

tooth:[英 [tu:θ] 美 [tuθ] ]



tooth 基本解释

名词齿; 牙; 齿状部份




tooth 相关词组

1. tooth and nail : 竭尽全力地;

2. long in the tooth : 年纪大, 老;

3. armed to the teeth : 武装到牙齿, 全副武装;

4. get ones teeth into : 认真对待, 全神贯注于, 死死咬住;

5. set sb.s teeth on edge : 使生气;

6. show ones teeth : 作威胁(或敌对、发怒)姿态;

7. in the teeth of : 不顾;

tooth 相关例句


1. The sharp parts of a comb or a saw are called teeth.


2. I brush my teeth twice a day.


3. A comb has teeth.


4. tooth

4. I have no tooth for candies.


5. When will the police be given the necessary teeth to deal with young criminals?


tooth 情景对话

At the dentist’s-(看牙医)

A:I have a terrible toothache.


B:Which tooth is it?


A:(Pointing) This one here.


B:Ah, yes. There’s a big cavity.



A:Can you fill it?


B:I’m afraid not. The tooth is too far gone. It’ll have to be taken out.



A:Then I might as well have it out now.


B:You’d better wait. The gums are swollen. Take the medicine I prescribe and come back in three days.


tooth 网络解释

1. 牙:对烤瓷冠相邻的天然牙(Tooth)与烤瓷冠测色(Po.Crown),本试验仅采用色差(Shade)的差值,反应烤瓷冠与天然牙颜色的接近程度,差值越小,烤瓷冠与天然牙颜色越接近,所以利用Shade Eve电脑比色仪,可以比较准确与客观地反应烤瓷冠的颜色.

2. 齿:例如有些狗(dog)狗(dog)牙齿(tooth)或牙龈长了脓包,嘴周围发炎都会很不配合会抓挠着把美容(features)师的推子推开. 让狗(dog)狗(dog)安静的有控制性的看看推子,闻闻气味,然后听听其声音. 给狗(dog)狗(dog)梳毛的时候让推子在狗(dog)狗(dog)身边转动,

3. tooth在线翻译

3. 牙,牙齿:但如果置之不理,狗会在年轻时就开始掉牙,牙齿(tooth)的护理(take care of)应从幼年开始. 这里介绍两种刷牙方法:方法一是用软或消毒纱垫替狗狗抹净牙齿(tooth),然后用药棉浸以大蒜汁涂擦牙齿(tooth)及牙龈,发现齿缝中留有残存的食物,

tooth 双语例句


1. In terms of the generating freedom-degree of the tooth surface, the sloping angle of the contact path is enlarged.


2. Brush teeth near the gums on the site, bristles and the tooth surface tilt angle of 45 degrees.


3. Bristles with the tooth surface of 45 angle.


4. tooth的意思

4. And the curve of relationship between rear angle on tooth crest and helical angle on tooth side of...


5. When the width ratio of groove and tooth of rect angle groove is 1:1, the highest finishing efficiency can be obtained.


6. On the basis of these induced equations, the munerical computation and analyzing are completed, especially for the analyzing and computing the character of helix angle and tooth profile in different section for worm and stator which determines manufacturing for the parts of this kind of drive.


7. Objective:To discuss the clinical symptoms, the methods of diagnosis and treament and prognosis assess on tooth subclinical fracture. Methods:167 cases were observed and analysed clinically.



8. Dry socket is one of the most common complications of wisdom tooth removal.


9. It is thought that dry socket occurs when a blood clot either fails to develop in the tooth socket, or is dislodged.


10. There is some speculation that an all-hard food diet can cause premature tooth wear.


11. tooth

11. This tooth on the lower jaw be sensitive to cold and hot.


12. This tooth on the lower jaw is sensitive to cold and hot.


13. tooth的近义词

13. A process for preparing SiO2 used in high transparency green tooth paste features that the acidifying agent and alka line solution of silicate are used as raw materials, the edible aluminium sul fate and phospharic acid are used as additive, and the deionized water is used for high purity.



14. In this control system and optimized craft parameter fall, use width to be the tool cathode of 5 Mm, can be inside 5 Min modulus 3, tine is counted 33, Ra is worth the surface roughness of straight gear tooth flank of facewidth 15 Mm and HRC50~HRC55 of tooth flank hardness to fall from 1.6 μ M to 0.1 μ M the following, the exterior reflectivity of tooth flank ρ by 30% raise 80%~90%.

在此控制系统和优化的工艺参数下,采用宽度为5 mm的工具阴极,可在5 min内把模数3、齿数33、齿宽15 mm和齿面硬度HRC50~HRC55的直齿轮齿面粗糙度Ra值从1.6μm降至0.1μm以下,齿面的表面反射率ρ由30%提高到80%~90%。

15. In chapter 2 of this dissertation, using meshing theory system, it systematically studies the basic rack, flank equation, fillet and the cutting, engagement requirements, crest tipping, calculation and measurement of tooth thickness, which provides detailed theoretical basis for designing and manufacturing hob for DIGLST and the basis for processing and checking the gear.


16. They will pull out the double sharp tooth of its behind 1, please tiger tooth to return to go in the tooth row under the function in the being in conjunction with of lips cheek muscle.


