

deduction:[英 [dɪˈdʌkʃn] 美 [dɪˈdʌkʃən] ]



deduction 基本解释

名词推演,推理,演绎; (推理所得出的)结论; 扣除,减除; 扣除的量

deduction 同义词



deduction 反义词



deduction 相关例句


1. deduction是什么意思

1. Her deduction that he was now dead was correct.


deduction 网络解释

1. 扣除额:免税3.扣除额 扣除额(deduction)为在税基中,考纳税义务人主观情势而给予不同金额4.扣抵额 扣抵额(credit)为政府基於政策需要或免税利益均等之考量,准予纳税人子女租税扣抵(CTC)申请资格需为美国公民或外国侨民.

2. deduction是什么意思

2. 扣减:还有一点不知道的是,跟收入(Income)税务扣减(Deduction)不一样的地方是,夫妻或家庭的收入,税务扣减是按各自分开计算的,而医疗费用可以合并在一起算的,所以一个人如果无法到达$1,500,一个家庭来算的话,很容易超出这$1,500的费用.

deduction 双语例句

1. This article thoroughly simulated the influence of ZnO arrester based FCL on circuit breaker. Strict mathematical formulas were presented, based on theoretical analysis and deduction, to properly describe the relationship between rate of rise of recovery voltage of circuit breakers and current limit factor, stray capacitance as well as short-line fault distance.


2. However, the amount of deduction shall not exceed the payable amount of Mainland taxes that may be imposed on that income.


3. deduction什么意思

3. This chapter points out, after analysing compre-hensively the contradiction existing in the traditionaltheory of AR, that there isn't any substantial rela-tion between the existence of AR and the height of theorgnic composition of agricultural capital, nor anynecessary association between the quantity of AR andthe balance of value of agricultural product and it'sPP; The only factor that determines the existence ofAR is the monopoly of land ownership, which naturallytakes the limitednass of land and the marginal reve-nue product of land bigger than zero as it's premise; The monopoly of land ownership makes the MPP transformto monopolistic enough price determined by the indivi-dual enough price of inferior land; AR as the MPP ofinferior land equals to the balance of IEP and IPP, andDR as the MPP of superior land equals to the balanceof MEP and IEP; All rents are created from the naturalproductive force of labour, both of them coming fromthe deduction of total surplus value.

第三章 绝对地租与垄断足够价格本章所提出的新见解是:(1)全面分析了传统绝对地租理论中存在的矛盾以及这些矛盾由以产生的根源;(2)论证了绝对地租的存在与农业资本有机构成的高低没有任何本质的关系,绝对地租的数量与农产品价值和生产价格的差额也没有必然的联系,绝对地租存在的唯一条件是土地所有权的垄断,而这种垄断又是以土地的有限性和土地的边际收益产品大于零为前提的;(3)揭示了由于土地所有权的垄断所引起的垄断生产价格向垄断足够价格的转化;(4)在劳动价值论和平均利润理论基础上重新阐释了绝对地租的来源及其量的规定,并对级差地租和绝对地租进行了综合考察,指出,全部地租都是由劳动的自然生产力创造的,它们均来自对总剩余价值的扣除,其中绝对地租作为劣等土地的边际收益产品等于个别足够价格与个别生产价格的差额,级差地租作为较优等土地的边际收益产品等于垄断足够价格与个别足够价格的差额。

4. In recent years, the accelerated pace of construction enterprises, the increase in the number of workers laid off, a large number of rural surplus labor into the construction field, peasant workers account for 60%, resulting in an increasingly complex labor relations, labor relations have become increasingly prominent, especially in arrears, the deduction for 134, 143 farmers particularly serious problem, which triggered the labor dispute cases and mass incidents has risen.


5. Whalebone, laces, and busks are components used to construct corsets that keep the wearers'upper torsos erect as a result of compressing their waists. The purpose of this study is to analyze an 1880s corset ribbed with featherbone stiffeners by applying Prown's object-analysis process. Prown's model involves four major steps including description, deduction, speculation, and interpretation.


6. The balance of the tax base of the intangible assets deducted by the amortizing deduction calculated by the relevant provisions during the use term of assets


7. All I did not consult on this, this nonsense did not dare, but all sorts of pretexts such a deduction of wages is the first time I encountered, but also longer operator to see that.


8. Literature research, induction, and deduction, etc.


9. Land for land exchange is the priority option and it can be replaced by cash under the following preconditions: there is no adequate land nearby; the people is willingly to take cash instead of land and the compensation is without any depreciation and or deduction; to provide help to the people to keep their living condition and income without down-going



10. In a world where there are 115 countries and regions introduced VAT, which is allowed in most countries - producers of the production equipment in the amount of value added tax deduction.


