

sack:[英 [sæk] 美 [sæk] ]


过去式:sacked;   现在分词:sacking;   复数形式:sacks;

sack 基本解释

名词麻袋; 洗劫; 解雇

及物动词解雇; 把…装进袋里; 掠夺


sack 相关例句


1. The invaders sacked the village.


2. The child sacked the toys.



1. We cleaned up and sacked out early.



1. sack的翻译

1. I bet he's still in the sack.


2. He got the sack for petty thieving.


3. The potatoes were put into sacks.


sack 网络解释

1. 袋:然后拿走他的布袋(SACK). 袋内有一套圣诞老人服装(SANTA CLAUS SUIT),穿上(USE SACK)它(USE EMPTY SACK即可脱下它). 存盘. 然后走上大屋,会遇到一个矮厨子. 如你未穿圣诞服他就会大喊救命,你就......走进大厅,

2. 布袋:2.所有布袋(sack)都有防水内衬(interior water-proof lining)以保护货物. 3.板条箱(crate)总长不得超过(exceed)4英尺. 5.我们会将你们对包装的意见(comments)及时(duly)转告有关厂商供他们考虑. 6.我们相信你们对分四批(lots)装运货物不会有困难.

3. sack的近义词

3. 麻袋:sack n.麻袋 记法:麻袋(sack)把后背(back)压成了S形. lack n.缺少 记法:后背(back)压成了S形就缺少(lack)了脊梁骨(l). tack n.大头钉 T的形状像大头钉. 记法:后背(back)缺少了脊梁骨大头钉(tack)来代. wack n.怪人 W的形状像翅膀.

4. sack:selective acknowledgment; 选择性确认

5. sack:selective acknowledgement; 选择性应答

sack 双语例句

1. Displace, fire, give notice, dismiss, give the axe, send away, sack, force out, give the sack, terminate


2. Fire, give notice, can, dismiss, give the axe, send away, sack, force out, give the sack, terminate


3. If ever there were a sad sack who needed the keepyourchinup advice of Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), it was Dale Carnegie.



4. Tianjin cotton rope hemp linen sack sack coir rope limited liability company rope big yellow hemp marijuana striped cloth, Tarpaulins plastic packaging products.


5. When news was brought to him that the people of Sardis had rebelled, it would have been easy for him to reduce them by force; but being unwilling either to sack such a fine city or to maintain an army there to police it, he thought of an unusual expedient for reducing it.


6. I'll trick him, then I'll kick him into my sack.


7. Three layered packing material of approximately 200 gsm first layer being 10*10 mesh hdpe fabric followed by 4 micron (100 gauge) ldpe lamination grade confirming to LA 1070 virgin plastic bonded firmly to sack craft paper of 100 GSM having burst factor of 25; layered sheet cut and made in to box type having denomination wise dimensions and per our drawinggiven below, with an extension flap of 40mm overlap on both the top covers which will be pasted by adhesive tape. the four corner joints of the box type hape packing material shall be firmly stitched and bonded together with hdpe self adhesive tape by the supplier.

3层约200克包装材料第一层为10 * 10高密度聚乙烯网布4微米(100计)聚乙烯层压级确认洛杉矶1070处女塑料粘结牢固解雇100 GSM的牛皮纸有爆裂的25倍后,分层板材剪切和以箱型尺寸和明智的面额有根据我们drawinggiven作出以下的40毫米扩大皮瓣,同时在顶部重叠覆盖将由胶带粘贴。四大高原肺水肿的箱式包装材料的接缝应角落牢固地缝合,保税与高密度聚乙烯的供应商自我胶带在一起。

8. I buckled myself to the knees into my sack and made a hearty meal; and as soon as the sun went down, I pulled my cap over my eyes and fell asleep.


9. sack的翻译

9. If I were a Bain client, I would sack the firm on the spot.


10. The popular co-founder of Médecins Sans Frontières, a charity, who once waded ashore in Somalia carrying a sack of rice, looks out of place besuited in his grand office at the Quai d'Orsay.



11. Sack them whenever you may be displeased with them.


12. sack在线翻译

12. One fixation mode including frame and underpressure sack, the other fixation mode including fixing plate and thermoplast facio-mode.


13. Abstract] objective to study the technique and the clinical application of ct simulative scanning in three-dimensional conformal therapy. methods we reviewed 768 cases with tumor of body, neck and head performed ct simulation positioning scanning. one fixation mode including frame and underpressure sack, the other fixation mode including fixing plate and thermoplast facio-mode. results the course of ct simulation was performed on the reconstructed imaging, the target was exactly confirmed by ct scan, to choose suitable parameter, collect exact data and measure ct were important to conformal radiotherapy. conclusion ct simulation orientation is of great value for conformal radiotherapy.

目的 探讨三维适形放疗中ct模拟技术及其临床应用价值。方法回顾分析768例头颈部及体部多种肿瘤的ct模拟定位病例。患者体位固定方式:(1)采用框架+负压袋固定;(2)专用定位板+热塑面模固定。结果 ct模拟过程在ct重建图像上进行,ct扫描能精确确定肿瘤靶区。但要注意:ct扫描参数的掌握,数据的精确采集,ct值的测定等能满足适形放疗的需要。结论 ct模拟定位在适形放疗中有重要价值。

14. At this thought, he ran to the depositing room of the tribute tea, loosed the hemp sack from pommel, opened them, took out a bamboo tea bag carefully, untied the bamboo strings and stripped a bamboo package. What a jolly mess at the first sight! The tea cake had changed color. The originally whitish green tea cakes had become the brown one.


15. Thinking to offer the tribute tea to palace tomorrow and after that, rush back by day and night, he hit upon how the tribute tea was getting like. At this thought, he ran to the depositing room of the tribute tea, loosed the hemp sack from pommel, opened them, took out a bamboo tea bag carefully, untied the bamboo strings and stripped a bamboo package.


