

upwards:[英 [ˈʌpwədz] 美 [ˈʌpwərdz] ]


upwards 基本解释

副词向上地,上升地; 在上面,向上头


upwards 相关词组

1. upwards of : ...以上;

upwards 相关例句


1. The plane flew upwards and out of sight.



2. A tree grows upwards.



3. He has been living in this house from his childhood upwards.


4. Citizens of eighteen years and upwards have the right to vote.


upwards 网络解释

1. 向上:upwardmining 上向开采 | upwards 向上 | upwardwelding 上行焊

2. 地点副词:5 频度副词 always, often, frequently, seldom, never | 2 地点副词 here, nearby, outside, upwards, above | 6 疑问副词 how, where, when, why

3. 向上地:upward 向上地 | upwards 向上地 | urchin 顽童

4. 向上;往上:nature 性质;种类 | upwards 向上;往上 | seek 试图;探寻

upwards 双语例句

1. Pull both weights upwards simultaneously while lifting legs and head.


2. upwards

2. We could continue traveling upwards with our imagination, but now we will return home quickly


3. upwards的近义词

3. In the photo was an acclivitous grille, and upwards hung a long ice stick. Through the relucent window glass showed up a brim-broken bowl, inside which someone raised a blossoming cabbage. The time when he took the photo was noted with the winter in the year of 1976, and the place of photo taking was evidently a temporary habitat just after the great earthquake.


4. An enormous tree, the more its branches endeavor eagerly for the clouds, upwards, into the light, into the height, into Good, the more its roots strive determinedly for the earth, downwards, into the darkness, into the depth, into Evil.



5. It make you feel cleanlily and natural and spirt fly upwards.


6. It's a reserve of oil that is held in a salt dome in Louisiana. But it's been filled up over the course of years and it could have upwards of 700 or 800 million barrels of oil in it.


7. At first we thought this might be due to a slack market, but on looking into the matter more closely. We find that the general trend of trade during this period has been upwards.


8. This can take upwards of 100 hours of total time.


9. It basically operates the main point as follows: The left hand holds the ticket, the palm is downward, the thumb is pinned in the middle of the left end of the front of the bank note, the forefinger and middle finger are on the back of the bank note, pinch the bank note together with thumb; Left hand the third finger naturally curly, pinch, get up bank note little finger stretch to bank note front push down bank note below the Left deviation; The middle finger of left hand is exerted oneself slightly, the bank note of tight card together with the third finger, little finger; The left hand forefinger is stretched, the thumb is moved upwards, pin the side of the bank note, keep the bank note into the tile shape; Left hand wipe from tabletop bank note, bank note turn, thumb strength wiped from tabletop to borrow prop up bank note covering of a fan and oblique to oneself of WeiKai Cheng; Three fingers of right hand dip in water, rotate and move the lower right corner of the bank note downwards sharp with the thumb, the forefinger cooperates with the thumb to rotate and move on the back of the bank note; Play in one`s arms, count while ordering with right hand the third finger bank note got up to rotate; Pay attention to the posture at the some paper money, the health is straight and upright, the eyes It must keep eyeball and bank note from, put dual tactics elbow at tabletop.


10. upwards的反义词

10. They could accommodate a large number of people on a relatively small price of land because they were built upwards not outwards.


11. These learning processes change as one advances on the spiritual ladder upwards or downwards.


12. You may find that in your career you have to move sideways for a start, rather than upwards.


13. B、If A operation can not yet get intact image, should take down the telecope, and then use the small pen shape stick aims at the two ostioles on the ocular lens side, anticlockwise upwards to rotate until get intact and clear image

A 的动作还未能达到全屏,可取下望远镜,用配件中的笔型调镜器对准望远镜目镜端上的任一个小孔逆时针向上微调,直至图象全屏清晰为止。


14. The small and medium-sized enterprises provide export which amount arrives 60% upwards in recent years.


15. Layered progressive teaching, more can create a harmonious and upwards incentive mechanism.


16. upwards的意思

16. We run upwards and succeeded to find a Devonian bioherm, which is 1 meter high and 10 meters away from our working place.


17. Time, Wenzhou Real Mission Junma Wherever he went, if her gas through local property prices soar swaying upwards sky.


18. upwards是什么意思

18. From Dubai to Egypt, we`re talking upwards of 40°C heat.


19. First shaking the bottle, then unscrewing the black cap, she dipped the square-headed brush into the nail polish and applied it very carefully one by one to her nails, starting at the roots and working upwards to the tips.


20. Either ofb the two bundles of bright which are situated at specie point is tilted upwards, which make the photograph more impressive.


upwards 词典解释

1. 向上

If someone moves or looks upwards, they move or look up towards a higher place.

e.g. 'There,' said Jack, pointing upwards...


e.g. They climbed upward along the steep cliffs surrounding the village...


2. 上升;上涨

If an amount or rate moves upwards, it increases.


e.g. ...with prices soon heading upwards in high street stores...


e.g. Unemployment will continue upward for much of this year...


3. …以上;多于…

A quantity that is upwards of a particular number is more than that number.

e.g. ...projects worth upwards of 200 million pounds...


e.g. It costs upward of $40,000 a year to keep some prisoners in prison.


upwards 单语例句

1. Contingency plans were being set up last night as continued rain pushed water levels upwards and tropical storm Morakot headed towards the country's eastern coastline.

2. Starting at the end of coccyx, she continued upwards until her fingers reached the neck.

3. Income disparities will not be fundamentally altered until the market equilibrium wage inches upwards sufficiently to create labor demand at decent wage levels.

4. Beijing will host the event for the seventh time, with this year's edition boasting upwards of 60 skaters from 12 countries and regions.

5. Officials estimate the British investigation will cost the public upwards of $ 5 million.

6. Oil prices were pushed upwards Monday as Iraq announced a halt to exports on the eve of a major conference of oil producing countries.

7. " They identify people who fit into the normal class or upwards, " Wang said.

8. Standing for long period increases pressure in the veins in the legs, and they have to work harder to pump blood back upwards to the heart.

9. Both sexes have small horns that run horizontally above the skull and then point upwards.

10. This branding of Chinese goods upwards in ASEAN markets will have positive soft power and imaging effects on ASEAN societies.

upwards的翻译upwards 英英释义


1. spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position

e.g. look up!

the music surged up

the fragments flew upwards

prices soared upwards

upwardly mobile

Synonym: upupwardupwardly

2. to a later time

e.g. they moved the meeting date up

from childhood upward

Synonym: upupward