17. While another, compared with pairs of yellow rosewood Royal couch Alice head design, head slightly higher, raglan straight legs, the side pin account, the central one is engraved Shui tooth pattern, with relief commensurate with the first teeth, fence-style engraved Shui for the screen pattern, surface texture ranging from massage couch surface and plane between the production process expressed its precious.


18. Inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets, often leading toloosening of the teeth.


19. tooth的翻译

19. The interpremaxillary suture line, medial incisor tooth sockets, and junction between the lateral incisor and canine tooth sockets are visualized.


20. tooth的解释

20. The tooth sockets were remained un-healed two months after tooth extraction in osteoporosis group; whereas, in the group with estrogen replacement therapy, the bone defects were filled with new bone one month after tooth extraction, the new bone matured after two months.


tooth 词典解释

1. 牙;齿

Your teeth are the hard white objects in your mouth, which you use for biting and chewing.

e.g. She had very pretty straight teeth...


e.g. If a tooth feels very loose, your dentist may recommend that it's taken out.


2. 齿状物;(梳子、锯、齿轮、拉链等的)齿

The teeth of something such as a comb, saw, cog, or zip are the parts that stick out in a row on its edge.

e.g. The front cog has 44 teeth.

前齿轮有 44 个齿。

3. (官方组织、法律等的)威力,效力

If you say that something such as an official group or a law has teeth, you mean that it has power and is able to be effective.

e.g. The opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth...


e.g. The law must have teeth, and it must be enforced.


4. see also: wisdom tooth

5. 全副武装;武装到牙齿

Someone who is armed to the teeth is armed with a lot of weapons or with very effective weapons.


e.g. Both sides were armed to the teeth.


6. 获得初步经验(或训练);起步

If you say that someone cut their teeth doing a particular thing, at a particular time, or in a particular place, you mean that that is how, when, or where they began their career and learned some of their skills.


e.g. ...director John Glen, who cut his teeth on Bond movies...


e.g. He cut his teeth in the sixties as director of Edinburgh's Traverse Theatre.

他 60 年代刚出道时在爱丁堡特拉弗斯剧院担任导演。

7. 使人感到极其不舒服(或恼怒)

If you say that something sets your teeth on edge, you mean that you find it extremely unpleasant or irritating.

e.g. Their voices set your teeth on edge.


8. 奋力争取/竭尽全力阻止

If you fight tooth and nail to do something, you do everything you can in order to achieve it. If you fight something tooth and nail, you do everything you can in order to prevent it.

e.g. He fought tooth and nail to keep his job...


e.g. Unions pledged to fight any compulsory redundancies 'tooth and nail'.


9. 潜心专注于;全力投入

If you describe a task or activity as something you can get your teeth into, you mean that you like it because it is interesting, complex, and makes you think hard.

e.g. This role gave her something to get her teeth into...


e.g. They have to get involved and get their teeth into some police work.


10. 直对;顶着;不顾

If you do something in the teeth of a difficulty or danger, you do it in spite of the difficulty or danger.


e.g. I was battling my way along the promenade in the teeth of a force ten gale...


e.g. In the teeth of the longest recession since the 1930s, the company continues to perform well.

尽管面对 20 世纪 30 年代以来持续时间最长的经济衰退,这家公司却一直经营良好。

11. 满口谎话;睁着眼说瞎话

If you say that someone is lying through their teeth, you are emphasizing that they are telling lies.

12. 年迈的;年老的

If you describe someone as long in the tooth, you are saying unkindly or humorously that they are old or getting old.

e.g. Aren't I a bit long in the tooth to start being an undergraduate?


13. 爱吃甜食

If you have a sweet tooth, you like sweet food very much.

e.g. Add more honey if you have a sweet tooth.


14. to get the bit between your teeth -> see bit

to give one's eye teeth for something -> see eye

to gnash one's teeth -> see gnash

to grit your teeth -> see grit

a kick in the teeth -> see kick

by the skin of your teeth -> see skin

tooth 单语例句

1. To reproduce the ancient style of the Fuzhou horn comb, craftsmen had to polish every comb tooth by hand.

2. The idea is that the calcium rebuilds the tooth by plugging microscopic gaps in the enamel.

3. There isn't a lot of seating, but it is the destination of choice for many with a sweet tooth to satisfy.

4. A single gene appears to be in charge, preventing additional tooth formation in species destined for a limited set.

5. She and her mother have always gone over their earnings with a fine tooth comb down to even the last penny.

6. Kissing is also recommended for gums and teeth because it increases production of saliva, which helps kill the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

7. The added ingredient of xylitol in gum helps prevent tooth decay, and consumers purchase it to maintain oral hygiene.

8. It had been about 18 months since my last visit to the dentist, and it was my first visit to a tooth doctor in China.

9. The girl first went to the dentist at the age of 1 when a newly grown tooth decayed.

10. Meat lovers can order as much steak and lamb as they desire, while those who have a sweet tooth can try all the desserts on the menu.

tooth的翻译tooth 英英释义


1. a means of enforcement

e.g. the treaty had no teeth in it

2. toothlike structure in invertebrates found in the mouth or alimentary canal or on a shell

3. something resembling the tooth of an animal

4. one of a number of uniform projections on a gear

5. hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates

used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense