

make:[英 [meɪk] 美 [mek] ]


过去式:made;   过去分词:made;   现在分词:making;

make 基本解释

及物动词做,制造; 生产,制定; 使成为; 使产生

不及物动词开始; 尝试; 行进; 增大

名词制造; 生产量; 性格; 形状,样式

make 同义词




make 反义词


make 相关词组

1. make it : 及时抵达, 做成;

2. make believe : 假装;

3. make for : 走向, 有利于;

4. make of : 理解;

5. on the make : 在制作中, 野心勃勃;

6. make out : 理解;

7. make up : 和解, 弥补, 组成;

8. make off : 离开;

9. make down : 改小;

10. make at : 扑向;

11. make after : 追随;

12. make into : 把...制成..., 使转变为;

13. make away : 逃走, 离开;

14. make through with : 完成;

15. make up for : 补偿;

16. make against : 不利于, 有害于;

17. make with : 产生;

18. make like : 模仿, 扮演;

19. make in : 向...进入, 干涉别人, 加入纷争;

20. make from : 由...制造;

21. make over : 移交;

22. make out of : 用...制造, 理解, 了解;

23. make off with : 带...而逃;

24. make up to : 接近;

make 相关例句


1. We made the airport in an hour.



2. The ship made port.


3. make在线翻译

3. I can't make the horse go.


4. make

4. I didn't make any promise.


1. What makes you here?


make 情景对话


A:Kick back, make yourself at home.





A:I think I could make you very happy.


B:Why? Are you leaving?




A:Give me a call if (you can’t make it/ you’re going to be late) for some reason.


B:I will.


make 网络解释

1. 品牌:V型12缸发动机 直列5缸发动机 品牌 (Make) 是制造厂对一类车辆所给予的名称. 如:别克、奥迪、本田、大众等. 金色的M象征我们物资进出口公司(MATERIALS),也有交朋友(MAKE FRIENDS)的含义,表明了我司愿意与国内外的客户携手合作,

make 双语例句

1. How could you make such a terrible mistake?


2. In the real problem, people often make some assumptions on the fluid to simplify the equations.


3. The new government built up close relations with the Soviet Union, which was especially keen to make use of the port of Berbera.



4. The emancipation of their minds, the raised economic incomes and social status, and also the strengthened pressure from their works make more and more women go out and choose the form of travel to relax and keep abreast of the outside world.


5. Lincoln: We need to make a decision on who gets cut.


6. Objective To study the leucocytes infection statistics of the tiny organism eperthrozoon and analysis on the people who just reached the highland and who inhabited the highland for half a year at least. Methods Take one portion of anticoagulation that contains abundant leucocytes, two portions of distilled water or1%HCl2liquores for dilution, and mix them up to hemolyze for ten minutes. Take15ul of the mixture to make a silce, and then observe by oil microscope.

目的 研究从内地不同地区急进高原人群和其在高原环境中居住半年后白细胞内感染附红细胞体的对比分析方法取富含白细胞的抗凝血液1份,加蒸馏水或1%HCl2份稀释混匀,使其溶血10min,取15μl制作压片然后用油镜观察。

7. The main floor is currently under construction. This hole is where the steel pillars will stand. To make an extra story for the dorms, the completion date has been postponed by one more month. However, quality always comes first.


8. ON ALPERT: Well, we're interested in talking with the Chinese government, because we didn't make this film to poke them in the eye.

A :我们很有兴趣和中共谈谈,因为我们并不是想拿这个片子来指戳他们的脊梁骨。


9. If be to make network promotion before you, rely on group of hair to rely on a station group will link, so ask you to look for a true SEO or oneself person learns to fall, do not regard the person that we get SEO as idiocy, if you received fund, SEO is not equal to group of hair, cannot give family place the thing of need again, still withdraw fund to the family, although likely now network company is very hard, it is not easy to make money, always than be being worn by person jab backbone is scolded be close friends


10. He says he used to make a decent living.


11. I7975 beats everything, but the cost doesn't make it ideal choice.


12. make在线翻译

12. A: I feel I can make some posit ive cont ribut ions t o your company in t he fut ure.


13. I do not want to make an exhibition of myself in front of my classmats for my tone-deaf.


14. You can use the far aft stern bulkheads for the prop shaft bearing mount or use some ABS of PVC sheet to make the bearing mount as I did.


15. make

15. The results showed that the addition of compatibilizer could make the tensile strength, tensile modulus, bending strength and bending modulus of GMT-PP sheets increase by 29%, 23%, ...


16. This delibrate emphasis in style make our efforts rely on the surface, neglecte the more important spiritual aspect in emotional intention.


17. make的近义词

17. We don't make the rotating-waveapproximation and don't neglecte the coupling between the excitons with different wave vectorin our theortical calculation.


