

finely:[英 [ˈfaɪnli] 美 [ˈfaɪnl:ɪ] ]


finely 基本解释

副词美好地; 精细地,细微地


finely 相关例句


1. finely

1. He has his temper finely up.


2. These carrots are finely chopped.


3. The meat should be finely diced for this dish.


finely 网络解释

1. 细微地:finegrained 有细密纹理的 | finely 细微地 | fineness 出色

2. finely的解释

2. 细微:clay粘土 | finely细微 | powdered粉末

3. 精密:parka 有帽子的毛皮外套 | finely 精密 | blubber 鯨脂

4. 微小地:伤口cut | 微小地finely | 油oil

finely 双语例句

1. The test result shows:(1) Concentration after grind finely, multi product configuration, regrind and reconcentratipn of sulphide iron ore, and firstly recovering tin and removing sulfide ore as possible as are available metholds to improve the grade and recovery of tin concentrate, simplify technology flowsheet and reduce production cost; (2) Intensifying the recovery of single stage concentration table is the key to concentration to concentration after grind firely and improving index. The recovery of fine tin is sure to further improve index; (3) Regrind and reconcentration of ferro-sulphur ore may recovery some tin.


2. Based on the experimental study of HFZ powdered explosive, a new mathematical model is presented which can finely estimate the detonation velocity of industrial explosive in the charge of Φ 32mm paper tube infected with wax.


3. Foamglass is made by mixing finely crushed glass with carbon dust.


4. finely

4. It is a finely ground powder made by burning and grinding a limestone mixed with clay or shale.



5. After all, he has turned Acer, the personal computer seller based here, into a finely tuned organization that`s obliterating some of the computing industry`s longest-standing traditions and leading Taiwan`s charge up the technology food chain.


6. Ground glass: Glass screen at the camera back with one side finely grounded.


7. This is based on the self-evident truth, that if the universe had not been suitable for life, we wouldn't be asking why it is so finely adjusted.


8. Tropical American passion flower with finely dissected bracts; stems malodorous when crushed.


9. Consider radishes, chopped parsley, finely shredded Romaine lettuce or avocado whatever is in season.


10. Alaskan Eskimo boots were typically made with a preformed sole, which was finely pleated around the edges and turned up to fit the foot, then attached to the shaft.


11. Finely chop the black fungus, carrot, pea and egg white.


12. finely的解释

12. The exterior layers deform at the point of impact and become finely granulated, thereby absorbing the energy.


13. The strange silence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarse cries of the gondoliers as you pass another of these black, funeral barges; the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as you abruptly leave the Grand Canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways, always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky of stars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters----thousands of tourists must have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and the beauty of it defy human speech.


14. finely

14. The strange silence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarsecries of the gondoliers as you pass another of these black, funeral barges; the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as you abruptly leave the Grand Canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways, always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky of stars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters----thousands of tourists must have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and the beauty of it defy human speech.


15. For use with hard ice cream or to finely grind candy ingredients Great for making milk shakes or mixing candies, fruits and nuts with soft serve for dessert treats.


16. finely的解释

16. Carlin is where gold mining began for Newmont. In 1961, Newmont geologists began probing the high desert area around the Tuscarora Mountains in search of finely disseminated gold - gold that could be seen only in a microscope and, thus, had eluded earlier prospectors.

历史概述 Carlin是纽蒙特金矿的发源地。1961年,纽蒙特的地质人员开始在Tuscarora山四周的高沙漠地带寻找细颗粒浸染型金—一种极为细小,只有用显微镜才能看见的金子,所以以往的勘探人员都未能发现。1963年夏季通过钻孔和化验划定了一个 300万盎司的矿床,即使当时的金价每盎司只有35美元,该矿山也具有开采价值。

17. Finely shaped pieces have smoothly curved and beveled edges and cast real shadows.


18. finely的解释

18. A lethal predator in the box, he possesses a sharp eye for a goal and finely honed dribbling skills, the perfect tool for outfoxing imposing defenders.


19. Seeds dark brown, ca. 1 mm, scarcely carinate; testa finely scalariform-reticulate.


20. Plants 8-25 cm tall, ascending; floral tube with sparse, even pubescence; seeds 1.4-1.6 mm, very finely papillose.


finely 单语例句finely在线翻译

1. To make your own, finely grate two teaspoons of ginger onto a piece of muslin or cheesecloth.

2. The scarce resources of the coal seam need to be finely and carefully mined, the company said.

3. Coffee Spring features finely prepared, pure coffee from the distinctive Robusta coffee bean to give the spring a refreshing effect.

4. Some finely woven robes and other dresses bore Chinese characters that spoke of fortune, happiness and admiration for the land called the Middle Kingdom.

5. Visitors with cotton overcoats are deeply impressed by the finely worked ice lanterns, and say the visit is well worth the effort as it gives them unprecedented enjoyment.

6. The face is finely modeled with curly beard, mustache and brows.

7. These pickled mustards are finely shredded and added to the wok with sour pickled plums, a handful of dried chilies and Sichuan peppercorns.

8. The finely mixed powder was left in a room to dry for two days.

9. Their finely painted photographs have charmed many people with the ironic, humorous images that merge experimental art with popular kitsch.

10. The dragons are finely detailed inside the circles, surrounding the structure.

finely的意思finely 英英释义


1. in a delicate manner

e.g. finely shaped features

her fine drawn body

Synonym: finedelicatelyexquisitely

2. in an elegant manner

e.g. finely costumed actors

3. in tiny pieces

e.g. the surfaces were finely granular