

peak:[英 [pi:k] 美 [pik] ]


过去式:peaked;   现在分词:peaking;   复数形式:peaks;

peak 基本解释

名词山峰; 最高点; 尖端; 帽舌

不及物动词达到高峰,达到最大值; 消瘦; 变憔悴

形容词最高的; 最大值的

peak 同义词


peak 反义词



peak 相关例句


1. Traffic is very heavy at peak hours.



1. Beat the egg whites until they peak.



1. The wind blew the waves into great peaks.


2. The mountain peak was covered with snow.


3. peak

3. Tourism is at its peak in August.


peak 网络解释

1. 山峰:美国山峰(PEAK)防冻冷却液美国山峰(PEAK)防冻冷却液以乙二醇为基础液,在全美国销售量排名第一. 该产品的研发生产者--美国老世界公司在缓蚀剂,缓冲剂,防垢剂,消泡剂等方面的研究始终走在世界最前端,

2. peak的近义词

2. 山顶:山顶 speak 说话 -s蛇 在山顶(peak)说话(speak),蛇(s)被吓跑 用加减联想法背单词时,联想单位的排序基本上是有规律的,通常是先排熟词,再排参与加减的联想单位,最后排生词.

peak 双语例句

1. The results showed that water consumption law of spring maize was consistent in different precipitation years for normal or drought, the joint stage to tasselling stage was the peak of water consumption.


2. peak的近义词

2. I would like to say to you: on the distance from Chengdu, to Wenchuan County city direction only seven kilometers of the Peak 7 Village.


3. Synchronous fluorescence shows that as the intensity of TiO2 nanoparticles increases, the synchronous fluorescence spectrum peak of tryptophan is red-shifed from 340nm to 342nm, the synchronous fluorescence peak of tyrosine from 299nm to 301nm. It can be inferred that TiO2 induced conformational of BSA changes slightly and the environmental polarity of amino acid increases.


4. Shen Huan, female, Jiangsu, foreign trade and economic elite universities, Gao Xiaosong's ex-wife, married in 1999 and Gao Xiaosong, Gao Xiaosong three-year-old was about, it is career peak.


5. Results A closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves with simultaneous opening of the aortic valve occurred exclusively during chest compression, resulting in forward blood flow in the pulmonary and systemic circulation. Peak forward aortic flow at a velocity of 58.8±11.6? cm/s was recorded during the compression phase.

结果 所有的6例病人,胸按压时,二尖瓣和三尖瓣关闭,同时主动脉瓣开放,前向血流自心室进入体循环和肺循环;发生在胸按压时的主动脉瓣峰值前向血流速度为58.8±11.6?

6. One mechanism for the implementation of one person (including the cutting nozzle, cutting and packaging put on peak), equipped with a conveyor belt, one can look 4-5 to Taiwan machine, a large number of labor-saving and reduce the wages of the workers.


7. The Barley And Wheat Grass Are Harvested At The Peak Of Their Nutritional Value In The Fertile Nasu Highlands Of Japan.


8. In December 2009 the annual meteor shower reached its peak, from the sky through the Mojave Desert, California, pierced the night sky a bright Geminids, like going into space a Yinqiang.

在 2009 年 12 月每年一次的流星雨达到顶峰时,从加利福尼亚州莫哈维沙漠上空经过,划破夜空的一颗明亮的双子座流星,就像投进太空的一把银枪。


9. And that great immensity of a snow-capped peak...


10. In order to simulate the real radar clutter environment, the use of zero-memory nonlinear transformation method of Rayleigh, log-normal distribution, K-distribution and the Weibull distribution where the clutter of different simulation and put forward A one-dimensional approach will be extended to a clutter sequence of two-dimensional sequence, a two-dimensional simulation of the peak to clutter Doppler frequency and space with the correct move frequency.


11. But we've still got a few more months left in our peak wave season, so we're hoping for a better December.


12. The results showed, respiration rate in tomato at cold temperature was lower than that at room temperature, the arrival of respiration peak is about 5 days later, the content of soluble solids at cold temperature was higher than that at room temperature. The organic acid in tomato was reduced with time extension. The decomposition of organic acid in tomato at low temperature was more slowly than that at morn temperature. The respiration quotient was generally reduced. The change trend of storage temperature was close to the respiration rate.

