

bruise:[英 [bru:z] 美 [bruz] ]


过去式:bruised;   过去分词:bruised;   现在分词:bruising;   复数形式:bruises;

bruise 基本解释



不及物动词擦伤; 碰伤

名词瘀伤,青肿; 擦伤,伤痕; (感情受到的)伤害

bruise 相关例句


1. Soft fruit bruises easily.


2. bruise的解释

2. She bruised her knee.


3. He fell from his bike and bruised his knee.



1. Her skin bruises easily.


bruise 网络解释

1. 淤伤:trauma 外伤 | bruise 淤伤 | fracture 骨折

2. 挫伤:brain stem injury 脑干损伤 | bruise 挫伤 | bruised laceration 挫裂创(由粗钝的致伤物通过撞击、砸压、撕裂造成的创)

3. 擦伤:5 custom 海关 | 6 bruise 擦伤 | 7 indices 是index的复数 注意读音是 / / (听力)

4. 青斑:义齿 an artificial tooth | 青斑 bruise | 黑斑 mole

bruise 双语例句

1. This can be seen in the healing process of a bruise, where arious colour changes indicate the degradation of haemoglobin and release of carbon monoxide.


2. bruise是什么意思

2. There is no healing of your bruise; your wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of you shall clap the hands over you: for upon whom has not your wickedness passed continually?

019 你的损伤无法医治;你的伤痕极其重大。凡听你信息的必都因此向你拍掌。你所行的恶谁没有时常遭遇呢?

3. I know the difference between a rash and a bruise.


4. bruise的近义词

4. I walked in the table and got a bruise.


5. bruise是什么意思

5. He fell from his bike and got bruise in his knee.



6. When you love something, the bruise and blisters you suffered no longer felt so painful.


7. The ball hit him in the bean and left a bruise on his forehead.


8. Why, what a bruise you have got!


9. Mentally he still was alert. But the paralysis, the bruise of the too-great shock, was gradually spreading in his affective self.


10. bruise的近义词

10. Liquid obtained from the bark of this tree, used to treat bruise s or sores on the skin



11. I'm the Fireman Fire, Fa, Fireman I got that fire I'm hollering I got that fire come and try me and You can spark it up and I'ma put you out You can spark it up and I'ma put you out [Verse 1] Ain't nobody fuckin with me man, Heatman Ski Mask spending next weeks cash, he fast And I don't even need a G pass I'm pass that I'm passing em out now and you can't have that And my chain Toucan Sam That tropical colors you can't match that Gotta be abstract You catch my gal legs open betta smash that Don't be surprise if she ask where the cash at I see she wearing them jeans that show her butt crack My girls can't wear that why, that's where my stash at I put my mack down that's where you lack at She need her candlelit and I'ma wax that I rekindle the flame She remember the name It's Weezy Baby January December the same Mama gimme that brain Mama gimme that good Cause I'm the fireman You hear the firetruck I'm the Fireman Fire, Fa, Fireman I got that fire I'm hollering I got that fire come and try me and You can spark it up and I'ma put you out You can spark it up and I'ma put you out Fresh on campus it's the Birdman Jr Money too long teachers put away ya rulers Raw tune not a cartoon No shirt, tattoos, and some war wounds I'm hot but the car cool She wet that's a carpool Been in that water since a youngin you just shark food Quick Draw McGraw I went to art school Yeah the lights is bright but I got a short fuse Don't snooze Been handling the game so long my thumb bruise Ya new girlfriend is old news Yeen got enough green and she so blue yeah Cash Money Records where dreams come true Everything is easy baby leave it up to Weezy Baby Put it in the pot let it steam let it brew Now watch it melt don't burn ya self I'm the Fireman Fire, Fa, Fireman I got that fire I'm hollering I got that fire come and try me and You can spark it up and I'ma put you out You can spark it up and I'ma put you out Ridin'by myself well really not really So heavy in the trunk make the car pop-a-wheelie Who?

我是消防员消防,花园,消防员我接到火警我喊叫我接到火警来试试我,它可以激发起来,我是把你出去它可以激发起来,我是把你出去 [诗歌1] 不与我没有fuckin人,Heatman 滑雪面具的现金支出今后几周,他快我甚至不需要一个G通过我传递我现在传递时间内,你不能有链巨嘴鸟和我的山姆这种热带色彩不能匹配肯定在抽象你明白我的加仑双腿粉碎的开放斗鱼不要惊讶,如果她问其中现金我看到他们,她穿着牛仔裤,显示她的屁股裂缝我的女孩不能穿这个原因,这就是我的藏匿在我把我的下这就是你缺乏麦克她需要她的烛光和我是一个蜡余点燃圣火她记得这个名字这是12月1月Weezy婴儿一样妈妈gimme,大脑妈妈gimme,良好原因我是消防员你听到救火车我是消防员消防,花园,消防员我接到火警我喊叫我接到火警来试试我,它可以激发起来,我是把你出去它可以激发起来,我是把你出去新鲜校园它是鸟人Jr 钱太长教师收起亚统治者原料调整不是一个卡通没有衬衫,纹身,和一些战争创伤我觉得又热,但赛车冷却她湿这是一个用车在这水自1 youngin你只鲨鱼的食物快速绘制麦格劳我去艺术学校是的,灯光明亮而我得到脾气暴躁不要打盹被处理的游戏,只要我的拇指挫伤亚新女友是旧闻陈吕令意有足够的绿色和蓝色是啊,她这样现金货币记录下梦想成真一切都留给孩子容易到Weezy婴儿放入锅蒸让它让它酿造现在看它融化不烧亚自我我是消防员消防,花园,消防员我接到火警我喊叫我接到火警来试试我,它可以激发起来,我是把你出去它可以激发起来,我是把你出去我自己也实在没有真正因此,在主干沉重让赛车弹出一,离地平衡特技谁?

