

silent:[英 [ˈsaɪlənt] 美 [ˈsaɪlənt] ]



silent 基本解释

形容词沉默的,无言的; 寂静的,无声的; 静止的; [语]不发音的


silent 同义词




silent 反义词



silent 相关例句


1. silent的翻译

1. He was silent for a moment.


2. History is silent on the subject.


3. Everyone was silent as the president announced the winner of the competition.


4. The law is silent on this point.


5. The old house was quite silent.


silent 网络解释

1. silent

1. (无声):声 音: 单声道(Mono) 无声(Silent)片长一小时四十五分钟. 故事发生的时间与地点非常集中,但人物众多,在大饭店这个舞台上以交错形式展现了各种不同的人生与性格,影片的主要角色均由米高梅(MGM)最佳的明星出演,

2. 安静:全新的全数码冰箱控制系统,配合7个环境传感器全面收集数码信息,使保鲜效果达到最佳状态,并设有快速制冷(QUICK)、加速制冷(SPEED)、安静(SILENT)、睡眠(SLEEP)等模式.

silent 双语例句

1. If I was sensitive at that time, I would keep silent on this matter.


2. They are a stealing and a silent refreshment that we perhaps do not think about but which goes on all the time.


3. silent

3. So is the silent bright moon in the night sky.


4. Your window is a lonely old trees stand-alone, in the silent night sky that round Jiaoyue is lonely.


5. It is easier to understand everything when I am not by your side; I stayed beneath the big tree in the meadow across from your home, as you turned the house lights off and passed from room to room. I stayed as the roads grew invisible and silent and wide.


6. silent在线翻译

6. I put together, using a little bit and only law common sense to top, maying be my threatening force bigger, uncle police is silent.

我集合 ,使用小一点点和只有法律常识高耸,可能是我的胁迫力量比较大的,叔父警察是沈默的。


7. Looked at the picture, some silent and sad...


8. silent的解释

8. Some students asked for my opinion, but I simply sent a picture and kept silent.


9. A fool is hardly discerned when silent; his picture is best taken when he is speaking.


10. Painting is silent poetry is a speaking picture.


11. This film is a black and white silent picture that stars Max Schrek as the creepy Count Orlock.


12. Water is very humble, it is always down, down, may it flow into rivers and lakes; Hill is very humble, it is always silent, silent, be it in the stands as a silent picture; the spring is very humble, It is always fierce winter to hotels specifically catering, be it the warmth of life; autumn is very humble, it is always in the quiet after the noisy arrival of summer, it can be brought about gains and maintain a humble heart, Life there is a dignity and value can not be conveyed in words.


13. silent是什么意思

13. They always prefer the silent, elegant solution to a vociferous performance.


14. You've died, we stand in silent to tribute for you, prepare the coffin, grave for you, present a bunch of oriental cherries that you dote on for you!


15. These rights include the right to remain silent, the right not to incriminate oneself and the corresponding right to be informed about these fair trial protections.


16. You are silent, miss fairfax - but I hope you mean to take an interest in this news.


17. Whenever a failure, says Zhang papers issued down silent I can only sigh in despair.


18. Long for, Evil Debt, Being Dear Ones in This Life, The Palm of The Hand and The Back of The Hand, Silent Aimin River and Brothers is typical cases of this kind of texts.


19. silent

19. These data show that HRUS may assist in the management of gout in two ways: first, by aiding in the diagnosis by identifying the sonographic features that may be representative of the disease, and, second, by allowing the early detection of erosive joint damage and/or tophaceous deposits even in clinically silent joints.


20. If you want a fresh start in life so the best wake-up call in the dogs after paying silent wake up the shield of silence SS.


silent 词典解释

1. 沉默的;不说话的

Someone who is silent is not speaking.

e.g. Trish was silent because she was reluctant to put her thoughts into words...


e.g. He spoke no English and was completely silent during the visit...



She and Ned sat silently for a moment, absorbing the peace of the lake...


Most of those attending the funeral stood silently showing little emotion.


2. 寡言少语的;很少说话的;不爱说话的

If you describe someone as a silent person, you mean that they do not talk to people very much, and sometimes give the impression of being unfriendly.

e.g. He was a serious, silent man.


3. 无声的;寂静的;不出声的

A place that is silent is completely quiet, with no sound at all. Something that is silent makes no sound at all.

e.g. The room was silent except for John's crunching...


e.g. The heavy guns have again fallen silent.



Strange shadows moved silently in the almost permanent darkness.


4. 只字不提的;不愿讲的

If someone is silent about something, they do not tell people anything about it, because they think it is a private matter or because they want to keep the information secret.

e.g. Douglas was noticeably silent about his feelings for his father...


e.g. The administration has recently become silent about abuses in Haiti.


5. (情感、行为等)无声的,不用言语表达的

A silent emotion or action is not expressed in speech.

e.g. The attacker still stood there, watching her with silent contempt...


e.g. She offered a silent prayer of thanks.



Whitlock silently cursed Graham for heaping more suspicion on him.


6. (电影)无声的

A silent film has pictures usually accompanied by music but does not have the actors' voices or any other sounds.


e.g. ...one of the famous silent films of Charlie Chaplin.


e.g. ...comedy stars of the silent era.


7. (单词中的字母)不发音的

A silent letter in a word is written but not pronounced. For example, the 'k' in the word 'know' is silent.

silent 单语例句silent

1. It was a hot July night and the usually busy runway at Hangzhou's Xiaoshan International Airport had been silent for almost an hour.

2. In 2006 he made an LP of cover versions including Christmas carol'Silent Night'and Frank Sinatra's'My Way'.

3. And later in the summer CERN plans a public performance of the sound of the erstwhile silent particles by musicians from among its scientific community.

4. The government film was silent but officials said there was no disturbance in the execution chamber like the taunting that occurred at Saddam's hanging.

5. As already made clear, the US military plans are virtually silent on this point.

6. And only when you keep silent for a while, can you clearly hear the voices outside and truly open your heart to others.

7. The Diaoyu Islands have been a silent witness to the Japanese aggression and colonization.

8. This new form of silent communication has come to dominate the life of all sorts of people.

9. When some local officials give law a silent burial, how can common people trust the law?

10. More than 43 per cent said they would denounce those who harassed them, while 34 per cent would lodge a complaint and 10 per cent would keep silent.

silent的反义词silent 英英释义


1. unable to speak because of hereditary deafness

Synonym: dumbmute

2. having a frequency below or above the range of human audibility

e.g. a silent dog whistle

3. not made to sound

e.g. the silent `h' at the beginning of `honor'

in French certain letters are often unsounded

Synonym: unsounded

4. failing to speak or communicate etc when expected to

e.g. the witness remained silent

Synonym: mum

5. implied by or inferred from actions or statements

e.g. gave silent consent

a tacit agreement

the understood provisos of a custody agreement

Synonym: tacitunderstood

6. marked by absence of sound

e.g. a silent house

soundless footsteps on the grass

the night was still

Synonym: soundlessstill