

distance:[英 [ˈdɪstəns] 美 [ˈdɪstəns] ]


过去式:distanced;   过去分词:distanced;   现在分词:distancing;   复数形式:distances;

distance 基本解释


名词远处; 距离,路程; 疏远; (时间的)间隔,长久

及物动词把…远远甩在后面; 疏远; 与…保持距离


distance 相关词组

1. go the distance : 中景; 自始至终坚持下来;

2. last the distance : n. 中[近]景(风景、布景绘画等介于前景与背景间的部分), 自始至终坚持下来;

3. know ones distance : 有自知之明;

4. at a distance : 有相当距离;

5. in the distance : 在远处;

6. keep ones distance : 保持疏远;

distance 相关例句


1. We've come a long distance on the project.


2. I could see the bus coming in the distance.


3. Her father advised her to keep her distance from that fellow.


4. The distances between workers and peasants are reducing.


5. distance是什么意思

5. She looked back over a distance of ten years.


distance 情景对话


A:Hello. Im calling from Room 1116.


B:Yes? Can I do something for you?


A:Im ready to check out now.


B:I have your bill right here.


A:Thank you.


B:Did you make any long distance calls this morning, or did you sign for your breakfast?


A:No, I didnt.



B:Fine. The bill comes to $ 300 even.


A:May I check it?


B:By all means, you ahead.


A:What is this charge here?


B:Thats for a long distance call you make two nights ago.


A:I see. Is a credit card OK?


B:Yes, of course.


Shopping Hours-(营业时间)


B:On, darn. The grocery store is closed.


A:Yeah, this one closes at ten. We could drive to the 24-hour store on sixth.



B:Alright. We are out of everything.



A:I wish the store close to us was open 24-hous a day.



B:I know, our schedules are so weird. Sometimes, the little corner store is the only thing within walking distance that’s open when we get home.


A:Yeah, and the prices there are very high.


B:I know. Three dollars for milk.


distance 网络解释

1. 间距:可输入 狭缝间距(distance) 以及 波长(wavelength) 的值若将滑鼠置於狭缝任一后, 拖著滑鼠(drag)亦可改变狭缝间距

2. 间隔:AutoCAD供应点坐标(ID),间隔(Distance),面积(area)的究诘,给图形的剖析带来了很年夜的便利,可是在实际事项中,偶尔还须究诘实体质量属性特征,AutoCAD供应实体质量属性究诘(Mass Properties),可以便利究诘实体的惯性矩、面积矩、实体的质心等,

3. 路程:根据刚才的研究和实验,我们知道了速度(speed)、时间(time)、路程(distance)三者之间有哪些关系?(速度×时间=路程 路程÷速度=时间 路程÷时间=速度)这节课你学会了哪些本领?原来乘、除法的知识还可以用在计算路程(distance)、时间(time)、速度(speed)上,

4. (distance):dx; 远距离

distance 双语例句

1. distance的解释

1. It is a distance vector protocol that uses a hop count metric.


2. In this research at first the six factors affecting rainfall were chosen, as the input variables. They are the minimum atomospheric pressure, maximum wind velocity near typhoon center, move speed of typhoon center, the radius of typhoon, the shortest distance between typhoon center and Taipei monitoring station, station humidity.


3. A proper way is to assign weights to the categories. The weights are determined based on the concept of risk in this paper, that is, the category which has a closer relationship with accident consequence is assigned with greater weight. The relationship is measured by the similarity between their corresponding time series created from historical accident statistical data. The similarity is calculated by Euclidean distance.


4. He is crouching on the grass, staring blankly into the distance.


5. distance的近义词

5. I would like to say to you: on the distance from Chengdu, to Wenchuan County city direction only seven kilometers of the Peak 7 Village.


6. distance的解释

6. One parsec is defined as the distance at which a star would show a parallax displacement of 1 second of arc, a distance which proves to be approximately 3.258 light years.


7. He was a major contributor to The distance teaching universities (1982), joint editor of Distance education: international perspectives (1983), joint editor of L'università a distanza. Riflessioni e proposte per un nuovo modello di università(1984), editor of Theoretical principles of distance education.(1993), joint editor of Distance education: new perspectives (1993), editor of The industrialization of teaching and learning (1994). In 1997 the European Commission in Brussels published his Distance training in the European Union.


8. I hear the muffled sounds of crying in the distance and know who is making them.


9. I hear the muffled sounds of crying in a distance and know who is making them.


10. GPS phones can be pinpointed to a pacific area should you be lost or in need of assistance, long distance drivers and employers also find good use for these phones.


11. For instance, a manipulative or autocratic style would be best suited for cultures with high power distance, such as Arab, Far Eastern, and Latin countries.


12. As to the problem of service matching, this paper provides non-exact service matching algorithm based on the semantic distance, which is realized by introducing the definition of semantic distance on the basis of traditional matching algorithm, modifies CSCM semantic distance algorithm to some extent aiming at service description of SCSD platform and gives out the realization of this algorithm on SCSD platform.


13. Variable sites, including 7 transitions, 1 transversions, and five indels (insertion/deletion) were found within 12 cultivars mtDNA sequences. The genetic distance according to Kimura model was average of 0.005, it was showed that the genetic diversity of 12 cultivars was low.