11. deduction的解释

11. In the US there is a marital deduction permitting you to leave an unlimited amount of assets to your surviving spouse with no taxes payable at your death.


12. Flower brooch, mainly to be used for wedding decoration supplies, he replaced the traditional needle deduction, withholding of goods destructive needle, and the new production Needle brooch that features the use of magnetic attraction, a favorable solution the traditional problem of deduction Flower, and the brooch Needle practical than the traditional multi-button stylus, operation is simple and convenient, it is not easy or bad, there are aesthetic, and this is its different characteristics from the raw material the use of sophisticated and high magnetic plastic, visual appearance, and have ordered please contact us and we can go-store sales


13. No rigorous deduction has ever been manifested. In this paper, a formula calcylating the work of quasi-state process is discribed in a rigorous way.


14. The first is to allow deduction of the input VAT for purchased fixed assets.



15. For insurance business that reinsures with other parties, the turnover of the initial insurance business shall be the total insurance premiums after deduction of the premiums paid to the reinsurers.


16. Chapter 3 is mainly engaged in the theory deduction of measurement method of single debt's LGD.


17. China's vegetable market is confronted with deduction of seasonal price differences, and with conflicts between the worsening pollution of products and increasing demands for green vegetalbes, as well as between small scaled production and nation wide/world wide circula...


18. It has completed the MYCIN inaccurate deduction on the basis of knowledge base.



19. To undertake to issue original bill of lading to the shipper. We will be booking shipper and we will be consignee to you. We will be responsible for the return of empty container and clearing all customs, port formalities, etc. We will pay the ocean freight to your good company promptly and without deduction.


20. Payment hereunder shall be made without any deduction or withholding of taxes, duties or any charges whatsoever.


deduction 词典解释

1. 推论;推断

A deduction is a conclusion that you have reached about something because of other things that you know to be true.


e.g. It was a pretty astute deduction...


e.g. My mother had consequently made her own shrewd deductions about what was going on in my marriage.


2. 推论(过程);演绎

Deduction is the process of reaching a conclusion about something because of other things that you know to be true.


e.g. ...a case that tested his powers of deduction.


3. 扣除额;减除数

A deduction is an amount that has been subtracted from a total.

e.g. ...your gross income (before tax and National Insurance deductions)...


e.g. After deductions for war reparations, the balance would be used to buy food and humanitarian supplies.


4. 扣除;减除

Deduction is the act or process of subtracting an amount of money from a total amount.

e.g. After the deduction of tax at 20 per cent, the interest rate will be 6.2 per cent.

扣除了 20% 的税后,利率将为 6.2%。

deduction 单语例句

1. The local governments will see a deduction in rewards or subsidies if misuse is uncovered, or a suspension from the reward and subsidy list in serious circumstances.

2. West Ham admitted the charges and avoided a points deduction that would have almost certainly condemned them to relegation from the Premier League.

3. It called for a further 1 percentage point deduction in the headline corporate profits tax rate to 15 percent.

4. But about 20 percent would see a tax increase - those workers whose health insurance cost more than the standard deduction.

5. He also believes the home loan interest deduction should be extended indefinitely, beyond the current limitation of 10 years.

6. " Green GDP " involves making a deduction for environmental costs from GDP.

7. The incremental value means the income of the taxpayer from the transferred real estate after deducting the items of deduction stipulated by the tax law.

8. And for the millions of other Americans who have no health insurance at all, this deduction would help put a basic private health insurance plan within their reach.

9. The tax policy allows a deduction of up to 3 percent of a company's total profit if it donates to 22 designated charity foundations.

10. Wu explained that irregular acts committed by construction companies make it difficult for the downstream real estate sector to benefit from the deduction of VAT.

deductiondeduction 英英释义


1. the act of subtracting (removing a part from the whole)

e.g. he complained about the subtraction of money from their paychecks

Synonym: subtraction

2. the act of reducing the selling price of merchandise

Synonym: discountprice reduction

3. reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect)

Synonym: deductive reasoningsynthesis

4. something that is inferred (deduced or entailed or implied)

e.g. his resignation had political implications

Synonym: entailmentimplication

5. an amount or percentage deducted

Synonym: discount

6. a reduction in the gross amount on which a tax is calculated

reduces taxes by the percentage fixed for the taxpayer's income bracket

Synonym: tax write-offtax deduction