18. Moreover, it will re-examine the traditional three monopoly behaviors, stress their regulatory system standards, and discuss whether they are conducive to economic and social development, whether they can co-ordinate better balance between kinds of interests, in particular the human rights and consumer care. At the same time, it will make analysis regulations and countermeasures.


19. Second, she was bound up and one foot was hung up in the air, only had one foot standing to support her body, third, the master gave her a very tight ball tie to make her learn the extreme taste of Chinese rope bondage, last, she was tortured by traditional Chinese Tiger`s Bench.


20. Part one Clinical study of idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy ObjectiveTo make a comprehensive understanding of idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, the clinical, electroencephalogram, neuroimaging, therapeutic efficacy and prognosis of 114 cases were analyzed.


make 词典解释


Make is used in a large number of expressions which are explained under other words in this dictionary. For example, the expression ‘to make sense’ is explained at ‘sense’.

make 用于构成大量的短语,其释义列于本词典的其他词条下,如 to make sense 的释义见 sense。

1. (与大量名词连用,表示做动作、说某事等)做出,作出

You can use make with a wide range of nouns to indicate that someone performs an action or says something. For example, if you make a suggestion, you suggest something.

e.g. I'd just like to make a comment...


e.g. I made a few phone calls...


2. (与某些名词连用)把…做(好),把…搞(糟)

You can use make with certain nouns to indicate that someone does something well or badly. For example, if you make a success of something, you do it successfully, and if you make a mess of something, you do it very badly.

e.g. Apparently he made a mess of his audition...


e.g. Are you really going to make a better job of it this time?


3. 摆出…的姿态;做出…的样子

If you make as if to do something or make to do something, you behave in a way that makes it seem that you are just about to do it.

e.g. Mary made as if to protest, then hesitated...


e.g. He made to chase Davey, who ran back laughing.


4. (在板球、棒球、橄榄球比赛中)得(分)

In cricket, if a player makes a particular number of runs, they score that number of runs. In baseball or American football, if a player makes a particular score, they achieve that score.

e.g. He made 1,972 runs for the county.


5. 将就使用;凑合着用

If you make do with something, you use or have it instead of something else that you do not have, although it is not as good.

e.g. Why make do with a copy if you can afford the genuine article?...


e.g. We're a bit low on bed linen. You'll have to make do.


6. 装作;假装;模仿

If you make like you are doing something, you act as if you are doing it, and if you make like someone, you act as if you are that person.

e.g. Bob makes like he's a fish blowing bubbles.



1. 使;致使

If something makes you do something, it causes you to do it.

e.g. Grit from the highway made him cough...


e.g. The white tips of his shirt collar made him look like a choirboy...


2. 迫使;强迫

If you make someone do something, you force them to do it.


e.g. Mama made him clean up the plate...


e.g. You can't make me do anything...


3. 使成为(某种人或物);使具有(某种特性)

You use make to talk about causing someone or something to be a particular thing or to have a particular quality. For example, to make someone a star means to cause them to become a star, and to make someone angry means to cause them to become angry.


e.g. ...James Bond, the role that made him a star...


e.g. He returned to Chicago, and made it his base for the rest of his life...


4. 使显得;使看上去

If you say that one thing or person makes another seem, for example, small, stupid, or good, you mean that they cause them to seem small, stupid, or good in comparison, even though they are not.

e.g. They live in fantasy worlds which make Euro Disney seem uninventive...


e.g. Since he came to live with me, we have been subject to a campaign of spite and revenge which makes Lady Sarah appear angelic by comparison.


5. 使自己(被理解、听见、知晓等)

If you make yourself understood, heard, or known, you succeed in getting people to understand you, hear you, or know that you are there.

e.g. Aron couldn't speak Polish. I made myself understood with difficulty...


e.g. He almost had to shout to make himself heard above the music.


6. 委任;任命

If you make someone something, you appoint them to a particular job, role, or position.


e.g. Mr Blair made him transport minister...


e.g. If I am made chairman, I hope Simon will stay on as my trusted lieutenant.


7. 把…变成;使…成为

If you make something into something else, you change it in some way so that it becomes that other thing.

e.g. We made it into a beautiful home...


e.g. Her bestseller 'Peachtree Road' is soon to be made into a television mini-series.


8. 使(总数)升为;使(分数)达到

To make a total or score a particular amount means to increase it to that amount.

e.g. This makes the total cost of the bulb and energy £27...


e.g. Lupescu scored from 20 yards and then Balint made it 4-0.


9. 交(朋友);树(敌);结(仇)

When someone makes a friend or an enemy, someone becomes their friend or their enemy, often because of a particular thing they have done.

e.g. Lorenzo was a natural leader who made friends easily...


e.g. He was unruly in class and made an enemy of most of his teachers.


10. 成功;胜利

If someone makes something of themselves or makes something of their life, they become successful.

e.g. My father lived long enough to see that I'd made something of myself...


e.g. The nuns who taught him urged him to make something of his life and he did.


