

repertoire:[英 [ˈrepətwɑ:(r)] 美 [ˈrepərtwɑ:(r)] ]



repertoire 基本解释


名词全部节目; 全部本领; (计算机的)指令表


repertoire 网络解释

1. repertoire的意思

1. 清单:粉都从批量生产和批量发行的娱乐清单(repertoire)中挑出某些表演者、叙事或文本类型,并将其纳入自主选择的一部分人群的文化当中. 这些表演者、叙事或类型随后便被整合到一种极度愉悦,极富指义性(signifying)的通俗文化中去,

2. repertoire的近义词

2. 保留剧目:


剧场由一个演出团体使用,演出为数很多的该剧团多年积累的优秀剧目. 可能每晚都要更换演出剧目,有些剧场甚至日场、晚场演出的剧目也不相同. 在欧洲几乎所有的专业歌剧院和专业话剧院均采用这种模式,

3. 曲目:她的确是自称是戏剧女高音,但从其演唱曲目(repertoire)来看,多的是莫扎特和bel canto作曲家的曲目,甚至也唱蒙特威尔第. 当2月9号晚的图兰朵唱出第一个小节,我便知道她不适合唱图兰朵. Marrocu是典型的轻量戏剧女高音(jugendlich-dramatische Sopran),

repertoire 双语例句

1. Held during the temple fair, a variety of fan-drum on the way to his repertoire.


2. I saw some fabulous boots there that I thought would go great in my fall repertoire.


3. repertoire

3. The following repertoire shooting equipment, is part of my team photo.


4. Repertoire relates to screening in the text of play I have to help guide.


5. Nanyin has a vast body of traditional repertoire and has also been adopted into the music of Cantonese opera.


6. repertoire在线翻译

6. Not counting chamber music, I have 80 programs in my repertoire.


7. I set the repertoire, and so I wanted every season there to be a narrative arc, a kind of journey for the audience, from beginning to end.


8. He plays a wide repertoire of roles from comedy to drama.


9. repertoire的反义词

9. Traditional repertoire includes White Snake, West Wing-Room Story, Niulang and Zhinv, Generals of Yang Family, Stories on the River Bank, Stories of the Three Kingdoms, and the Western Trip Stories.


10. repertoire是什么意思

10. To that code position, and there is no need to replicate this information in the sub-repertoire definition.


11. XCS30XL-PQ240 Pinout: to that code position, and there is no need to replicate this information in the sub-repertoire definition.


12. The repertoire of a choral society will never be complete without a good selection of sacred music.


13. Setter--We need a real leader with a full repertoire of sets and strengths.


14. Mr. Numajiri has a particular interest in introducing hitherto unfamiliar repertoire to audiences.


15. repertoire的翻译

15. Fan Dan is the outstanding representative of one of the repertoire.


16. The call developmental process of Psittacula agapornis consists of five instinct phases according to its call character. In the first phase (congenital cal1 phase, CCP, 0~12 day of age), the juveniles only produce single syllable with short syllable length. The second phase(blank-model-forming phase, BMFP, 13~30 day of age) is important for formation of vocal learning pathways. During this phase, the calls characterized by more and longer syllables. In the third phase (call-model-forming phase, CMFP, 31~45 day of age), the call development is guided by a model system for vocal learning, vocal learning is engendered so that some calls with multi-syllables with UP1 are produced, principal frequency has increased about by 920 cent, the number of note is double that of second phase. The short-term memories are transformed into long-term memories in the forth phase (call-feedback-learning phase, CFLP, 46~90 day of age). The call of juveniles is a close match to tutor call which accompanied by double various sounds with BS and UP1, and more resonance components were formed. Second principal frequency has increased about by 970 cent, the number of note increases by 2.6~3.0 times. During the fifth phase (excellent call phase, ECP, after 91 d), vocal motor pathway is developed and the calls are accompanied with most stable, harmonious vari-tone and complex repertoire.

