

disburse:[英 [dɪsˈbɜ:s] 美 [dɪsˈbɜ:rs] ]


过去式:disbursed;   过去分词:disbursed;   现在分词:disbursing;

disburse 基本解释



disburse 网络解释

1. disburse什么意思

1. 支付:disbar 取消律师资格;将某律师除名 | disburse 支付 | disbursement 支付款项

2. disburse

2. 支付,支出:reimburse 偿还 | disburse 支付,支出 | recourse 求助,求援

3. disburse的反义词

3. 支出:disbudding 断角术 | disburse 支出 | disbursement 支付


4. 支付支出,分配:consume 消费消耗 | disburse 支付支出,分配 | acting 代理的

disburse 双语例句

1. The agency disbursement by transfer is an efficient, safe and expedient mode, and it is not necessary for the depositor to periodically go to the charging units or banks to disburse expenses but simply deposit adequate money into his/her demand account or Peony quasi credit card before the disbursement date, and if needing to know whether the expenses have been disbursed, he/she can go to the nearest ICBC savings office to print the deposit book, or inquire it through ICBC telephone banking.


2. WARNING: Use of this tool can generate and/or disburse dust, which may cause serious and permanent respiratory or other injury.


3. disburse的意思

3. You will pay one payment each month to the debt consolidation services non profit company and they will disburse payments to your creditors.


4. And they will disburse some of it in the present, because they like to spread their spending roughly evenly over the course of their lives.


5. disburse在线翻译

5. Eventually, per the Zetas, pollutants such as this disburse and nature heals.


6. disburse是什么意思

6. The chemical industry will be very hard hit, as much of their stores are liquid and will burst, spray, disburse, and require specialized ingredients to create in the first place.


7. disburse

7. Basically, liabilities are obligations to disburse cash or other assets or to provide services in the future.


8. disburse

8. The World Bank and the IMF have agreed to disburse financial aid to the country.


9. American officials say they need to expand the embassy staff to help disburse $7.5 billion in aid to Pakistan.


10. China should also force its State-owned companies to disburse retained earnings through dividends and encourage them to take in more private investment.


11. The Iraqi regime has also developed ways to disburse lethal biological agents, widely and discriminately into the water supply, into the air.


12. The world bank and the IMF have agreed to disburse financial aid to the country.


13. Many Europeans want to let the fund disburse crisis lending faster: Germany is reluctant.


14. disburse的意思

14. That was an effort to disburse power away from the center.


15. disburse

15. As soon as we succeed in ending this dreadful war, the government will disburse funds to help rebuild this country.


16. These days, in a world of executives and fund managers being judged on quarterly performance, hedge funds trying to make companies disburse cash, and bankers pushing mergers and acquisitions, three to five years is long-term.


17. Because banking is not about true risks but perceived volatility of returns: you earn a stream of steady bonuses for seven or eight years, then when the losses take place, you are not asked to disburse anything.


18. disburse

18. This day says long don't grow to say short not short, disburse no attention of period, in a flash likewise past.


19. Some of the country's biggest names are lining up for $ 50bn in refinancing of foreign loans that VEB, the state development bank, will disburse.


20. All Chinese banks want to disburse their loans at the start of the year so they can count the interest income early.


disburse 词典解释

1. (通常指从专用资金中)支付,支出

To disburse an amount of money means to pay it out, usually from a fund which has been collected for a particular purpose.


e.g. The aid will not be disbursed until next year...


e.g. The bank has disbursed over $350m for the project.

银行已经为这个项目支付了超过 3.5亿美元。

disburse 单语例句disburse的近义词

1. International donors who have pledged three billion dollars have called on Colombo and the rebels to jointly disburse the tsunami aid.

2. Participants in the second round of funding must request the government loans by April 7, which the Fed will disburse on April 14.

3. Gates said governments should also set policies and disburse funds to create financial incentives for businesses to improve the lives of the poor.

4. The Monks'Front said it opposes involving the Tigers in any effort to disburse aid to survivors of the December 26 tsunamis.

5. The fund is expected to disburse two million yuan annually to meet this end over the next three years.

6. Tensions between China and Japan mounted when the Japanese Cabinet last Tuesday decided to disburse reserve funds to " purchase " part of China's Diaoyu Islands.

disburse 英英释义



1. expend, as from a fund

Synonym: pay out