

jargon:[英 [ˈdʒɑ:gən] 美 [ˈdʒɑ:rgən] ]



jargon 基本解释


名词行话; 行业术语; 黑话


jargon 相关例句



1. Avoid computer jargon when you write for laymen.


2. jargon的解释

2. I couldn't make out the baby's jargon.


3. He spoke such a jargon I couldn't make head or tail of what he said.


jargon 网络解释

1. 黑话:英文版本只在图书馆里见过,ebook找不到. 中文的ebook这里别的帖子发过. 我想听力还可以的朋友主要麻烦是些金融黑话(jargon)巴,大部分都可以在investopedia.com查到,别的我爱莫能助了.

jargon 双语例句

1. Use of obscurantist language, and misuse of apparently technical jargon in an effort to give claims the superficial trappings of science.


2. jargon的近义词

2. In video jargon, the brightness is called the luminance signal, while the color is the chrominance signal.


3. I used the props as cheat sheets when I had to remember difficult medical jargon.


4. This is a kind of polymorphism, in OOP jargon.



5. Finally, in every case I have tried to avoid the use of confusing financial and stock-market jargon commonly found in books on this subject.


6. jargon的解释

6. A jargon systematically formed by the transposition of the initial consonant to the end of the word and the suffixation of an additional syllable, as igpay atinlay for pig Latin.

儿童黑话,把单词的第一个辅音字母移至词尾并附加上另外的一个音节而成的一种行话,如用 igpayatinlay来代替 piglatin

7. jargon的翻译

7. To the lay mind the language of a lawyer seems to be full of jargon.


8. There was also much scrutinizing of jargon.


9. jargon

9. Avoid distracting statements containing excessive abbreviations or acronyms, name-dropping, or controversial words and phrases, colloquialisms, slang, and jargon.


10. jargon是什么意思

10. First, each story must be written in the language of the business, not in technical jargon, so that the customer team can prioritize the stories for inclusion into iterations and releases.


11. The world of computing is filled with jargon and acronyms.



12. Credit reports are filled with frustrating jargon and codes.


13. jargon的翻译

13. Asian businesses, many of them family- owned, seem resistant to the charms of Ivy League-educated 30-somethings proffering firm handshakes, jargon- filled patter and fancy spreadsheets.


14. For the first time, China Satellite 2000 presents a workshop for communication professionals at all experience levels. In a convenient half-day format, this workshop shows you how satellites fit into the total telecommunications industry; who is doing what in satellite communications; major issues and trends in satellite communications; and the meanings of some confusing terms, jargon, buzz words and acronyms used in satellite business.


15. It takes a long time to learn the true profitability of any given year. First, many claims are received after the end of the year, and we must estimate how many of these there will be and what they will cost.(In insurance jargon, these claims are termed IBNR – incurred but not reported.) Second, claims often take years, or even decades, to settle, which means there can be many surprises along the way.

特定年度的获利情况通常需要很长一段时间以后才能知晓,其原因在于,首先,许多理赔申请通常要到年底才会提出,所以我们必须事先预估可能的数字,套句保险业的术语,这些理赔申请简称为 IBNR-发生但尚未申诉的案件,其次,理赔申请可能要好几年,有时甚至要好几十年,才能合解,这意思是说其间可能横生许多波折。

16. Chinese have combined a traditional delight in word-play with their new-found passion for stocks to create a rich supply of colloquial jargon for investing that is bandied around brokerage offices.


17. jargon什么意思

17. I asked her why she thought she had to use technical jargon when she spoke to the other conference attendees.


18. She uses so much jargon I can never understand her explanations.


19. CEO of BBY came to CHQ(again, jargon for Canada Headquarters) addressed to 200 staff or so working in CHQ.


20. Nou Yuri, also known as Girls Love, a Japanese manga jargon for content and a genre involving love between women

形容词 狡诈的,使人上当的,难人的4。形容词一阵阵的;不规则的;时断时续的

jargon 词典解释

1. 行话;行业术语;黑话

You use jargon to refer to words and expressions that are used in special or technical ways by particular groups of people, often making the language difficult to understand.

e.g. The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses.


e.g. ...the reading habits of 600,000 C2 males (marketing jargon for skilled manual workers).


jargon 单语例句

1. He discussed the company's product portfolio without using one single word of jargon, something that makes him a captivating communicator.

2. New Chinese jargon is often translated from English using a similar sounding Chinese character with often very funny results.

3. Xiao Zhe is worried about how to " come out of the closet " jargon they use for making their sexual orientation known to friends and relatives.

4. He led his staff to adopt common and interpretive language while departing from the conventional stereotypical reporting charged with political jargon and slogans.

5. If you dissect the political jargon, these adverts upset ordinary people.

6. Many of the scenes are turned into textbook dissection, with jargon flying.

7. Foreign rights owners are urged to file complaints in written form, as IPR protection information usually involves complex technological jargon.

8. Inappropriate use or misuse of Internet jargon can give rise to misunderstanding, misinterpretation and other communication problems.

9. The most glaring example is that primary and high school students have begun to use Internet jargon in their written work.

10. Defenders of such jargon argued that it should be recognized since it is now widely used by a considerably large portion of society.

jargon的翻译jargon 英英释义


1. specialized technical terminology characteristic of a particular subject

2. a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)

e.g. they don't speak our lingo

Synonym: slangcantlingoargotpatoisvernacular

3. a colorless (or pale yellow or smoky) variety of zircon

Synonym: jargoon