

stand:[英 [stænd] 美 [stænd] ]


过去式:stood;   过去分词:stood;   现在分词:standing;   复数形式:stands;

stand 基本解释

名词立场; 台,看台; 停止; 抵抗

不及物动词站立,起立; 竖直放置; 保持看法; 停滞

及物动词忍受; 使站立; 抵御; 承担责任



stand 同义词

动词remaintoleraterisepersistbearget upendurestand uplaststaycontinue


stand 反义词



stand 相关词组

1. stand out : 突出;

2. stand up : 站起来, 竖立, 站得住脚, 经得起;

3. stand down : 退出;

4. stand by : 袖手旁观, 支持;

5. stand in : 代演员站位, 使花费;

6. stand aside : 站开, 躲开, 避开;

7. stand in with : 与...分担, 与...联合;

8. make a stand : 站住, 对抗, 全力拥护;

9. stand up to : 经得起..., 勇敢地面对, 抵抗;

10. stand to : 坚持;

11. stand off : 疏远;

12. stand a chance : 有可能, 有希望;

13. stand for : 代表, 象征;

14. stand over : 延期, 监督;

15. take the stand : 站在证人席上作证;

16. stand back : 退后;

17. stand up for : 支持;

stand 相关例句


1. I just can't stand the cold.



1. stand的意思

1. Her legs were so weak that she could hardly stand.


2. Stand up, please.


3. Stand still!


4. Truth stands in opposition to falsehood.


stand 情景对话


A:I can (live with it/ stand it/ bear it/ endure it.)


B:It’s not the end of the world.



A:What’s the quickest way to get there?


B:If I were you, I’d take a taxi.


A:Can you tell me where the taxi stand is?


B:You will find a taxi stand on the street corner.


A:Thank you.


B:You’re welcome.



A:Stand back from the door, please. There’re plenty of seats in the rear.



B:What’s the fare, please?


A:One yuan fifty cents. Drop it in the box here.

1 元5 角,把它放进箱子里。

B:Is this the right bus to Zizhuyuan Park?



A:Take a No.2. This is No.12.

应该乘2 路车,这是12 路。

B:But somebody told me this was the right bus to take. I want to go to Tian’anmen Square, you see.


A:Then this is the right bus. Move on, please. You’re holding up the passengers. Tian’anmen Square is the last stop but one.


B:Would you please let me know when we get there?


A:Sure thing. I’ll shout it out.


stand 网络解释


1. 忍受:14 A 逻辑推理词义比较 迫使政府官员来意识到人们已经知道(know),也已经接受(accept),也无奈地分享(share)着,而正在不得不地忍受(stand)着这些嘈杂的噪音.

2. 台:支架充实竞赛场性能,为提高运动员和观众的亲密度,采用半圆形和直线的组合构成R.C结构(Structure)+ P.C架台(Stand)以缩小缝隙及提高精密度. 竞赛场的特征不仅是体育活动,而且还有集会与公演等的综合文化空间的使用功能,

stand 双语例句

1. stand

1. She was so weak as to be unable to stand up.


2. As long as there is hope that after the fall would not be unable to stand up again.


3. Be unable to stand tests, trials, etc.



4. But a number of candidates would be unable to stand for office.


5. Be unable to stand exertion, fatigue, etc.


6. I prefer you to anonymous, willing to break your wings and take as long as you love me, I would be unable to stand.


7. stand的翻译

7. Long time ago, I begin to remind self not to need every day and you send out a message not asking every day to wait for you to criticize beloved safety because of my some thing that can lose, be unable to stand once more.


8. stand

8. The main floor is currently under construction. This hole is where the steel pillars will stand. To make an extra story for the dorms, the completion date has been postponed by one more month. However, quality always comes first.


9. stand是什么意思

9. Oriental Pearl and Jin Mao Towers stand proudly as a testament to China's growth and development.



10. China's stand on this question is clear to all.


11. For instance. Perhaps it is because of the reason the light is dim, or the unique efficiency relaxed and releived of the happy joss stick produced in Xizang drifting of Tibet twittering, stay in room soon, people can feel tired out to stand up, sleep soundly and alleviate the pressure completely while being easy very.