12. Results: FFA indicated laser disk dropsy, bleeding, the strong fluorescence in laser disk blood capillary expansion and leakage of later period in optic nerve bruise (8 eyes). Retina dropsy in posterior polar and disappearance of concave reflection of central fovea of macula were shown in the eyeground in retinal concussion (22 eyes).

结果 视神经挫伤(8只眼),视盘水肿、出血、FFA示视盘毛细血管扩张及渗漏晚期呈强荧光;视网膜震荡(22只眼),眼底表现为后极部视网膜水肿,黄斑中心凹反射消失。

13. The rupture of a blood vessel usually cause the mark of a bruise.


14. A lot people who lack Vitamin C in their diet have poor healing, bruise easily and have bleeding gums.


15. And the Lord was pleased to bruise him in infirmity: if he shall lay down his life for sin, he shall see a long-lived seed, and the will of the Lord shall be prosperous in his hand.


16. bruise是什么意思

16. Yoda walked over to Lorian. Dooku saw now that the lightsaber blow had left a deep bruise on Lorian's bare arm. It looked terrible, the center a deep red with a blue-black bruise surrounding it.


17. I don't bruise my boys when I spank them, or believe in raising welts, so, when I saw welts starting to rise, I felt it was time to stop.


18. It can range from a minor bruise or sprain to a skull fracture with brain damage or a spinal-cord injury with paralysis.


19. bruise的解释

19. I have a bruise on my shoulder.


20. Here's the bruise I was telling you about.


bruise 词典解释

1. 淤伤;青肿

A bruise is an injury which appears as a purple mark on your body, although the skin is not broken.

e.g. How did you get that bruise on your cheek?...


e.g. She was treated for cuts and bruises.


2. 碰伤;擦伤

If you bruise a part of your body, a bruise appears on it, for example because something hits you. If you bruise easily, bruises appear when something hits you only slightly.

e.g. I had only bruised my knee...


e.g. Some people bruise more easily than others.



I escaped with severely bruised legs.


3. (将)(蔬菜、水果或植物)碰伤

If a fruit, vegetable, or plant bruises or is bruised, it is damaged by being handled roughly, making a mark on the skin.

e.g. Choose a warm, dry day to cut them off the plants, being careful not to bruise them.


e.g. ...bruised tomatoes and cucumbers...


4. 挫伤;伤害

If you are bruised by an unpleasant experience, it makes you feel unhappy or upset.

e.g. The government will be severely bruised by yesterday's events.


e.g. Their egos are so easily bruised.



...the bruising experience of near-bankruptcy.

差点破产的受挫经历bruise 单语例句

1. Yao has been out since Nov 10 with what had been called a bone bruise in the same ankle.

2. " That guy is going to have a bad bruise on his hand, " Woods said.

3. Cohen said her father had the peaceful look of someone who died of carbon monoxide, and the only mark on his body was a bruise on his chest.

4. The playmaker received treatment on a bruise he sustained against Spain, although a team spokesman said it was just a precautionary measure.

5. Spain were playing without star player Amaya Valdemoro who felled by a bruise after only a few minutes of play.

6. Chop scallions into 10 cm lengths and bruise the stems with the back of a knife.

7. That could bruise a few egos when the film turned out to be a runaway success.

8. She pushed away the customer but was hit by the pickpocket on the shoulder and got a serious bruise.

9. Milwaukee played without leading scorer Michael Redd, who missed his second consecutive game with a deep left thigh bruise.

10. His head was one giant purple bruise, his eyelids were nearly swollen shut.

bruise在线翻译bruise 英英释义


1. an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration

Synonym: contusion



1. damage (plant tissue) by abrasion or pressure

e.g. The customer bruised the strawberries by squeezing them

2. break up into small pieces for food preparation

e.g. bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them

3. injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of

e.g. I bruised my knee

Synonym: contuse

4. hurt the feelings of

e.g. She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests

This remark really bruised my ego

Synonym: hurtwoundinjureoffendspite