

chasm:[英 [ˈkæzəm] 美 [ˈkæzəm] ]



chasm 基本解释

名词峡谷; 裂口; 裂缝,断层; (感情等的)分歧

chasm 相关例句



1. There was a deep political chasm between the two countries which nearly led to war.


chasm 网络解释

1. chasm的意思

1. 深渊:不但这样,并且在你我之间,有深渊(chasm)限定,以致人要从这边过到你们那边是不能的;要从那边过到我们这边也是不能的.

2. 裂口:Q:塌陷的房间– 如果你落至区分为两个部分的房间, 像是裂口 (Chasm) , 你坠落至哪一半? A:如果任何事件将你传送至障碍房间, 你决定抵达房间的哪一边. 如果传送效 应创造出一个标记, 像是塌陷的房间或是秘密通道 (Secret Passage) ,

3. 裂缝:请注重,咱们指的是差距(gap),而非空缺或裂缝(chasm). 替代方法可以是程序上的修改或软体上的小改动. 不管何种情况,全面理解要做的工作,这一点儿十分重要. 然而,更为重要的是,在需要对软体进行修改的时辰,

chasm 双语例句

1. He slithered to safety as the crumbling block fell into the chasm below.



2. The chasm between you and he can not be solved by us.


3. This chasm that's between us...


4. But when I saw the chasm, all that hope was lost


5. Because of the chasm I see.


6. This is because a huge chasm exists between us and the countryside, between us and the land.



7. Chasm of love isn't easy to heal.


8. Environment and development, it is the chasm of industrialized country and area impassable.


9. chasm在线翻译

9. Icarus works his way onto Kratos'back in a panic and drags him down into the great chasm.


10. chasm

10. My mama said it`s because I have slept too much, but I think it`s because I have dreamed too much and have fallen into their chasm


11. To a chasm vast and deep and wide


12. So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more


13. The 2nd, accelerate agricultural communication development and informatization construction, chasm of progressively and contractible number.


14. The 2nd, accelerate rural communication development and informatization construction, chasm of progressively and contractible number.


15. In such a case, you need to work very hard at forgiving yourself for these deeds so that you can close this chasm and realign with the best part of yourself.



16. The principal task of crosscultural communication is to recognize and bridge the chasm opened by differences inherent in crosscultural understanding and communication.


17. You cannot see to the other side of the chasm for there is a fog that surrounds it.


18. He was on a tiny plinth hardly larger than a square yard which overlooked a chasm, the far end of which torrents of flowing lava were pouring out of distant summits.


19. VoIP is not out of the chasm yet, but when this many suppliers enter the arena, then functionality is driven up to deliver the'better mouse trap', price is driven down through competitive alternatives, reliability is driven up by the same forces, and you have emergence.


20. Why can global number chasm become a serious problem, and bridge hind rises in chasm form of a Chinese character when us, what interest can you acquire from which again?


chasm 词典解释

1. 石罅;地缝;冰缝

A chasm is a very deep crack in rock, earth, or ice.


2. (事物或团体间的)显著差距,巨大分歧

If you say that there is a chasm between two things or between two groups of people, you mean that there is a very large difference between them.

e.g. ...the chasm that divides the worlds of university and industry.


e.g. ...the chasm between rich and poor in America.


chasm 单语例句

1. Industry observers said the phenomenon is exacerbated in China where there is high GDP growth and a gaping chasm between the rich and the poor.

2. He would not be drawn on how long that might take but dismissed talk of a'cultural chasm'between the British and Japanese operations.

3. I've only worked for Western companies and never in China, so business is the area where I feel the biggest cultural chasm.

4. The industry observers said the phenomenon was exacerbated in the Chinese economy where there is high GDP growth and gaping chasm between rich and poor.

5. Jin's frustration described the unparalleled chasm between what thousands of his colleagues give and take at Flextronics's Suzhou branch.

6. Local officials and businesses said the bridge will erase the chasm dividing Nantong and Suzhou.

7. But the unexpected death of the son half a year later brought her back to a chasm of misery.

8. What Hadley did not say is the chasm that still exists on how to meet these principles.

9. However, it will be easier said than done given the chasm that exists among them.

10. A major chasm exists between the income of rural and urban people.

chasm 英英释义



1. a deep opening in the earth's surface