12. These two parallelepiped boxes stand out for the simplicity of their form which is so pure creating a luxurious residence.


13. The sun starts to jump from where you stand


14. Stand gracefully erect; slim and graceful; tall and straight


15. Gather round everyone, I'll tell you It's a time to help a friends There's so much love in the world So share it all around And together we'll win in the end If we all lead a hand, we'll make it And say thanks for what we've praied Look around and you'll see Such beauty in this life So reach out and don't be afraid Stay with me There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way Let's stand tall and be united What we need is our strength and love We can all live our lives in peace and harmony And say thanks to one above Stay with me There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way Don't let your dreams fade away Hold on and hear what I say That some day There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way

聚集回合每个人,我将告诉你资讯科技是时候帮助一位朋友在世界上有这么多爱如此分享它所有的在附近而且一起我们将会在结束中赢得如果我们所有的领引一只手,我们将会做到而且发言权谢谢对于我们已经祈祷的四处看看,而且你将会见到这生活的如此美人如此到达出并且不害怕在我家逗留 There'll 是保护的天使仅仅有信心,而且你将会见到那一个天你将会找等候背面的你保护的天使 Who'll 在途中指导你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保护天使如此有信心,它将会受到 ture 的影响那一个天你将会找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指导你让我们站高并且是联合的我们需要的是我们的力量和爱我们全部能居住和平和协调的我们生命而且发言权谢谢到一在上面在我家逗留 There'll 是保护的天使仅仅有信心,而且你将会见到那一个天你将会找等候背面的你保护的天使 Who'll 在途中指导你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保护天使如此有信心,它将会受到 ture 的影响那一个天你将会找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指导你不要让你的梦褪色离开把握在而且之上听到我说的那来日 There'll 是保护的天使仅仅有信心,而且你将会见到那一个天你将会找等候背面的你保护的天使 Who'll 在途中指导你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保护天使如此有信心,它将会受到 ture 的影响那一个天你将会找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指导你

16. Purple: Stand for valiancy, hardihood, honesty, strong and brave.


17. They shall serve in my sanctuary as gatekeepers and temple servants; they shall slaughter the holocausts and the sacrifices for the people, and they shall stand before the people to minister for them.


18. stand

18. They shall be officers in my sanctuary, and doorkeepers of the gates of the house, and ministers to the house: they shall slay the holocausts, and the victims of the people: and they shall stand in their sight, to minister to them.


19. When King Kong and Jack stand both sides of the world, and the thick civilization separate them, King Kong never cover up his love, and shout for his love, but Jack control his love by the intellect, everything in the nothing.


20. Your window is a lonely old trees stand-alone, in the silent night sky that round Jiaoyue is lonely.


stand 词典解释

1. 站;立;站立

When you are standing, your body is upright, your legs are straight, and your weight is supported by your feet.

e.g. She was standing beside my bed staring down at me...


e.g. They told me to stand still and not to turn round...


2. 站起来;起立

When someone who is sitting stands, they change their position so that they are upright and on their feet.

e.g. Becker stood and shook hands with Ben.


3. 站到一边/ 往后站

If you stand aside or stand back, you move a short distance sideways or backwards, so that you are standing in a different place.

e.g. I stood aside to let her pass me...


e.g. The policemen stood back. Could it be a bomb?


4. (建筑物、家具等)位于

If something such as a building or a piece of furniture stands somewhere, it is in that position, and is upright.

e.g. The house stands alone on top of a small hill...


e.g. I reached for the lamp, which stood in the middle of the table.


5. (建筑物在周围其他建筑物倒塌或被毁后)依然存在,矗立

You can say that a building is standing when it remains after other buildings around it have fallen down or been destroyed.

e.g. The palace, which was damaged by bombs in World War II, still stood...


e.g. There are very few buildings left standing.


6. 将…竖放于

If you stand something somewhere, you put it there in an upright position.

e.g. Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.