11. to make friends -> see friend


1. 制造;建造;创造

To make something means to produce, construct, or create it.

e.g. She made her own bread...


e.g. Nissan now makes cars at two plants in Europe...


2. 拍摄(电影);制作(电视节目)

If someone makes a film or television programme, they are involved in creating or producing it.

e.g. We are making a film about wildlife.


e.g. ...the film 'Queen Christina', made in 1934.


3. 做(饭);准备(饮料)

If you make a meal or a drink, you prepare it.


e.g. You wash while I make some lunch...


e.g. Would you like me to make us all a coffee?


4. 写(便条);记(笔记);列(名单)

If you make a note or list, you write something down in that form.

e.g. Mr Perry made a note in his book...


e.g. Make a list of your questions beforehand.


5. 制定,规定(规则、法律等)

If you make rules or laws, you decide what these should be.

e.g. The police don't make the laws, they merely enforce them...


e.g. The only person who makes rules in this house is me.


6. 挣(钱);赚(钱)

If you make money, you get it by working for it, by selling something, or by winning it.

e.g. I think every business's goal is to make money...


e.g. How much did we make?...


7. (某事物)使(其他事物)变得成功

If something makes something else, it is responsible for the success of that thing.


e.g. What really makes the book are the beautiful designs.


8. (汽车、收音机等的)品牌

The make of something such as a car or radio is the name of the company that made it.


e.g. The only car parked outside is a black Saab — a different make.


e.g. ...a certain make of wristwatch.


9. (可能以非法或不道德手段)拼命追求金钱(或权力)

If you say that someone is on the make, you disapprove of them because they are trying to get a lot of money or power, possibly by illegal or immoral methods.



1. 有资格成为;足以成为

You can use make to say that someone or something has the right qualities for a particular task or role. For example, if you say that someone will make a good politician, you mean that they have the right qualities to be a good politician.

e.g. She'll make a good actress, if she gets the right training...


e.g. You've a very good idea there. It will make a good book...


2. 组成;形成;排列成

If people make a particular pattern such as a line or a circle, they arrange themselves in this way.

e.g. A group of people made a circle around the Pentagon.


3. 等于;成为

You can use make to say what two numbers add up to.


e.g. Four twos make eight...


e.g. He is adding three aircraft carriers—that makes six in all.



1. 成为…的一员;加入;谋得(高级职务)

If someone makes a particular team or makes a particular high position, they do so well that they are put in that team or get that position.

e.g. The athletes are just happy to make the British team...


e.g. He knew he was never going to make director.


2. 赶到;(及时)到达

If you make a place in or by a particular time, you get there in or by that time, often with some difficulty.

e.g. They were trying to make New Orleans by nightfall.


3. (及时)到达(尤指来得及做某事)

If you make it somewhere, you succeed in getting there, especially in time to do something.

e.g. So you did make it to America, after all.


e.g. ...the hostages who never made it home...


4. (经历艰难困苦后)成功

If you make it, you are successful in achieving something difficult, or in surviving through a very difficult period.


e.g. I believe I have the talent to make it...


e.g. You're brave and courageous. You can make it.


5. 及时赶上参加

If you cannot make it, you are unable to attend an event that you have been invited to.

e.g. 'I can't make it,' she said. 'That's Mother's Day.'...


e.g. He hadn't been able to make it to our dinner.



1. 算,猜(数字)

You use make it when saying what you calculate or guess an amount to be.

e.g. All I want to know is how many T-shirts Jim Martin has got. I make it three...


e.g. I make the total for the year £9,599.


2. (根据自己的表)时间为…

You use make it when saying what time your watch says it is.

e.g. I make it nearly 9.30...


e.g. 'What time d'you make it?' — 'Thirteen past.'



相关词组:make formake ofmake offmake off withmake outmake overmake upmake up formake up to

make 单语例句

1. Many young entrepreneurs said online business helps lower costs and increase efficiency, and also offers opportunities to make friends and find fun.

2. He modeled the UK Pavilion's acrylic rods out of toothbrush bristles and used matchsticks to make the beams of the China Pavilion.

3. This is where Hong Kong's experience in modern business management and sport administration according to the law can make a difference for the better.

4. He even obtained copies of the firm's business licence and Xie's identity card to make sure the company was legitimate before paying for two stalls.

5. Austrade's China country manager Christopher Wright said on Monday Australian business will make an important contribution to the staging of Expo.

6. Ding said those media should make good use of existing resources and advanced management methods for the new business.

7. Make certain that executives understand the business opportunity as thoroughly as they understand the solution, and have the courage to pursue the opportunity when appropriate.

8. While distracting topics such as cybersecurity may continue to make the headlines, trade and economic relations remain the business to attend to.

9. Many of them are diversifying their business scope and gathering momentum to make an impact on other industries such as finance and manufacturing.

10. Many online retailers fail to make a profit despite the high transaction volume, as escalating price wars caused by similar business models cut into profit margins.