

whim:[英 [wɪm] 美 [hwɪm, wɪm] ]


过去式:whimmed;   过去分词:whimmed;   现在分词:whimming;   复数形式:whims;

whim 基本解释

名词幻想; 一时的兴致; 突然的念头; 怪念头,奇想


whim 相关例句


1. He had a sudden whim to go sailing today.



2. She is always full of whims and fancies.


whim 网络解释

1. 幻想;卷扬机:while 一会儿;当...的时候;而 | whim 幻想;卷扬机 | whine 呜呜声;哀诉;牢骚

2. 突然的念头:whichever 无论何者 | whim 突然的念头 | whimper 呜咽

3. 怪念头, 奇想:(1) Eccentric 古怪 | (2) Whim 怪念头, 奇想 | (3) A twinge of guilt 内疚

whim 双语例句

1. Because these items have no ascertainable fundamental value, generate no present or future cash flow, and depend for their value entirely on buyer whim, they clearly constitute speculations rather than investments.


2. But for the moment's whim.


3. The fruits of the future, but for the moment`s whim.



4. Take a whim for doing sth.


5. Come out to brush a shoe today, not be his temporarily be seized by a whim.


6. whim的意思

6. Mr Mortimer nonetheless luxuriates in what he has: grants to chantries and hospitals, rewards for service, reports from ambassadors, requests for provisioning (all those thousands of longbows, arrows, barrels of beer, sides of beef) and the ceaseless pawning of a large part of Henry`s treasure to pay for his whim of a war.


7. He caters to her every whim.


8. whim什么意思

8. As the head of a large organization, he was surrounded by people who were prepared to respond to his every whim.


9. The promise of success is a challenge which is either met with confidence and that insouciance fueled by both intuition and the knowledge that you have arrived at a competitive mastery of your private capacities and weaker traits, OR it is a seductive goddess who will dump you in the middle of the freeway of life with purposeless whim.


10. whim在线翻译

10. Muks was created in November 2003, when, on a whim, Jaime brought some of her heritage back to London in the form of Mukluks.

就在 Jaime 将她的一些遗传因素带到伦敦 MUKLUKS 面前的时候,也就是2003年的11月

11. whim在线翻译

11. Then I had a whim that time I hope I can turn back time to the war years so that I had a chance to render meritorious service to atone for my guilty.


12. He couldn't please her whim.


13. Some day, the general be seized by a whim of this country, want to check equipment.



14. My friend is a true computer blind, be seized by a whim wants to learn computer to come the book that concerned computer borrows here.


15. I had seen early the text that Google government personnel releases, evaluated buying and selling to link, and how does search engine decide, nevertheless, recently, be seized by a whim, I wrote down this article.


16. Private collectors, answerable to no one, buying on whim, not necessarily knowledgeable, often don't.


17. The firm's monied partner, chronically afflicted by a vague illness, decided on a whim during one of his healthy respites to have a group portrait made of the office personnel.


18. A communist and an agnostic, Barny enters Morin's church on a whim one day and engages him in a conversation during which she severely criticizes his faith.

她是个共产主义者和不可知论者,某天一时兴起,她去了Morin 的教会,严厉地批评他的信念。

19. whim的意思

19. This isn't just a whim of mine, it's a magnificent obsession!


20. Ross:(squatting and reading the instructions) I'm supposed to attach a brackety thing to the side things, using a bunch of these little worm guys. I have no brackety thing, I see no whim guys whatsoever and- I cannot feel my legs.


whim 词典解释

1. 一时的兴致;心血来潮;突发的奇想

A whim is a wish to do or have something which seems to have no serious reason or purpose behind it, and often occurs suddenly.

e.g. We decided, more or less on a whim, to sail to Morocco...


e.g. The premium can increase at the whim of the insurers...


whim 单语例句whim在线翻译

1. When Upton decided on a whim to get a Mohawk haircut last month, the fad caught on in the clubhouse.

2. He said he experimented just out of a whim but found the rope made of butts was tough and enduring.

3. The idea of a " harmonious world " is not a whim.

4. Deng said socialist democracy should be ensured by " institutionalization and legalization ", preventing it from being changed at the whim of future leaders.

5. Shen did not make the decision on a whim but out of years of intern experiences in social work.

6. Yuan didn't make the decision on a whim, as he knew that if farming was approached the right way it would succeed.

7. As a model or actor you are employed on someone's whim.

8. Stand frames on a table or shelf so you can rearrange on a whim.

9. He said renters will not be able to rename an island on a whim.

10. He was the first to take up the whim of doing the job, then giving it to Forbes and several media for publications.

whim的意思whim 英英释义


1. an odd or fanciful or capricious idea

e.g. the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories

he had a whimsy about flying to the moon

whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it

Synonym: notionwhimsywhimsey

2. a sudden desire

e.g. he bought it on an impulse

Synonym: capriceimpulse