7. (将食物或调拌物等)搁置不动

If you leave food or a mixture of something to stand, you leave it without disturbing it for some time.

e.g. The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand.


8. 态度;立场

If you take or make a stand, you do something or say something in order to make it clear what your attitude to a particular thing is.


e.g. He felt the need to make a stand against racism in South Africa...


e.g. They must take a stand and cast their votes...


9. 持…态度(或立场)

If you ask someone where or how they stand on a particular issue, you are asking them what their attitude or view is.

e.g. The amendment will force senators to show where they stand on the issue of sexual harassment...


e.g. So far, the bishop hasn't said where he stands.


10. 在…眼里被如何看待

If you do not know where you stand with someone, you do not know exactly what their attitude to you is.

e.g. No-one knows where they stand with him; he is utterly unpredictable...


e.g. All children need discipline, to know where they stand.


11. 处于(某种状况或局面)

You can use stand instead of 'be' when you are describing the present state or condition of something or someone.

e.g. The alliance stands ready to do what is necessary...


e.g. He stands accused of destroying the party in pursuit of his presidential ambitions...


12. (决定、法规或提议)继续有效

If a decision, law, or offer stands, it still exists and has not been changed or cancelled.

e.g. Although exceptions could be made, the rule still stands...


e.g. The Supreme Court says that the convictions can stand.


13. 处于(某一水平)

If something that can be measured stands at a particular level, it is at that level.


e.g. The inflation rate now stands at 3.6 per cent...

通货膨胀率目前为 3.6%。

e.g. Support for the two sides is standing at between 42 and 44 per cent.

双方的支持率在 42%和 44%之间。

14. 身高为…;高度为…

You can describe how tall or high someone or something is by saying that they stand a particular height.


e.g. She stood five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds...

她身高 5 英尺 5 英寸,体重 120 磅。

e.g. The dam will stand 600 feet high...

大坝将高达 600 英尺。

15. 经得起,承受得住(困难、考验)

If something can stand a situation or a test, it is good enough or strong enough to experience it without being damaged, harmed, or shown to be inadequate.

e.g. These are the first machines that can stand the wear and tear of continuously crushing glass...


e.g. I think these books can stand comparison quite happily with works by Dickens...


16. 忍受;容忍

If you cannot stand something, you cannot bear it or tolerate it.


e.g. I can't stand any more. I'm going to run away...


e.g. Stoddart can stand any amount of personal criticism...


17. 容忍;忍受

If you cannot stand someone or something, you dislike them very strongly.

e.g. I can't stand that man and his arrogance...


e.g. He can't stand me smoking.


18. 可能获得/ 可能失去

If you stand to gain something, you are likely to gain it. If you stand to lose something, you are likely to lose it.

e.g. The management group would stand to gain millions of dollars if the company were sold...


e.g. As many as 30,000 workers at 22 nuclear weapons sites stand to lose their jobs.

在 22 个核武器制造点工作的多达 3 万名工人可能会失业。

19. 参加(选举);当候选人

If you stand in an election, you are a candidate in it.

e.g. He has not yet announced whether he will stand in the election...


e.g. Some ardent supporters were urging him to stand...


in AM, use 美国英语用 run

20. 请(某人吃饭、喝酒)

If you stand someone a meal or a drink, you buy it for them.

e.g. You can stand me a pint.


21. (设在户外或大型公共建筑物内的)小店,售货摊

A stand is a small shop or stall, outdoors or in a large public building.

e.g. He ran a newspaper stand outside the American Express office...


e.g. She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner.


22. (运动场上的)观众台,看台

A stand at a sports ground is a large structure where people sit or stand to watch what is happening.

23. (供放置物品的)架,台

A stand is an object or piece of furniture that is designed for supporting or holding a particular kind of thing.

e.g. The teapot came with a stand to catch the drips.


24. (出租车、公共汽车的)停车候客处

A stand is an area where taxis or buses can wait to pick up passengers.

e.g. Luckily there was a taxi stand nearby.


