

hydration:[英 [haɪ'dreɪʃn] 美 [haɪ'dreɪʃn] ]


hydration 基本解释

名词水化; 水合,水合作用

hydration 网络解释

1. hydration在线翻译

1. 水化:硅胶片的作用机制:硅胶持续释放的化学作用及水化(hydration)和阻塞的生理作用造成疤痕抑制效果. 上述两种方法适用于疤痕形成未超过半年者. 3. 疤痕内注射类固醇:使用长效性类固醇制剂,直接注射到疤痕内,来抑制疤痕内过量的胶原蛋白,

2. hydration是什么意思

2. 水合作用:Fig7-a显示在12.5小时后的水合作用(hydration)所增加水份,在这段时间除了Trehalulose糖外没有一种糖有明显变动. 它吸收12%水份,相当于每一个Trehalulose糖分子吸收二个水分子. 当续曝露在标准实验室之后12小时,

3. 水合:它是一种允许种子在发芽前进行新陈代谢(生理和化学)但不生长胚胎的受控水合(hydration)过程和再干燥过程. 从广义上说,任何能够使种子几乎完全吸涨(imbibition)又不使其胚根伸出的种子处理方法都可叫做浸种.

4. 水化(作用):(1)角膜混浊前色素膜的长期炎症,几乎都会引起后弹力层皱褶.当炎症累及角膜内皮细胞,破坏角膜水化作用(hydration)则引起角膜上皮水肿,出现大泡和小泡样改变,持久性水肿会引起血管翳和角膜实质层周边血管新生.当角膜内皮细胞严重水肿和广泛脱落时,

hydration 双语例句


1. The fly ash activity compound activator can react with fly ash directly and produce active material. Then the active material can absorb Ca2+ in liquid phase and produce hydration products similar as ordinary Portland cement. Besides, the accelerators in the compound activator can increase the excitation effect of early activity, improve early strength of paste.


2. hydration

2. Comparing the residence time of water molecules inside the first hydration shell of metal ions, we firstly obtained the strength of hydration between alkaline and alkaline earth ions.


3. It is reason that more Ca~(2+) can destroy the balance of electrostatic and hydration shell in the milk system hardly. Homogenization is key to the pinenut milk process attributed to emulsifies enhanced the particles interaction and stability.


4. hydration的反义词

4. It is found that the action of dispersants is to increase the repulsion interactions of electrical double layer, hydration shell and steric hindrance, so that the stablization of suspension would be intensified.


5. hydration是什么意思

5. As ionic kosmotropes primarily achieve their increased structuring solely within their hydration shell, they partition into the more dense water where they can obtain this hydration water more readily, whereas the ionic chaotropes, by avoiding interference with water's hydrogen-bonded network, tend to clathrate formation within the less dense environment.


6. SUMMARY: Researchers using Geochelone sulcata hatchlings with controlled humidity settings and controlled dietary protein levels found that providing adequate hydration was much more crucial in preventing pyramiding than reducing dietary protein.



7. Sorbents were prepared with fly ash and lime in hydration, with discussion of characteristics in specific surface and pore structure of sorbents and their performance in desulfurization and denitrification.


8. hydration的意思

8. Ache with tristearin, sodium or nitrify cotton is coagulating agent, adopt the legal system of two steps Bei technology, in 65 ℃ respond, shell mellow wine: tristearin acid: the best proportion of the sodium of sodium hydroxide is 91:6.5:1, compound with two methods solid shell mellow wine, at the same time join stabilizing agent, eliminate smoke dose, restrain volatilizer and fireworks modifier etc., is as hydration alumina eliminate smoke dose, raise the integral performance of solid shell pure fuel.


9. Pilot - scale experiment for synthesis of tert - butyl alcohol from isobutylene in C4 raffinate was carried out by counterflow hydration over large grain ion exchange resin catalyst in a Ф 100 mm × 10 m reactor.


10. Significant reduction in wrinkle depth within 30 days. Instant anti-wrinkle effect. Overcomes dryness and effective increase in surface sebum. Effective increase in hydration levels. Gives skin a soft silky feel. Potent hydrator of the skin tissue.


11. Hydration resistances of synthetic MgO-CaO clinkers treated by polyphosphate were studied.

研究了合成MgO -CaO砂在聚磷酸盐溶液中处理后的抗水化性能,探讨了热处理温度及不同工艺条件对其性能的影响。

12. hydration

12. Durability of marine concrete; concrete mix proportion; hydration heat; admixture; orthogonal design



13. AMOREPACIFIC Moisture Bound Refreshing Mask is a intensive hydration treatment for any dry face.

中文描述:「AMOREPACIFIC 瞬间高效活肤面膜」为一高效水润的面膜,针对干性缺水的面部肌肤。

14. In this article, research of composition determination and final structure type of complex compound by methods such as electric conductance, ionic charge and ultraviolet-visible spectrometry towarding synthetic compound made us to have profound understanding of hydration isomeric phenomenon of preparation complex compound.


15. hydration的意思

15. My company's Low Level hot ash hydration, workability, and low loss on ignition, physical and chemical properties of stability and activity of good.


16. hydration是什么意思

16. This work deals with the effects of protection mechanisms under different temperature conditions on hydration cement-matrix materials, and is of great importance in practical application.


17. The concepts of equivalent un-evaporable water content and the hydration effecting factor E h are proposed to evaluate the effect of fly ash on the early hydration of cement.


18. Based on the nature of flyash, selected the compound activator to active fully their hydration activity.


19. The dolomite brick has the superior coating adherence and corrosion resistance to cement raw meal, but because of its hydration and bad thermal-shock resistance, the service life of the dolomite brick decreased when the stability of coatings is weaken in some rotary cement kilns which seldom run or turn on and off frequently.


20. And sulfonation temperature has a certain effect on the activity of SPC, the higher the temperature, the feebler the activity, thus when petroleum coke is sulfonated in low temperature, its activity will be better than in high temperature; Moreover, alone with the sulfonation temperature ascending, the number of acid-site of SPC gradually increase, but the activity wears off, it also shows that weak acid catalyst is more sutible for hydration reaction of EO; In addition, the effect of reactive temperature on the activity of SPC is greatest, when reactive temperature going up, the activity of SPC is speedily enhanced, but when temperature exceeds a certain range, the activity of SPC will reduce; And the activity of SPC will become stronger alone with reactive pressure rising, but when pressure exceeds a certain value, selectivity of EG will decrease Also, increasing airspeed will weaken the activity of SPC.


hydration 单语例句

1. Perhaps most tempting to Shanghai's fashionable set, proper hydration is essential to maintaining your complexion and fighting the visible signs of aging.

2. She can breathe on her own, but has relied on the feeding and hydration tube to keep her alive.

3. The statement also said that Catherine's condition required supplementary hydration and nutrients.

4. Veatch asked if being permanently unconscious and dependent on feeding and hydration tubes is still really life.

5. The treatment will be ended with a full body hydration massage, leaving guests completely refreshed and revitalized.

6. All they need is careful hydration, and they lose none of their aromatic attraction.

7. If this sounds like you, it means your skin is longing for hydration.

hydration 英英释义


1. the process of combining with water

usually reversible