14. The LZCU CWIS system resolves problems of traditional network teaching system such as methods of courseware-creating, individualization of long-distance teaching and insufficient preservation and accumulation of teaching resources, and so on.

LZCU CWIS系统解决了传统网络教学系统中课件制作难、课件格式不统一、个性化不足的网络教学以及教学资源的保存与积累等问题。

15. distance的反义词

15. The background of bluetooth is described like this:May-1998, Elricson, ,Nokia, Toshiba, IBM and Intel brought an idea called bluetooth when they combined to develop a standardizing activity of wireless-communication technology in short distance, the purpose of which is to provide a wireless transmission applycation technique in short distance and costs low.


16. Most of these parameters are relate to distance of tower, arc weight, ice-load, wind-load and admissible pulling force at suspension point.


17. You need to maintain the right distance between your viewing area and your television screen.



18. He had an awakening, a small enlightenment, while reading and reciting the Dharma Flower Sutra, and so he travelled a long distance, not minding the rigors of the journey, in order to visit Dhyana Master Shouchang and request certification from him.


19. For the optimization of mechanism design of rolling cut shears, a CAD software of rolling cut shears was developed and was used for the analysis of the factors such as crank radius, link rod length, phase difference, center distance of cranks and the offset position of upper blade carriage, which influenced the cutting quality, strength parameters and the load of main parts.


20. Of bullets, missiles, etc travela distance


distance 词典解释

1. 距离;间距

The distance between two points or places is the amount of space between them.

e.g. ...the distance between the island and the nearby shore...


e.g. Everything is within walking distance...


2. 遥远;间隔

When two things are very far apart, you talk about the distance between them.

e.g. The distance wouldn't be a problem.


3. 远程的;函授的

Distance learning or distance education involves studying at home and sending your work to a college or university, rather than attending the college or university in person.

e.g. I'm doing a theology degree by distance learning.


4. (人际关系的)疏远;(事物间的)差距

When you want to emphasize that two people or things do not have a close relationship or are not the same, you can refer to the distance between them.

e.g. ...the emotional distance between them...


e.g. There was a vast distance between psychological clues and concrete proof...


5. 远处;远方

If you can see something in the distance, you can see it, far away from you.


e.g. We suddenly saw her in the distance...


e.g. Mr. Dambar found himself gazing into the distance for a moment or two.


6. 冷淡;不友好

Distance is coolness or unfriendliness in the way that someone behaves towards you.

e.g. There were periods of sulking, of pronounced distance, of coldness.


7. 使疏远;对…冷淡;使不介入

If you distance yourself from a person or thing, or if something distances you from them, you feel less friendly or positive towards them, or become less involved with them.

e.g. The author distanced himself from some of the comments in his book...


e.g. Television may actually be distancing the public from the war.



Clough felt he'd become too distanced from his fans.


8. 在远处;相距遥远;久远地

If you are at a distance from something, or if you see it or remember it from a distance, you are a long way away from it in space or time.

e.g. The only way I can cope with my mother is at a distance...


e.g. Now I can look back on the whole tragedy from a distance of forty years.


9. 保持疏远;保持距离

If you keep your distance from someone or something or keep them at a distance, you do not become involved with them.

e.g. Jay had always tended to keep his girlfriends at a distance.


10. 不靠近;保持距离

If you keep your distance from someone or something, you do not get physically close to them.

e.g. He walked towards the doorway, careful to keep his distance.


distance 单语例句

1. The GRACE satellite maps the Earth's gravity fields by measuring the distance between two identical satellites.

2. Time was drawing near to " zero hour " second by second, the distance between the spaceship and the ground was becoming shorter.

3. The open air springs are surrounded by seasonal blooms of flowers and a view of green mountains looming in the distance.

4. Visitors will still need to walk a distance to the top of the peak after getting out of the cable car.

5. The cable car company said one of the suspensions was needed to regulate the distance between the cabins.

6. After answering the call, my friends appeared just a short distance away.

7. With fitness levels in the country declining officials are calling on more people to take part in long distance running events.

8. Can't face the distance, price gouging and arctic conditions of Harbin's Ice Festival?

9. Given the huge number of students who sill sit the university entrance exam, every extra point can distance a candidate from the pack.

10. In the distance stood glittering Canton Tower, completed just before the Asian Games and now the world's seventh tallest structure.

distance 英英释义


1. the property created by the space between two objects or points

2. size of the gap between two places

e.g. the distance from New York to Chicago

he determined the length of the shortest line segment joining the two points

Synonym: length

3. indifference by personal withdrawal

e.g. emotional distance

Synonym: aloofness

4. a distant region

e.g. I could see it in the distance

5. the interval between two times

e.g. the distance from birth to death

it all happened in the space of 10 minutes

Synonym: space

6. a remote point in time

e.g. if that happens it will be at some distance in the future

at a distance of ten years he had forgotten many of the details


1. go far ahead of

e.g. He outdistanced the other runners

Synonym: outdistanceoutstrip

2. keep at a distance

e.g. we have to distance ourselves from these events in order to continue living