25. (法庭上的)证人席

In a law court, the stand is the place where a witness stands to answer questions.

e.g. When the father took the stand today, he contradicted his son's testimony...


e.g. The government has called nearly 50 witnesses to the stand.

政府已传招了近 50 名证人出庭。

26. see also: standing

27. 真实性取决于;成败在于

If an idea, claim, or attempt stands or falls on something, its truth or success depends on that thing.

e.g. Airlines should stand or fall on their ability to attract passengers.


28. 最后的抵抗

You can describe someone's final attempt to defend themselves before they are defeated as their last stand .


e.g. There they made their tragic and heroic last stand against the Roman legions.


29. 合乎情理;显然

If you say it stands to reason that something is true or likely to happen, you mean that it is obvious.

e.g. It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back...


e.g. Smith isn't his real name, that stands to reason.


30. 妨碍;阻碍

If you stand in the way of something or stand in a person's way, you prevent that thing from happening or prevent that person from doing something.


e.g. The British government would not stand in the way of such a proposal...


e.g. It is his decision to go to America and who am I to stand in his way?


31. to stand a chance -> see chance

to stand up and be counted -> see count

to stand firm -> see firm

to stand on your own two feet -> see foot

to stand your ground -> see ground

to stand someone in good stead -> see stead

to stand trial -> see trial

相关词组:stand asidestand backstand bystand downstand forstand instand outstand upstand up forstand up to

stand 单语例句

1. I like to be able to stand up and look a man in the eye when I'm talking business.

2. Li and her mother found they couldn't stand up and reach the emergency button, because they had broken bones.

3. Some stand on street corners asking for money to buy food and gifts for the needy.

4. " We will stand by and watch and see, " Howman said.

5. They are called a generation of change because they dare to stand out and live by their own definition.

6. He even tried to stand up by himself after such an unthinkable soft landing, a witness said.

7. " If Afghanistan is attacked by any country the United States should stand alongside Afghanistan, " the resolution pointed out.

8. Ahmadinejad said Iran would stand by its rights but made no specific mention of the Russian plan.

9. He added that the court's decision could not stand since his commute was hampered by the subway construction on Haizhu Square.

10. When having dinner together, they stand treat by turns or go Dutch.

stand 英英释义


1. a defensive effort

e.g. the army made a final stand at the Rhone

2. a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance

e.g. a one-night stand

3. a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air

Synonym: bandstandoutdoor stage

4. a support or foundation

e.g. the base of the lamp

Synonym: basepedestal

5. a support for displaying various articles

e.g. the newspapers were arranged on a rack

Synonym: rack

6. a booth where articles are displayed for sale

Synonym: stallsales booth

7. tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade)

8. a small table for holding articles of various kinds

e.g. a bedside stand

9. a mental position from which things are viewed

e.g. we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians

teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events

Synonym: point of viewviewpointstandpoint

10. an interruption of normal activity

Synonym: standstilltie-up

11. a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area

e.g. they cut down a stand of trees

12. the position where a thing or person stands


1. put up with something or somebody unpleasant

e.g. I cannot bear his constant criticism

The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks

he learned to tolerate the heat

She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage

Synonym: digestendurestick outstomachbeartoleratesupportbrookabidesufferput up

2. have or maintain a position or stand on an issue

e.g. Where do you stand on the War?

3. withstand the force of something

e.g. The trees resisted her

stand the test of time

The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow

Synonym: resistfend

4. be available for stud services

e.g. male domestic animals such as stallions serve selected females

5. be standing

be upright

e.g. We had to stand for the entire performance!

Synonym: stand up

6. put into an upright position

e.g. Can you stand the bookshelf up?

Synonym: stand upplace upright

7. be in some specified state or condition

e.g. I stand corrected

8. hold one's ground

maintain a position

be steadfast or upright

e.g. I am standing my ground and won't give in!

Synonym: remain firm

9. be tall

have a height of


e.g. She stands 6 feet tall

10. be in effect

be or remain in force

e.g. The law stands!

11. remain inactive or immobile

e.g. standing water

12. occupy a place or location, also metaphorically

e.g. We stand on common ground