牡丹鹦鹉的鸣声发育分为5个时期。0~12 d为先天性鸣声期,鸣声特征为以基本音为主音的单音节单音调声,声长短。13~30 d为空白模板形成期,鸣声特征为以基本音为主音的多音节单音调声,声长和音量显著性增加,表明发声学习通路开始形成。31~45 d为鸣声模板形成期,鸣声特征为以第1陪音(UP1)为主音的多音节单变调声,声长和音量显著性增加,主音频提升约920音分,涵盖的律音数增加1倍,表明发声学习模板逐渐形成,发声学习开始。46~90 d为鸣声反馈学习期,鸣声特征为以BS和UP1为主音的双变调声,声长和音量显著性增加,主音频涵盖的律音数增加2.6~3.0倍,第2主音频提升约970音分,表明稳定模板逐渐形成,短期记忆逐渐向长期记忆转化。91 d后为完美鸣声期,鸣声特征为以UP1为主音的复合变音调声,声长、音量、主音频的提升和涵盖的律音数都趋于平稳,鸣声稳定而和谐,表明发声运动通路基本形成。


17. When he talks, he calls upon a repertoire of conversational gambits he has been collecting forever, and he has a selection of sound effects on his mobile phone, such as a cymbal crash, that he can trigger to make it clear he is joking.


18. It is this long-ranged Coulomb force that gives the plasma a large repertoire of possible motions and enriches the field of study known as plasma physics.


19. Years of instrumental practice, knowledge of repertoire and study of theory are necessary to approach this sort of genius.


20. repertoire

20. A disorder of uncertain nosological validity, characterized by the same type of qualitative abnormalities of reciprocal social interaction that typify autism, together with a restricted, stereotyped, repetitive repertoire of interests and activities.


repertoire 词典解释

1. (一个演员所能表演的)全部节目,曲目

A per-former's repertoire is all the plays or pieces of music that he or she has learned and can perform.

e.g. Meredith D'Ambrosio has thousands of songs in her repertoire.


2. 全部技能(或才能)

The repertoire of a person or thing is all the things of a particular kind that the person or thing is capable of doing.

e.g. ...Mike's impressive repertoire of funny stories...


e.g. This has been one of the most successful desserts in my repertoire.


3. (某个种类的)全部剧目(或曲目)

You can refer to all the plays or music of a particular kind as, for example, the classical repertoire or the jazz repertoire .

e.g. It is no coincidence that the works in the 'standard repertoire' tend to have names.


repertoire 单语例句repertoire的解释

1. He later was music director for the Massimo Bellini Theater of Catania in Italy, the Opera Repertoire of the Spanish National Choir and the Zarzuela Theater of Madrid.

2. The extravaganza makes use of the confrontation between last year's mouse and the New Year's ox to characterize the company's repertoire of shows.

3. Over 300 mothers of the disabled children will form a chorus and perform to show their love and determination with a repertoire of songs.

4. The Matchmaker is a classical repertoire from Xun School that explores the Chinese idea of love and marriage.

5. Classically trained, his musical repertoire spans from traditional Cuban music to modern jazz.

6. The audience is often intrigued with their concert programmes which include an extensive guitar repertoire ranging from the Renaissance to contemporary music.

7. She has added more Chinese art songs to her repertoire, and will do more crossover projects to reach a broader base.

8. Dance drama The Rain of Flowers along the Silk Road is part of the repertoire of the Gansu Dance Drama and Opera Ensemble.

9. The repertoire of the couple - Jab plays the saxophone and his wife Dee sings - ranges from Nat King Cole to Motown.

10. The academy has selected Lu's works to represent folk drawing in its digital repertoire.

repertoire的意思repertoire 英英释义


1. a collection of works (plays, songs, operas, ballets) that an artist or company can perform and do perform for short intervals on a regular schedule

Synonym: repertory

2. the entire range of skills or aptitudes or devices used in a particular field or occupation

e.g. the repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism

has a large repertory of dialects and characters

Synonym: repertory