通过对上述指标进行实验分析,结果表明:在冷藏条件下番茄呼吸速率水平比在常温条件下低,呼吸高峰的出现比在常温条件下晚5 d左右;经冷藏的番茄果实可溶性固形物含量比常温贮藏的高;番茄有机酸含量随贮藏时间的延长而呈下降趋势,冷藏番茄中有机酸的分解速度比常温贮藏的缓慢;呼吸商总体表现为下降趋势,不同的贮温其变化趋势与呼吸速率接近。


13. Qianxi County Customs is located in the northern part of Castle Peak, 40 kilometers from the county seat, located in Yanshan offshoot, Daqingshan hinterland from winds over the Great Wall, in addition to the ancient castle built on the foot platform, named Castle Peak customs.


14. Also needed is a battery system capable of storing 50 hours of energy and/or a backup power system, for no or reduced light conditions and peak demand loads.


15. peak的近义词

15. Methods Absorption peak scanning of PNP dissolved in acidic distilled water at pH 5.9 was performed, and the measuring program was established to determine the precision of Hitachi 7170 antomatic biochemical analyzer, and then the results were evaluated.


16. RESULTS The nerve conduction velocity and action pot ential peak value decreased along with augmentation of the injury current.


17. Classical AEparameters, such as rms, peak amplitude, rising time and AE counts, i. e., are used toanalyze the feature and the propagation characteristic of the rubbing AE. And thecorresponding identification methods for different kinds of AE are proposed.


18. peak是什么意思

18. The stress relaxation experiments of rocks under the deformation at peak load and load-unload experiments before peak load are carried out.


19. peak

19. Results show that the switch can work steadily at 1~500 Hz repetition rate, and can output a pulse with 400 ps rise time, 320 ps fall time, 460 ps width and 129.2 kV peak voltage, as the switch adopts the ring-ring electrodeⅡ.

结果表明:亚纳秒气体开关采用环形组合电极Ⅱ时,可以在1~500 Hz稳定工作,输出前沿400 ps、后沿320 ps、脉冲宽度460 ps和电压129.2 kV的脉冲。

20. peak的解释

20. The alloys exhibit heterogeneous deformation in the underaged and peak-aged states and homogeneous deformation in the overaged state.


peak 词典解释

1. 顶点;顶峰

The peak of a process or an activity is the point at which it is at its strongest, most successful, or most fully developed.

e.g. The party's membership has fallen from a peak of fifty-thousand after the Second World War...


e.g. The bomb went off in a concrete dustbin at the peak of the morning rush hour.


2. 达到顶点;达到顶峰;达到最高值

When something peaks, it reaches its highest value or its highest level.

e.g. Temperatures have peaked at over thirty degrees Celsius...


e.g. The crisis peaked in July 1974...


3. (水平、价值)最高的,最大的

The peak level or value of something is its highest level or value.

e.g. Calls cost 36p (cheap rate) and 48p (peak rate) per minute...


e.g. We bought it at the wrong time and paid the peak price.


4. 高峰的;高峰期的

Peak times are the times when there is most demand for something or most use of something.

e.g. It's always crowded at peak times...


e.g. During peak periods, reservations are difficult to make at some of the hotels.


5. 山峰;山顶;山巅

A peak is a mountain or the top of a mountain.


e.g. ...the snow-covered peaks.


6. 帽舌;帽檐

The peak of a cap is the part at the front that sticks out above your eyes.

e.g. The man touched the peak of his cap.


peak 单语例句

1. We are particularly busy for each year's Spring Festival peak travel season, especially this year.

2. Strong buying and selling pushed the single day turnover at the Dhaka Stock Exchange or DSE to its peak of 32.

3. Suzhou and Taihu Lake in Jiangsu province saw peak numbers of visitors on Sunday, with most of them arriving by car.

4. The peak can be reached by navigating an obstacle course traditionally designed to assist the development of kungfu skills.

5. Hung said he hoped the immunoglobulin could be harvested by next January, in order to cope with the winter peak of seasonal flu in February and March.

6. The pattern is invalidated by a fourth rally that rises above the peak level of the right shoulder.

7. More than 20 million people and 10 million farm animals were affected by water shortages at the drought's peak.

8. So be sure to set the alarm early to make the cable car to the peak before sunrise.

9. Visitors will still need to walk a distance to the top of the peak after getting out of the cable car.

10. Those not up to the challenge can opt for the cable car that goes right up to the peak.