

credential:[英 [krəˈdenʃl] 美 [krɪˈdɛnʃəl] ]


credential 基本解释

名词文凭; 外交使节所递的国书,信任状


credential 网络解释

1. 证书:认证被宽松地定义为基于一些证书(credential)来确定一个实体(例如,身份)是否确实是它所声称的. 授权是一个过程,它决定是否允许一个实体对其他实体进行访问、执行操作,它超出了Zend_Auth的范围.

2. 凭据:Windows凭据(Credential)其实就是指用户帐户和口令,我们调用一些API,如WTSOpen务器上的资源. 使用本地用户帐户作为登录帐户 本地用户帐户是指在本地计算机上创建的Windows用户帐户. 在本地用户帐户的安全上下文中运行的服务向远程服务器提供本地用户帐户的访问标记.

3. credential

3. 资格:MCAP 与微软的 MCTS、MCPD、MCITP、MCM、MCA 等新一代认证相同,都是资格 (credential) 和技能认证 (certification) 分离,这代表了得到认证的考生更能够凸显出自己的专业能力,而雇主也可以很容易的找到目前需要的能力的人.

4. credential

4. 凭证:该用户启动的任何进程都将附加列表(ACL)中的每个访问控制项(ACE)和访问令牌中的 SID 进行比较以确定进程于验证的信任凭证(用户名、域和密码),而该信任凭证(credential)用于网

credential 双语例句

1. Your passport is out of the term of validity, you can't pass without valid credential.



2. The identification credential for governmental apparatuses, enterprises, social undertakings and social organizations takes form of the Certificate for the Code of the Organizational Institution, Power of Attorney affixed the official seal and Identification Certificate of Consignee.


3. credential

3. The Master of Ed in Elementary Ed (Eligible for Institutional Recommendation/Credential) is a program designed for any individual interested in the education of chi...

在小学教育(教育硕士资格的机构建议/凭据),任何个人在在级亩子女教育感兴趣- 8设置设计的程序,但谁寻求教学证。。。

4. credential的反义词

4. Principal: Household don't non- agriculture family household head of householdname Household number address Provincial level public security organ special-purpose chapterof household registration institution registered permanent addressspecial-purpose chapter Beijing police station registered permanent addressspecial-purpose chapter of Beijing police station sun palace localpolice station The undertaker signature signs and issues Resident population registration card The name head of household or relates the used name sex placeof birth nationality Chinese with the head of household Native place birth livelihood this city other addressreligious beliefs When does the citizen status credential serial number heightblood-group years of schooling university undergraduate course maritalstatus have spouse military service condition service quarterprofessional engineer to send here this city by where When sends here by where this site year, month and day XXXX tomove into Undertaker signature registration date Address change registration After change address change date Marriage certificate Beijing town character Xth female 20 years old of male 23years old The voluntary marriage, is in harmony with the People'sRepublic of China marriage law after the examination about themarriage stipulation, issues this card.

校长:户别非农业家庭户户主姓名户号住址省级公安机关专用章户口登记机关户口专用章北京市公安局户口专用章北京市公安局太阳宫派出所承办人签章签发常住人口登记卡姓名户主或与户主关系曾用名性别出生地民族汉籍贯出生日月本市其他住址宗教信仰公民身份证件编号身高血型文化程度大学本科婚姻状况有配偶兵役状况服务处所职业工程师何时由何地迁来本市何时由何地迁来本址年月日XXXX迁入承办人签章登记日期住址变动登记变动后的住址变动日期结婚证京镇字第 X号女20岁男23岁自愿结婚,经审查合于中华人民共和国婚姻法关于结婚的规定,发给此证。

5. Oh. You have to renew your credential.


6. credential

6. But until now he's still not able to hand in his credential, do you think it's usual?


7. If there is any matters in dispute, Credential Chair will solve this matter and his decision is final.


8. For a motor vehicle that is transferred based on an arbitration from an arbitrational organization, its background credential takes form of a Letter of Arbitration and a Notification of Execution Assistance that is issued by a People`s court of law.


9. Many States require the Registered Dietitian credential, an award given to those who pass a certification exam given by The Commission on Dietetic Registration of the American Dietetic Association.


10. Granting moderator rights must be a reversible action: Administrators must be able to browse a list of moderators, and for each, to delete the moderator credential.


11. Despite the lack of any other credential, his rise to power was swift.


12. This paper firstly analyzes the actuality and problems of SSO research work using the credential library and proposes a model to implement SSO for library portal. And then it analyzes and compares common SSO mechanisms which are being deployed for Web applications at present. It designs the architecture of a credential-based SSO system, and introduces the principle of credential library, credential manager and users mapping mechanism. Finally, a prototype system of credential-based SSO is designed.


13. It is also an excellent credential for persons who want to teach quantitative and research courses in business, economics, and management programs at the collegiate level.


14. 17Th article moves the scene in the large-scale mass character to be responsible to carry out the safety control duty public security organ staff, depends on is in charge of quarters the credential to enter the large-scale mass character to move the scene, legally fulfills the safety control responsibility.


15. A Meisterbrief, the highest vocational credential, is not just a badge of competence but in some trades a keep-off sign to competitors.


16. credential

16. The links to the new lists will appear there, but they need to be conditionned to a credential.


17. credential的意思

17. We know that maintaining the value of the CWNP credential is as important to you as it is to us.


18. The credential you offered is not full, and we can't account your compensation request.


19. That`s where this credential can help.


20. This is my credential.


credential 单语例句credential的翻译

1. The scandal was later dubbed the " fake credential gate " by Chinese media.

2. The award will certainly boost his company another credential in the expansion stage of the fundraising for his company.

3. Tour of Georgia officials have received more than 500 media credential applications this year, almost twice last year's total.

4. Politicians in both countries have used tough talk on the dispute to bolster their credential as patriots.

5. The Red Sox have had 270 credential requests to cover Spring Training with nearly half of them from Japanese media.

6. A press credential issued to Robert Carl Cohen in 1957 by the Chinese government.

7. We will follow the credential approval procedure for the applications submitted by joint venture companies that have Chinese and foreign partners.

8. But all those electronic tools and toys gathering dust in the cupboards and drawers can attest to my credential as a gadget freak.

credential 英英释义


1. a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts

Synonym: certificatecertificationcredentials