zone part or all of the tube to leep cases cervical cerical resection can detect cervical disease, omit the cervix inside the endometrium, before the leep in cervical cancer screening can increase the diagnostic accuracy of lesions and effectiveness.

结果 运用leep对未明确诊断意义的不典型鳞状上皮细胞诊断性锥切比点活检更准确地发现高级别cinⅱ病例,可以避免点活检遗漏重要病变;对tbs细胞学判读asc-h、lsil、hsil以及不满意的阴道镜图像,在点活检确定高级别cinⅱ以上严重病例,使用leep切除子宫颈治疗,可避免遗漏重要病变宫颈原位癌,达到适度干预,如果切除组织其后发现浸润癌,可再考虑全子宫切除;对细胞学检查指示有异常细胞,而阴道镜检查不能全面观察到转化区,转化区部分或全部移到宫颈管内的病例,leep行宫颈切除术能检测出宫颈管内病变,省略宫颈管内膜刮取术; leep在筛查宫颈癌前病变中能提高诊断的准确性和治疗的有效性。

18. awl什么意思

18. Small aquatic plant having tufted awl-shaped leaves in a basal rosette and minute white flowers; circumboreal.


19. awl

19. With the mind of stability, tranquilness and peace, he perseveres with the practice of Zen; through the first meditation, second, third, and forth; he then obtains various powers of magic and no-learning skills, like an awl piercing out of the pocket, he respected by people.


20. awl什么意思

20. Through inside scoop up, outside scoop up, carry by force, buckle, grind the mill, method that covers key point of new well of mill, spud in and mill awl to know a well, liberated oil gas layer adequately, achieved the goal that repair a well.


awl 单语例句

1. The son of a saddler, he injured his eye with an awl when he was 3 years old.

2. This is hallowed in the old saying of " hanging your hair from a beam and stabbing your buttocks with an awl ".

3. Another one pricked his thigh with an awl every time he started dozing off.

awlawl 英英释义


1. a pointed tool for marking surfaces or for punching small holes