

concede:[英 [kənˈsi:d] 美 [kənˈsid] ]


过去式:conceded;   过去分词:conceded;   现在分词:conceding;

concede 基本解释


动词承认; 让步,容许; 承让

concede 相关例句


1. They conceded us the right to cross their land.


2. They have conceded us the right to cross their land.


3. He conceded us the right to walk through his land.


4. concede

4. He finally conceded defeat.


concede 网络解释

1. 认可:在对原argument合理之处进行必要认可(concede)的同时,指出通过更为细致的因果关系的确立(the establishment of causal relationship),原argument可得到改进的几个方面.

2. 承认:complain 抱怨说 | concede承认 | conclude 断定;下结论

3. 让步,承认:concave 凹的 | concede 让步,承认 | conceit 自负


4. 妥协:cede 走 | concede妥协 | recede 后退 rip(撕裂)

concede 双语例句

1. I was born in the countryside family I have had diligently, endured hardship, practical, the upward spirit and the attitude, the village life accomplished me really to make up, the honest disposition, trained me not to fear the misery setback did not concede hard working spirit.



2. This kind of tactics can be caused defend a two people to grab receive one ball or at the same time concede points, each other are hard to coordinate; Limitative adversary carries high ball of old point of view to bring into play when receiving smash attack square; Be helpful for attacking square block, because make the way in the other side, the angle that the other side answers a ball is small also, the difficulty of block of the team member before the net is little.


3. We didn`t concede a goal, just like against Messina, and this is very important.


4. We've decided to concede by 2 percent more, hope this will conduce to your product promotion


5. Song of reconciliation in 1142, Song to concede defeat, Silver 250, 000 annually to pay two to two and scattered to the Huaihe River as the border clearance.


6. In response to international pressure, the Chinese government negotiated with the Dalai Lama, but it didn't feel the need to concede anything meaningful.


7. Unequivocal defenders of multiculturalism are now hard to find; even its advocates concede the need for newcomers to learn to speak English, and, to a degree, for values and institutions to bind together a diverse population.


8. concede

8. Frank didn't concede, and refused to admit it himself.


9. concede的翻译

9. This has convinced Calderón to concede that no amount of money will be able to tempt the 24 year old to remain at the Santiago Bernabéu.


10. History has shown that China will concede when it faces an adversary with an equally strong suite.


11. We need to keep concentration high and not to concede space to the opponents.


12. Hence, even Catholic historians who emphasize the continuity of Trent's doctrinal definitions with traditional Catholic theology concede that Trent did not restore the medieval equilibrium so much as evolve a new system synthesizing Catholic tradition and the altered historical situation.


13. He has made further concessions to get Arcelors bosses to concede defeat, contenting himself with a 43.6% stake in the new company.


14. 4He has made further concessions to get Arcelor's bosses to concede defeat, contenting himself with a 43.6% stake in the new company.

为了让阿塞洛高层人员投子认输,他还作出了进一步让步,即甘愿只要新公司 43.6%的股份。

15. concede什么意思

15. This mischievous little boy has grown to be steadier, and that girl who does not concede has matured.


16. concede

16. The important thing was to not concede a goal and not lose control of the game.


17. OK, I`ll give you that (= concede that you`re right on that point), but the body`s very rusty.


18. AirTran itself seemed to concede that the game was up, only to return to the table on August 14th with an improved offer of $16.25 per share.


19. Fourteen years thereafter, no one could fail to concede that Mitterrand had indeed made good on this bold promise.


20. But they freely concede that they will be there at the end as an act of homage.


concede 词典解释

1. (勉强)承认,承认…属实

If you concede something, you admit, often unwillingly, that it is true or correct.

e.g. Bess finally conceded that Nancy was right...


e.g. 'Well,' he conceded, 'I do sometimes mumble a bit.'...


2. 赋予,授予(权利、特权)

If you concede something to someone, you allow them to have it as a right or privilege.

e.g. The government conceded the right to establish independent trade unions...


e.g. Facing total defeat in Vietnam, the French subsequently conceded full independence to Laos.


3. 让给;让与

If you concede something, you give it to the person who has been trying to get it from you.

e.g. A strike by some ten thousand bank employees has ended after the government conceded some of their demands.


4. (在体育运动中)未能阻止(对方进球或得分)

In sport, if you concede goals or points, you are unable to prevent your opponent from scoring them.

e.g. They conceded four goals to Leeds United...


e.g. Luton conceded a free kick on the edge of the penalty area.


in AM, use 美国英语用 give up

5. 认输;承认失败

If you concede a game, contest, or argument, you end it by admitting that you can no longer win.

e.g. Reiner, 56, has all but conceded the race to his rival...


e.g. Alain Prost finished third and virtually conceded the world championship.


6. 承认(失败);认(输)

If you concede defeat, you accept that you have lost a struggle.

e.g. Airtours conceded defeat in its attempt to take control of holiday industry rival Owners Abroad...


e.g. He happily conceded the election.


concede 单语例句

1. Experts concede that checking the spread of deserts is a complicated process.

2. UN officials concede that Colombo would never consent to such an investigation of its conduct in the conflict.

3. I will concede the Brits and Aussies command bit more respect in their use of the King's language.

4. " I'm not ready to concede that, " Clinton said.

5. Most parents to whom she has provided consultation concede having punished their children physically in a fit of rage and not out of conscious choice.

6. Tymoshenko's allies say she will not concede until appeals have run their course and recounts have taken place at a number of disputed polling stations.

7. The whole operation was to have been completed by September 21, although some navy officials now concede that it could drag on into early October.

8. Clinton's aides initially signaled she would virtually concede Wisconsin, and the former first lady spent less time in the state than Obama.

9. China has targeted growth of 10 percent in total foreign trade this year, a figure that officials concede is going to be hard to achieve.

10. And given that the city receives more than 20 million calls from residents each year, officials concede communication can often be a challenge.

concede 英英释义


1. be willing to concede

e.g. I grant you this much

Synonym: yieldgrant

2. admit (to a wrongdoing)

e.g. She confessed that she had taken the money

Synonym: professconfess

3. acknowledge defeat

e.g. The candidate conceded after enough votes had come in to show that he would lose

4. give over

surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another

Synonym: yieldcedegrant