

percent:[英 [pə'sent] 美 [pɚˈsɛnt] ]


percent 基本解释

名词百分比,百分数; 百分之一

形容词百分之…的,每一百中有…的; 百分之…支付利息的


percent 相关例句


1. They went on strike Monday in demand of a 30 percent wage increase.



1. I am 100 percent in agreement.


2. percent什么意思

2. I am a hundred percent in agreement with you.



1. percent的解释

1. Over ninety percent of the islanders here are illiterate.


2. Thirty percent of the farmland has been planted to oil crops.



3. He spends a large percent of his income on food and drink.


percent 情景对话


B:It’s (thirty percent off / seventy percent of / 30 percent cheaper than) the regular price.


A:Well, that’s a good deal.



A:Hello. This is a representative of Zhongyou Department Store.Sir, everything now is offered with a great discount.I am sure you would like to know more about it.


B:I am sorry. I am not free right now.


A:Sir, this offer will expire this week.This is the last chance you can get up to 60 percent discount.


B:Sorry, Im very busy now.


Sales Tax-(销售税)

A:I’d like to buy these shoes.


B:O.K. Let me see. That will be $104.99.


A:The price tag says $99.99.



B:Yes, miss, but there is a five percent sales tax in Maryland.


A:Oh, of course. How silly of me to forget.


B:No problem. How would you like to pay for these?


A:I think I have the cash. Let me check. Yes, here you are.



B:$110.00, your change is $5.01. Thanks very much.


A:Thank you.


percent 网络解释

1. 百分比:有感於高中九年级有些学生仍不会分数(fraction) 运算,或在对比(Rations), 比率(Proportions) , 百分比(Percent) 等项目上有很大的困难无法冲破,以致成绩低落,特别在星期六安排8-9年级初中顺利衔接高中的数学班,

2. 百分点:香港粵語的外來詞不僅來自英語,還有來自法語或日語等,但這裏作為介紹,只選一些來自英語的外來詞,而且只是部分巴仙--百分之,百分點(percent)巴士--公共汽車,客車.

3. 比例:对于Loft物体,在它的路径上,可以按比例(Percent)或距离(Distance)插入无数个不同形状的截面. 并且可以利用Sub-Object模式下的子选项功能,对路径和截面进行编辑,如缩放和旋转等. 但是每一个截面不能离开它的定位点,这是Loft建模的一个限制.

percent 双语例句

1. The incremental costs for the construction of LEED-certified buildings depend on different levels and may vary from 5 to 15 percent or more of the original estimate.


2. percent的翻译

2. What is the percent of chinese in the world?


3. Another 40 percent comes from major changes in equipment and process technology.


4. It shifted 1, 600 of its top-of-the-line S-Class model that carries fat margins, a gain of 12 percent.


5. Progression to endometrial carcinoma was more than tenfold higher in women with atypical hyperplasia than in women with no atypia (23 and 1.6 percent, respectively).


6. It sells at a premium of 20 percent.


7. You are late again. Your bonus will be reduced by fifty percent.


8. percent

8. A: As is stipulated in Article 98 of the Rules on the Implementation of the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection, where a tax withholding agent violates tax laws or administrative rules or regulations, which results in a non-payment or underpayment of tax by the taxpayer, the taxpayer shall pay or make up the shortage in payment of tax or surcharge on tax in arrears, and a penalty of over 50 percent but not more than 3 times of the amount unpaid or underpaid by the taxpayer shall be imposed upon the tax withholding agent.


9. Article 98Where a tax withholding agent violates tax laws or administrative rules or regulations, which results in a non-payment or underpayment of tax by the taxpayer, the taxpayer shall pay or make up the shortage in payment of tax or surcharge on tax in arrears and a penalty of not less than 50 percent but not more than 3 times of the amount unpaid or underpaid by the taxpayer shall be imposed upon the tax withholding agent.


10. The United States Energy Department says they also held fifty-five percent of known reserves.


11. Ms throughout the country is now 25 percent greater than it was 10 years ago.


12. Investment'.''plan in capital construction should reach 17 percent.


13. percent的解释

13. Growth in China's car sales, which are mostly cash-based, is expected to slow to three to four percent this year due to worsening economic conditions, according to Global Insight.


14. percent是什么意思

14. Between 1993 and 2000, more than 60 percent of all loans went to these state-owned behemoths.


15. percent的近义词

15. One recent study found that stents were incorrectly placed in almost seventy percent of the patients in that study.


16. percent的解释

16. Office on Drags and Crime, says poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has increased nearly 60 percent in last year.


17. percent

17. But, Litman added, the test is limited because it is not 100 percent sensitie or 100 percent specific.

但是,Litman 认为,试验是有限的,因为它并不是100%敏感的,或100%有特异性的。

18. Results The success rate of all flaps mentioned above were as high as about 96 percent.

结果 带血管蒂的或吻合血管的皮瓣、肌皮瓣移植术成功率均较高,约为96%左右。

19. During the recession of 1990, sales climbed 10 percent.


20. percent的翻译

20. Says, aid to agriculture fell almost sixty percent from nineteen eighty-four to two thousand four.


percent 单语例句

1. It now has a single operating system that has increased business efficiency by 30 percent, the result said.

2. And premiums from the new business climbed 70 percent in the first six months, hitting 33 million by the end of June.

3. Some 62 percent of the city's total travel expenses are spent on business trips, while more than 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies are already located here.

4. As the Chinese market accounts for about 10 percent of Toyota's global sales, the rapid loss of business is a significant blow to the firm.

5. United Kingdom architects Lewis & Hickey were a pilot business for the service, which saved the firm 30 to 90 percent of its costs for phone calls.

6. MetLife's international business contributed 12 percent to the company's revenue for 2007, with the growth rate almost double that of the firm's domestic business.

7. Form the perspective of governmental policy environment, 66 percent of business executives regard China's innovation environment as strongly conducive.

8. Workers have been able to form trade unions in less than 50 percent of the Fortune Global 500 firms doing business in China till now.

9. More than 8 percent are mainland companies, and many local companies in the index have a strong business presence in the mainland.

10. About 90 percent of GT's business is in Asia, mostly China.

percent是什么意思percent 英英释义


1. a proportion in relation to a whole (which is usually the amount per hundred)

Synonym: percentageper centumpct