

rural:[英 [ˈrʊərəl] 美 [ˈrʊrəl] ]


rural 基本解释

形容词乡下的,农村的; 田园的; 地方的; 农业的

rural 同义词



rural 反义词




rural 相关例句


1. I am longing for quiet rural life.


2. Rural economy has improved greatly in the past few years.



3. He spoke like rural people.


4. Crops are grown in rural areas.


rural 网络解释

1. rural是什么意思

1. 农村的:解释 第四节 解释 这段文字中讲到加纳这个国家中 的大多数妇女,受过教育的 (educated)和没有受过教育的 (illiterate住在城市的 (urban)和住在农村的(rural),年轻的(young)和年长的(old)正好是一对对反义词.

2. 农村:ATHOLOGY以前是从一些小故事里随机(RANDOMLY)抽点东西来的,随着ATHOLOGY的发展,现在的ATHOLOGY 已经成为__收集资料了.树根的深度决定了树抗击龙卷风的能力,而由于农村(rural)的树的根比城市里树的根要深的,

rural 双语例句

1. This is the original Sakata San Wai Tsai rural village where farmers set up limited liability company, that is, the original production team.


2. rural的意思

2. More than 200 villagers leave the field but remain in the rural area this year, engaging in sideline occupation.

该村今年有 200 多位农民离土不离乡,从事副业生产。

3. This is often difficult, as in our cities and even in rural areas the landscape was significantly changed afterEuropean settlement.


4. As in our cities and even in rural areas the landscape was significantly changed after European settlement.


5. rural的解释

5. This is often difficult, as in our cities and even in rural areas the landscape was significantly changed after European settlement.


6. rural的解释

6. Wuhan have relatives here, far from home in Wuhan City (Caidian, home is in rural areas), if accounts do not know how to do link it convenient for relatives?


7. The devil is in the details, he said:'Whether this betters the situation in rural areas and improves farmers'lives doesn't depend on the policy itself, but on how we implement the policy and a series of details and limitations, which will be mapped out later.



8. In order to analyze the reason that model of rural mass participation works in the period of Chinese transformation, the second chapter analyzes the impression of compressive system.


9. Therefore, the study of Chinese rural social endowment insurance fund management model is of great theoretical and practical significance.


10. Our country is worth town to change, industrialized acceleration period, the home market perspective of 1.3 billion population is wide, the rural market potential that has 800 million population especially is infinite.


11. The living standards of 90 per cent of the rural population have been raised.


12. The rural commodity circulation system is an important part of rural market system, which plays an important role in rural economic and social development.


13. Instead of looking at the process in exclusive political-economic terms and from the urban standpoint, this course seeks to study interactively the rural and the global/modern interface, and inclusively in the terms of cultural development, focusing on the areas of concepts, histories, and theoretical perspectives concerning the emergence of peasantry and village, modernization and capitalization of agriculture, representations of trans-national or peasant workers (as inter-cultural intermediaries), residue of rural and communal culture from within the urban and global settings and its cleavage.


14. Digital simulation of rural 10kV power ungrounded system was made based on MATLAB PSB, and the character of single phase to gourd fault was analyzed with this digital simulation.


15. Today, nestled in the trees jungle green glazed tile has become the red-brick and a beautiful rural landscape.


16. Around 98 percent of urban women and 70 percent of rural women have''.


17. Objective:To investigate the implementation of antenatal care in rural poverty areas in China.


18. However, domestic applications are numerous, but the effect of the rural poor, and I RIPP, East China University of Science and Technology, Professor, etc. After years of research, currently has successfully developed a series of additives ethylene plant.


19. At present, the city has 32 professional fishing teams, 4370, 13, 948, of whom more than one urban household in rural areas more than 3400 accounts.


20. Based on lots of samples and case studies on rural credit cooperatives, different analytical methods such as parital correlation, multi-discriminant analysis and logistic analysis are used to screen ratios for crisis warning system As a result, the crisis warning system and warning models are established.


rural 词典解释

1. 乡下的;乡村的;农村的

Rural places are far away from large towns or cities.


e.g. These plants have a tendency to grow in the more rural areas.


e.g. ...the closure of rural schools.


2. 有乡村特色的;田园的;有乡土气息的

Rural means having features which are typical of areas that are far away from large towns or cities.

e.g. ...the old rural way of life...


e.g. He spoke with a heavy rural accent.


rural 单语例句rural的反义词

1. Statistics reveal there are currently 94 million rural people working or doing business in cities, of whom 6 million arrived this year.

2. Simply getting out into rural Beijing to sample local seasonal food is a great escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life.

3. Rural banks have more freedom than urban ones, including the ability to act as agents for insurance and securities companies.

4. Most of the new users will be those from small cities and rural regions, who will buy handsets for the first time.

5. Gains have been mainly due to Nokia's push into the rural market, where many people buy handsets for the first time.

6. The Chinese central government has publicized some documents promising to increase investment in rural areas and offer subsidies to farmers for buying agricultural machines.

7. She runs away from home and later becomes a rural teacher by chance.

8. The plan will call for Wenzhou to contain at least 30 rural financial institutions by the end of 2013.

9. Migrant workers from rural areas of Chongqing go back to work by train to coastal provinces like Guangdong and Zhejiang after a holiday.

10. The bank was established in 1994 by the central government with a view of promoting rural and agricultural development.

rural的反义词rural 英英释义



1. living in or characteristic of farming or country life

e.g. rural people

large rural households

unpaved rural roads

an economy that is basically rural

2. of or relating to the countryside as opposed to the city

e.g. rural electrification

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