

alter:[英 [ˈɔ:ltə(r)] 美 [ˈɔltɚ] ]


过去式:altered;   过去分词:altered;   现在分词:altering;

alter 基本解释

及物动词改变; 更改; 改建(房屋); (人)变老

不及物动词改变; 修改

alter 相关例句


1. The tailor altered the coat to make it shorter.


2. These clothes are too large; they must be altered.


3. Has she altered her mind?



1. The city has altered almost out of recognition since I left there five years ago.


2. The weather alters almost daily.


alter 网络解释

1. 改变:你可以创建(create)、改变(alter)、显示(display)、删除(delete)对象. 首先是通过控制命令来执行;或者是MQSeries 命令(MQSC),这样的可以从键盘输入、或者从文本中读入;还有一种是可编程命令格式(programmable command format /PCF ),

2. 更改:我们常谈■ 回滚(Rollback)为当某个对话更改了数据库中的数据后,由于某种原因不想提交些更创建(create)数据库对象删除(drop)数据库对象更改(alter)数据库对象解这一上点很重要.


3. 变更:德里达熟练地应用许多不同的而且常常惊人的隐喻来重复同样的观点:边缘(margins),踪迹(trace),流动(flow),原初的作品( archiwriting ),镜子的锡箔纸(tain of the mirror),变更(alter),替补(supplement)等.

4. 修改:创建(Create), 修改(Alter),删除(Drop)模式对象. 对表(Table),索引(Index),聚簇(Cluster)进行分析(Analyze). 加注释(Comments)到数据字典;

alter 双语例句

1. The optical energy leaking out from the fibre is absorbed by the metallic coating, which raise the temperature and alter the grating pitch of the fibre Bragg grating.


2. I want to alter this business suit.


3. Alter course to 175°when the distance recorder shows 610'and report to me.

计程仪显示 610 海里时,转向 175°,并向我报告。

4. People can learn to control or alter habits with little difficulty.


5. But first if you've got a decent chunk of money to blow on a gift for someone and you want them to make an alter at your feet and worship you daily (actually this gift is probably best for women or retrosexuals - yeah I made that term up) you might want to check out the concept of a Creme Brulee scented bubble bath.

但是首先如果你有大把的钞票要去为某人花大钱买一样礼物,你想让他们折服于你脚下,每天都崇拜你(事实上这件礼物可能最好给女人或者性欲退化的人-是的,我造了个术语),那你就可能要去了解一下Creme Brulee香味泡沫浴的概念。

6. alter的意思

6. If you however press your minerals into our kingdom`s dream allowing us to reconnect, we can then ensoul the alter and anchor a synthesis energy flow at one`s request and intention.


7. What processes could you alter to save time, work and money?


8. Alter user test profile default



9. If it be once permitted to introduce anything into religion by the means of laws and penalties, there can be no bounds put to it; but it will in the same manner be lawful to alter everything, according to that rule of truth which the magistrate has framed unto himself.


10. I will alter course to320 degrees at 0315 hours local

time。在当地时间 0315我将改驶航向 320度

11. alter的近义词

11. Any significant enviromental impact would alter the global patterns of weather with disastrous consecuences.


12. alter在线翻译

12. China`s development, as well as that of the rest of Asia, will necessarily alter the preeminent geopolitical position that the United States has enjoyed since the end of the Cold War, and that Western nations have enjoyed since the 19th century.


13. Data indicate that EGFR expression can alter glucose uptake, and the authors also found that expression of the sodium and glucose cotransporter SGLT1 was undetectable in cells treated with EGFR siRNA compared with controls.

研究结果提示EGFR的表达能改变细胞葡萄糖的摄入,作者发现钠和糖共同转运载体 SGLT1与对照相比,在EGFR siRNA处理的细胞中检测不到。

14. Due to the impact of the serious depression which erupted in autumn last year, 87% of companies did not alter the pay for new employees, far lower than the 52% seen last year.


15. The coming prosperity is meant to alter this and permit you to turn fully inside.


16. The contract contains similar situations to alter price; it shall be basis for price and contract price alteration.


17. On railroad, steel mill, automotive, public utility, banking and shipping fortunes, on all hermetic legacy, morganatic and blockbuster blood-lines that change the maps and landscapes and alter the mobility patterns, your jungle wheeling and downtown dealing a stone`s throw from warfare.



18. It is therefore very important that you do not alter the dose that your child has been prescribed.


19. The wetland plants are Echinochloa crus-galli, Alter-nanthera philoxeroides, Zizania latifolia, Monochoria vaginalis, Isachne globosa and Polygonum hydropiper.

这六种湿地植物分别是:稗、空心莲子草(Alternanthera philox-eroides)、茭笋、鸭舌草、柳叶箬、辣蓼。

20. The results show that the technical parameters and the concentration of sodium molybdate have obvious effect on the composition of the alloy. The crystal grain size is from 6.2 to 12.7 nm and changes with current density, temperature and the pH value of the electrolyte. The crystalline growth of the alloy accords with the model of three-dimensional growth. The surface morphology is mainly determined by the rate competitions between the growing direction of vertical surface and the expanding direction along the surface towards circumambient. The results of the X-ray data show the presence of the multiphase containing solid solution and intermetallic compound in the deposits. The deposit phases alter from the FeNi and FeMo solid solution to the FeNi and MoNi4structure at 3 A/dm2. The deposits internal stress increases linearly with the decrease of the grain size. The lattice parameter of the deposits are slightly distorted

结果表明:工艺条件和钼酸钠浓度对合金组成的影响较大;所得合金晶粒尺寸为6.2~12.7 nm,并随电流密度、温度和电镀液的pH值的改变而变化;合金的晶体生长符合晶核三维生长模型,镀层表面形貌由平行和垂直于基体的生长速度的相对大小决定;镀层物相为固溶体和金属间化合物的多相结构,当电流密度为3 A/dm2时,镀层物相由FeNi和FeMo固溶相转化为FeNi和

alter 词典解释

1. 改变;变更;更改

If something alters or if you alter it, it changes.

e.g. Little had altered in the village...


e.g. They have never altered their programmes by a single day.


alter 单语例句

1. But that doesn't alter the fact that the act of blogging is turning out to be more of a spectator sport than we originally thought.

2. She used these to alter the fashion sense of a clutch of male spiders.

3. The strike did not significantly alter the comet's orbit around the sun, and NASA said the experiment does not pose any danger to the Earth.

4. Such a situation can contaminate shellfish and alter the environment for other sea life.

5. Rice praised Zoellick's " tireless work ethic, " and said he had served as her " alter ego " in the department.

6. Boyd said the Air Force's dissent was handled fairly, and that his analysts did not feel pressured to alter their position.

7. However, police later determined that Lu was Huang's alter ego.

8. She has an alter ego in the form of a little girl with whom she often talks to about her feelings.

9. Analysts suggest the final verdict could alter the structure of China's USB flash drive industry.

10. If an alignment is to be achieved, the US has to alter its economic and foreign policies and defense strategy.

alter 英英释义


1. remove the ovaries of

e.g. Is your cat spayed?

Synonym: neuterspaycastrate

2. become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence

e.g. her mood changes in accordance with the weather

The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season

Synonym: changevary

3. cause to change

make different

cause a transformation

e.g. The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city

The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue

Synonym: changemodify

4. insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby

Synonym: interpolatefalsify

5. make an alteration to

e.g. This dress needs to be altered