16. It is hard for an empty sack to stand upright.


17. He should wear twinkling patent leather boots and in the breast pocket of his sack coat there should be a white handkerchief protruding about three quarters of an


18. sack

18. He should wear twinkling patent leather boots and in the breast pocket of his sack coat there should be a white handkerchief protruding about three quarters of an inch above the vent.


19. sack的反义词

19. Lift your nut sack.



20. Audi A42.8 quattro 1996 Audi A4 Trim Levels, Colors and Available Options Available Trim Levels: 2.8 Available Options: All Weather Package: Heated front seats, heated windshield washer nozzles, heated driver door lock, Outside Temperature Gauge Quattro all-wheel drive 5-Speed Automatic Transmission Power Glass Sunroof with sunshade and pre-select feature Radio frequency remote activation of locking system, alarm and interior lights Expandable ski/storage sack Cellular telephone (hands-free/voice recognition) Audi/bose premium sound system with anti-theft AM/FM stereo cassette radio and 4 acoustically tuned speaker modules 6-disc CD changer Trip computer 3-spoke sport steering wheel Kodiak Leather upholstery Pearlescent white paint Available Exterior Colors: Pearl White/Casablanca White/Brilliant Black/Laser Red/Aluminum Silver/Europa Blue Mica/Emerald Green Mica/Autumn Red Technical Specs Model: 2.8 Engine/Engine Design Type: V690 degree, gasoline Bore: 3.25 in.

1996年,奥迪A4 2.8 quattro的 1996年,奥迪A4 装饰水平,颜色和可用的选项现有的装饰水平:2.8 ( FWD的或quattro的)可选项:全部天气封装:加热前排座椅,加热挡风玻璃清洗喷嘴,加热司机门锁,室外温度衡量 quattro的全轮驱动五速自动变速器电力玻璃天窗与遮阳和预选择功能无线电频率远程激活的锁定系统,报警和内部灯扩充滑雪/存储袋移动电话( hands-free/voice识别)奥迪/百色保费健全的制度与反盗窃的调幅/调频立体声录音机电台和4声调谐扬声器单元 6碟的CD换此行电脑三轮辐运动方向盘科迪亚克皮革装饰珠光白色涂料现有的外部颜色:珍珠白/卡萨布兰卡白色/黑色的光辉/激光红/铝银/欧罗巴蓝云母/翡翠绿云母/秋季红技术规格型号:2.8 引擎/引擎设计类型:V6发动机90度,汽油孔:3.25英寸( 82.5毫米)中风:三点四○英寸( 86.4毫米)位移:169铜。

sack 词典解释

1. 麻布袋;粗布袋;厚纸袋;大口袋

A sack is a large bag made of rough woven material. Sacks are used to carry or store things such as vegetables or coal.

e.g. ...a sack of potatoes.


2. 解雇;开除;炒鱿鱼

If your employers sack you, they tell you that you can no longer work for them because you have done something that they did not like or because your work was not good enough.

e.g. Earlier today the Prime Minister sacked 18 government officials for corruption...

今天早些时候,首相解除了 18 名涉嫌贪污腐败的政府官员的职务。

e.g. Science teacher James Wood was sacked for slapping a schoolboy.


3. 抢劫,洗劫,破坏(城镇或城市)

When an army sacks a town or city, they destroy it, taking away all valuable things.


e.g. In 1527 Imperial troops sacked the French ambassador's residence in Rome.



Some people refer to bed as the sack .


sack 单语例句

1. The president read the riot act to his squabbling cabinet last week, threatening to sack any minister who did not stick to an agreed line.

2. It is not a light job to carry something as heavy as a sack of rubbish down the mountain.

3. Those who buy this garbage about America's compassion, her goodwill and champion for the oppressed has been sold a sack of crock.

4. And the first lady triumphed over the comedian in a climactic potato sack race.

5. One man took a big sack of sugar and another left on a motorized rickshaw with a crate of drinking water.

6. Yusuf's decision to sack Hussein this month was not recognized by regional nations and they imposed sanctions on the president for hindering the process.

7. Soho Square bosses wanted to ditch Swede Eriksson after he flopped at Euro 2004 and scored in the sack with FA secretary Faria Alam.

8. A cloth sack dust removal technology is used for a second filtration of sulfur dioxide and soot.

9. Officials who falsify economic data could face the sack under a new law aimed at wiping out fraudulent figures.

10. Those who repeatedly fail to observe the rules could face the sack, the ministry statement said.

sack 英英释义


1. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)

Synonym: dismissaldismissiondischargefiringliberationreleasesacking

2. the plundering of a place by an army or mob

usually involves destruction and slaughter

e.g. the sack of Rome

3. a loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders without a waist

Synonym: chemiseshift

4. a hanging bed of canvas or rope netting (usually suspended between two trees)

swings easily

Synonym: hammock

5. a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases

Synonym: pokepaper bagcarrier bag

6. a woman's full loose hiplength jacket

Synonym: sacque

7. any of various light dry strong white wine from Spain and Canary Islands (including sherry)

8. the quantity contained in a sack

Synonym: sackful

9. an enclosed space

e.g. the trapped miners found a pocket of air

Synonym: pouchsacpocket


1. put in a sack

e.g. The grocer sacked the onions

2. make as a net profit

e.g. The company cleared $1 million

Synonym: netsack upclear

3. plunder (a town) after capture

e.g. the barbarians sacked Rome

Synonym: plunder

4. terminate the employment of

discharge from an office or position

e.g. The boss fired his secretary today

The company terminated 25% of its workers

Synonym: displacefiregive noticecandismissgive the axesend awayforce outgive the sackterminate