

vital:[英 [ˈvaɪtl] 美 ['vaɪtl] ]


vital 基本解释


形容词至关重要的; 维持生命所必需的; 生死攸关的; 生气勃勃的

vital 相关例句


1. The Chinese I knew were trusting, open, and vital.


2. He committed a vital error.


3. Growth and decay are vital processes.



4. The questions put forward at the meeting are of vital importance.



1. vital在线翻译

1. He was lucky that the bullet missed the vitals.


vital 网络解释

1. 生机:措辞上微不足道的伎俩--如果它从来没有第一次有目共睹地获得生机(vital)那么它就不能获得新生(revitalized)--显然是不能让人满意的. 我们可以不断地变换这个问题:为什么就不能第一次有望复兴我们的公共生活?

2. 至关重要的:1,对于一个异地举行的活动来说,当地协助( Local Support)是至关重要的( Vital). 这次去云南,要是没有XH和XH妈妈在昆明为我们提供帮助,没有雀弟兄为我们在维西和丽江提供帮助,没有腊八山村民为我们提供帮助,

vital 双语例句

1. Dan Clarion, the maintenance manager and harbor master in Ouzinkie, a town of about 170 people on an island off Alaska, said the new airport was vital for safety reasons.


2. He never held forth; his ideas were really not vital enough for it, he was too confused and emotional.


3. vital的反义词

3. Trypan-blue and alizarin red vital staining refer to lens epithelial cells, which was a practical methord to observe the morphology, density, area and the cellula vis vitalis.


4. So it is vital to determine the leakage pressure to prevent leakage.


5. We all know that libraries play a vital role in the education and entertainment of the general reader.


6. Airflow flocculation pretratment is vital to increase in the rate of water up to discharge standard in the effluent of bichemically treated refinery sewage.


7. vital

7. It is absolutely vital that all nations, bigorsmall, strongorweak, should conduct their relations with each other on the basis of mutual respect, and equality and mutual benefit.


8. It is vital that we should be kept informed of all developments.



9. Although miRNAs represent a vital component of the innate antiviral immune response in plants and invertebrate animals, it is not clear whether they play the similar roles in the defense of viral infection in mammalian organisms. Hepatitis C virus is the only member of the hepacivirus genus in Flaviviridiae. It contains a 9.6 kb single–stranded RNA genome with positive polarity.

在植物及非脊椎动物中,miRNA是先天性抗病毒免疫反应占有重要一环,但仍不清楚miRNA在哺乳动物中是否也扮演类似的角色。C型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV)是隶属於黄病毒科的唯一成员,其病毒基因体为一条长度约9.6 kb的正股RNA病毒。

10. Epoxy resin as a kind of superconduct-insulated material is hope of a high intensity and great crack ductility, with the electrical insulating properties of superconduct-insulated materials. So the mechanical properties of epoxy resin must be modified at room and cryogenic temperatures. In this paper, on the basis of the structure characteristic of the curing epoxy resin, a high cross-link density and elastic modular, the behavior of its crack growth shows that it is of typical brittleness, many vital problems have been analysised and discussed, such as matrix modification, design of molding process, material properties and influencing factors.


11. vital

11. In my growing, I find the most important thing is the education and protect people`s vital spark.


12. vital的意思

12. The right marketing mix is the fuel, but it needs igniting by this vital spark.


13. The vital spark in him makes him an artist.


14. vital

14. Fig 比喻 The vital spark that would have brought the play to life was missing.


15. Carefully examine ea ch photo, and you will see the vital spark of life in these frozen moments of time.


16. And the following articl analyse tour contract from its define, quality, party's human rights, bother and rdsponsibility, and the contract's formatting, the compensate for damage of vital spark, and legislation etc, to find out the current situation and the existing problem.


17. Hebei province regard rural vocational education as a vital groundworks, especially the construction of the vocational and technical edu...


18. vital

18. You shall read, in some of the friars'books of mortification, that a man should think with himself, what the pain is, if he have but his finger's end pressed, or tortured, and thereby imagine, what the pains of death are, when the whole body is corrupted, and dissolved; when many times death passeth, with less pain than the torture of a limb; for the most vital parts, are not the quickest of sense.


19. In fact, I have always thought that mall do not have any specific reference to the template, we have to match the surrounding environment, look for your target market, the scope of radiation, consumer groups, which have a commercial shopping district of the Business area, the number of proportion, Performance index, and then analyzes the characteristics of their own projects, such as building structure, the idea of planning, product positioning, and so on, have to do a full range of considerations, the project should not take business model sets, otherwise it will enter the Trader errors in commercial operation, On the one hand, the project requires a rational analysis of the business, on the other hand, also need experience of perceptual knowledge, Therefore, the practical is the most important, and sometimes I often take the university to open a convenience store when the state of mind to do, your location, the allocation of goods, customer needs analysis, competitor analysis, the source of profit analysis, staff management, Each of you has a bearing on the vital interests of the past, so convenience stores to the tired physically and mentally exhausted, and now do professional managers, but relaxed pleasure, why, in large measure because we do not have to do in-depth market analysis, there is no To go from a financial point of view to measure inputs and outputs, In a way, we copy the model and set of formulas that this is the blind authority, and that is scientific, not a matter of fact, what professional, non-professional planning, planning is not professional, lead to a large number of commercial real estate projects and idle Waste, Who's fault also?


20. Where speed is vital, airfreight will be used for all except the bulkiest cargoes; and one day, even for these.


vital 词典解释

1. 必要的;至关重要的;必不可少的

If you say that something is vital, you mean that it is necessary or very important.

e.g. The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims...


e.g. Nick Wileman is a school caretaker so it is vital that he gets on well with young people...



Lesley's career in the church is vitally important to her.


2. 充满活力的;生气勃勃的

If you describe someone or something as vital, you mean that they are very energetic and full of life.

e.g. They are both very vital people and a good match...


e.g. They have something important to say and vital and radical ways of saying it.


vital 单语例句

1. US policymakers and politicians should not buy into such protectionism that would cost both countries a vital growth engine in the years ahead.

2. It plays a vital role in accessing remote locations and in cases where insecurity prevents travel by road.

3. NASA managers said fixing the cable reel was vital to space station construction, which will take 15 more shuttle flights.

4. Organizers said the campaign is part of the country's human resources development strategy, and is vital for upgrading China's competitiveness and national strength.

5. Most of the students who board at the school are from poor rural families, and the school canteen plays a vital role to provide nutrition to them.

6. Swift recovery is vital to support the economic policies of the White House and retain Obama's political capital.

7. Forests help to balance the global production and storage of carbon dioxide, thereby playing a vital role in regulating climate change.

8. I hope China will categorically outline her stance on vital international issues.

9. Proteins in turn serve as building blocks and workhorses of the cell, vital to its structure and functions.

10. Establishing Tianjin as Northern China's economic center is strategically vital for reduction of the economic gap between China's North and South.

vital 英英释义


1. manifesting or characteristic of life

e.g. a vital, living organism

vital signs

2. full of spirit

e.g. a dynamic full of life woman

a vital and charismatic leader

this whole lively world

Synonym: full of lifelively

3. performing an essential function in the living body

e.g. vital organs

blood and other vital fluids

the loss of vital heat in shock

a vital spot

life-giving love and praise

Synonym: life-sustaining

4. urgently needed

absolutely necessary

e.g. a critical element of the plan

critical medical supplies

vital for a healthy society

of vital interest

Synonym: critical