

larva:[英 [ˈlɑ:və] 美 [ˈlɑ:rvə] ]



larva 基本解释


larva 相关例句


1. larva

1. The tadpole is the larva of the frog.


larva 网络解释

1. 幼虫:同时它继续为虫族提供其空军的攻击力和防御力升级.蝎子的巢(Defiler Mound)孵化成功后,幼虫(Larva)体内就具备了一种可怕的基因,使其能够进化成蝎子(Defilers)这种变态的生物,同时也可以获取雾蜂(Plague),

2. 幼体:虽然被囊动物成体看起来似乎不像脊索动物,但是,被囊动物的幼体(larva)是非常典型的脊索动物. 尽管成体是固着的(sessile)(即永久性附着),但是幼体具有高度活动性. 被囊动物幼体具备脊索动物的所有特征. 在找到适当的位置后,

3. 幼螨:研究结果表明:1)桔全爪螨的雌、雄螨均要经历七个发育阶段,即卵(egg),幼螨(larva),原蛹(protochrysalis),第一若螨(protonymph),第二蛹(deutochrysalis),第二若螨(deutonymph),若蛹(teleichrysalis)和成螨(adult),即在各个活动螨态之间,


4. 幼虫,幼体:11. obliterate 涂抹,擦去,使消失 | 12. larva 幼虫,幼体 | 13. pupa 蛹

larva 双语例句

1. C. bilineata larva and pupae were used as hosts for C. militaris inoculation experiment, and the influence of different inoculation methods on C. bilineata larva and pupae infected by C. militaris strain and the inoculation effect were compared.


2. The non-special esterase and the peroxidase were studied in the embryo and early larva of scallop Patinopecten yessoensis by histochemical localization method.


3. larva的反义词

3. It showed that in conditions of water temperature 20~21℃, salinity 20~30, pH 8.0~8.3, the fertilized eggs developed to 2-cell in about 2h, blastula stage in about 15h, gastrula stage 30h and the hatched out larva 152h after fertilization.


4. It showed that in conditions of water temperature 20~21℃, salinity 20~30, pH 8.0~8.3, the fertilized eggs developed to 2-cell in about 2h, blastula stage in about 15h, gastrula stage 30h and the hatched out larva 152h after fertilization. And in conditions of water temperature 19~28℃, salinity 20~27, pH8.0~8.3, the larva opened its mouth at the 5 day.


5. It is now known that, the chigger is the larva of the tsutsugamushi.



6. Using an orthogonal experiment plan, three kinds of adversity, tempreture, sality and pH, were used to test the resistance of the larva of Portunus trituberculatus. The factor levels of three kinds of adversity, are 10, 15, 30, and 35 for tempreture, ℃ re, 10, 15, 35, and 40 for salinity, and 6.0, 6.5, 9.0, and 9.5 for pH, respectively.

中文摘要:利用正交试验设计,研究了温度、盐度和酸碱度3 种环境因素逆境下对三疣梭子蟹幼蟹的致死效应,以阐明三疣梭子蟹幼蟹对不同逆境环境的抵抗力大小。3 种逆境环境因素的水平分别是:温度为10,15,30,35℃;盐度为10,15,35,40;酸碱度为6.0,6.5,9.0,9.5。

7. larva

7. Xylostella larvae. Parasitization of a host larva without contact of the host plant did not influence the preference of the waspstowards volatiles from host plants.


8. The larva of various moths of the family Noctuidae that feed on and destroy a wide variety of plants.


9. Kidney worm disease; larva migrans; Swine disease


10. Tadpole-shaped parasitic larva of a trematode worm; tail''.


11. Tadpole-shaped parasitic larva of a trematode worm; tail disappears in adult stage.


12. Spawn, larva, chrysalides and imago can grow up naturally, so the natural growth of neocheting eichhorniae would not be affected by high altitude in Kunming.


13. The test results of acute toxicity were examined with Pearson's degree of fitting. The results indicated that the silkworm was extremely sensitive to Chlorantraniliprole. The median lethal concentration (LC50) was 4.0905×10^(-3) mg/L and median lethal dose (LD50) was 1.1435×10^(-8) mg/larva for the 3rd instar newly exuviated larvae. No toxicity was observed when normal concentrations of Chlorantraniliprole were used to fumigate the silkworm rearing room. Both irrigation and leaf spraying with 1.25×10^(-4) mg/L Chlorantraniliprole solution showed strong systemic transmission properties in root, leaf and whole plant. The residual toxic period of this insecticide to silkworm was very long. Mulberry leaves sprayed with 1.25×10^(-4) mg/L Chlorantraniliprole solution could still cause 100% mortality of the 3 and 5 instar larvae after 60 d. Furthermore, toxic reaction was very quick. The poisoning symptoms emerged within 1~5 h after feeding on the poisonous leaves. The poisoned larvae experienced such symptoms as stopping ingestion, remaining still, vomiting slightly and body atrophy sequentially, and died ultimately.

食下毒力试验结果经Pearson拟合度检验表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺对3龄起蚕的食下致死中浓度(LC50)为4.0905×10^(-3)mg/L,致死中量(LD50)为1.1435×10^(-8)mg/头;药剂在常规浓度下对家蚕无熏蒸毒性;1.25×10^(-4)mg/L稀释药液对桑树根灌和喷叶处理,表现极强的根部、叶部和全株性内吸传导特性;药液对家蚕的残毒期很长,1.25×10^(-4)mg/L稀释药液田间喷雾桑叶,间隔60 d后采叶饲喂3龄和5龄蚕的死亡率均为100%,且中毒反应极快,添食毒叶后1~5 h出现中毒症状,经停止食桑、静伏、少量吐液、蚕体萎缩等过程后陆续死亡。


14. PHMG content within the range of 125 mg/L did not influence the oospore hatchability of Penaeus japonicus and the content within 0.5 mg/L had no significant influence on metamorphosis rate of nauplius larva.

聚六亚甲基胍含量在125 mg/L范围内对日本对虾受精卵孵化率无影响,含量0.5 mg/L以内对无节幼体变态率无明显影响。

15. larva的反义词

15. Larva migrans syndromes are not reportable in the United States, so the actual number of human cases is unknown.?


16. larva

16. Yeah, it could be cat scratch fever or visceral larva migrans.


17. larva是什么意思

17. Not only can ascarids and hookworms cause disease in their respective hosts, they are also well-known causes of larva migrans syndromes in humans, especially children.


18. larva

18. The yellowish, hard-bodied larva of various click beetles that feeds on the roots and seedlings of many crop plants.


19. Large green white-striped hawkmoth larva that feeds on tobacco and related plants; similar to tomato_hornworm.


20. Caddisfly larva; constructs a case of silk covered with sand or plant debris.


larva 词典解释

1. 幼虫;幼体

A larva is an insect at the stage of its life after it has developed from an egg and before it changes into its adult form.

e.g. The eggs quickly hatch into larvae.


e.g. ...a dragonfly larva.


larva 单语例句larva的翻译

1. " A predator of the zebrafish larva is the larva of the dragonfly, " he said.

2. A family of larva can eat the leaves of a healthy tree in several days, the report said.

3. Lots of fish in the pond eat the mosquito larva, lemon grass planted near the house keeps away the mosquitoes that survive the fish!

larva的反义词larva 英英释义


1. the immature free-living form of most invertebrates and amphibians and fish which at hatching from the egg is fundamentally unlike its parent and must metamorphose