

peddle:[英 [ˈpedl] 美 [ˈpɛdl] ]


过去式:peddled;   过去分词:peddled;   现在分词:peddling;

peddle 基本解释

及物/不及物动词传播,散播; 兜售,叫卖; 忙于做琐事


peddle 相关例句


1. The old man peddled ice-cream on the street corner.


2. She loves to peddle gossip round the village.


3. She loves to peddle gossip.



1. She and her husband went to prison for peddling drugs.


peddle 网络解释

1. peddle的反义词

1. 卵石:飞在空中是本能(flair),飞来的姑姑在炫耀(flaunt),锁在一起成群飞(flock),飞到外边受蔑视(flout),飞到下边才挣扎(flounder) flee 为逃走,fade 为褪色,fling 抛石头,feeble 才脆弱 拍卵石(peddle),入碎石(rubble),

2. 挑卖:peddle ones papers 不管闲事 | peddle 挑卖 | peddler 小贩

3. 贩卖,沿街叫卖:pedal 脚踏板 | peddle 贩卖,沿街叫卖 | pedestal 底座,基础

4. 沿街叫卖:paddle 桨 | peddle 沿街叫卖 | peddler 小贩

peddle 双语例句

1. It is illegal to peddle pirated video compact disc in Taiwan.


2. peddle在线翻译

2. Literature can become the consumable that carries basket to peddle, but meanwhile, also became a kind of edge tool that safeguards people to convey the right.


3. Missed travel gold season, before goods is spread, it is idle is gotten already soporous boss and lost peddle to salesman enthusiasticly.


4. Han Xin divides oil one day, han Xinqi horse goes into the street, see two people are clamorous, before Han believes plan horse to go up, look after all, original, two partnership do the business that peddle oil, 10 jins of oil are remained only in oily basket, want to be divided on average, but at hand did not say, only one can install 7 jins of oily oilcan and a kind of field cricket that can install 3 jins of oil.


5. Those who have to peddle goods or search for casual labour are equally well placed.


6. From begin deceit, put a trojan, reap Zhang date to arrive traffic spoil to person specially assigned for a task is in charge of, formed the pilfer bribe, one continuous line that peddle bribe already.


7. Only when the bona fide assignee acquire the chose from auction place public market or themarehant who peddle the some kind of the chose, close it apply the provisions of restituting compensated.



8. Matches about the general merchandise chain-like commercial company's cargo delivers the network to optimize (peddle car allocation of vehicles and superiorly matches delivers line) is a localization-transit route arrangement question, the localization -transit route arrangement question is retails the network design and the thing flows in the management decision-making the difficult problem.


9. peddle的翻译

9. Reporter Pu Feng is photographedThe waist after this man mauls a policeman is hit, police says to drugs is contained on its bodyLast night, inside alley of stone of announce military division, a personnel that peddle poison mauls one policeman head in resist arrest, get hurt the policeman fires a shot after the warning, one gun hits its waist.

记者 浦峰摄该男子打伤民警后腰部被击中,警方称其身上带有毒品昨晚,宣武区石头胡同内,一名贩毒人员在拒捕中打伤一民警头部,受伤民警鸣枪警告后,一枪击中其腰部。。。。。。。


10. That could be dangerous: it is an invitation to the far left and right to peddle their beguiling certainties.


11. She loves to peddle gossip round the village.


12. peddle的翻译

12. Peddle the product of all Windows Embedded in carry out at present, will still say with original name the sale is rolled out to new generation product, microsoft of tie-in standard boosts periodic policy sale.

目前贩售中的所有Windows Embedded产品,仍将以原有名称销售至新一代产品推出,并搭配标准微软支援周期政策销售。

13. Wants to hire more people with security clearances, so that they can peddle their corporate assets to the spooks in Washington.


14. peddle的翻译

14. Google wants to hire more people with security clearances, so that they can peddle their corporate assets to the spooks in Washington.


15. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter sees a strange shop on the net that clean out treasure: Merchant did not peddle commodity, claim however him major offers risk one's life to help person service, can mix persuade be immersed in pass sold friend, every help a person 10 thousand yuan, serve after prepaid cost.


16. Huang Shan is recollected later, peddle sound did not draw customer almost, offend however come a flock of group the cur of bark furiously, let him as a result peddle the process became fugitive force.



17. They can be motor or peddle models and it is up to you which you go for.


18. 17 Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit.

2:17 我们不像那许多人、为利混乱神的道。

19. peddle的翻译

19. If she wants to peddle her renaming suggestion in China, she would have company.


20. peddle的近义词

20. But its real importance is that it provides Russia with a tool to peddle influence in European countries.


peddle 词典解释

1. 到处叫卖;兜售

Someone who peddles things goes from place to place trying to sell them.

e.g. His attempts to peddle his paintings around London's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.


2. 贩卖(毒品)

Someone who peddles drugs sells illegal drugs.

e.g. When a drug pusher offered the Los Angeles youngster $100 to peddle drugs, Jack refused.



The war against drug peddling is all about cash.


3. 宣扬,散布(思想或消息)

If someone peddles an idea or a piece of information, they try very hard to get people to accept it.

e.g. They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda.


peddle 单语例句peddle的翻译

1. Marketers clamor for her endorsements, borrowing her name and image to peddle everything from cell phones to doughnuts.

2. Once ready, the two peddle their steamed buns to workers repairing the road on their doorstep.

3. Hundreds of vendors peddle everything from mutton kebabs and beef soup to fried twisted dough and steamed rose cakes.

4. The bad guy is a " capitalist roader " who wants to peddle for a little money.

5. These Japanese officials are on a mission to peddle their lie that Japan has sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

6. They developed into marketplaces for goods and ideas, where agrarians and artisans would peddle wares and showmen would stage cultural performances.

7. With the grimmer future presented to us, people who still peddle the " American way of life " have to think hard again.

8. This is because there are now fewer and fewer sugar sculpture artists who peddle this art on the streets.

9. The only winners of hostility are defense contractors who peddle death and destruction.

10. David Katz says that's because companies aggressively peddle food to people who don't need it.

peddle的翻译peddle 英英释义


1. sell or offer for sale from place to place

Synonym: mongerhucksterhawkvendpitch