

beggar:[英 [ˈbegə(r)] 美 [ˈbɛɡɚ] ]


过去式:beggared;   现在分词:beggaring;   复数形式:beggars;

beggar 基本解释

名词乞丐; 家伙

及物动词使贫困; 使无用

beggar 相关例句


1. beggar的意思

1. You'll beggar your family if you spend so much money on drink.


2. beggar

2. It beggars the very policy he was advocating.


3. Her beauty beggars description.




1. What a fine little beggar your boy is!


2. You lucky beggar!


beggar 网络解释

1. 丐帮:进入下水道之后,从东边那堆残砖断瓦中钻到丐帮(Beggar)的老巢. 整个洗一遍地图之后可以获得朱妮塔的饰物(Juanitas Locket)和埃塔多的祖传宝剑(Sword of Eduardo),这都是其它任务中的任务物品. 地图右上角便是通往熔岩巨魔(Lava Troll)洞穴的小道.

2. beggar的近义词

2. 真假乞丐:11.Chat room trap网聊疑云 | 12.Beggar真假乞丐 | 13.Silver Blaze恶有恶报

3. 乞丐;家伙:service (名) 服务 | beggar 乞丐;家伙 | food (名) 食物

beggar 双语例句

1. She is a self-erecting a beacon of hope is the weak who love the palm of a sun, is a beggar who hearts of a sweet cheese, is cold to melt the tip of the raging fire those.


2. Always keep some spare change to give a beggar.


3. Wanted the judicature to take a test immediately, in my heart very wasreally contradictory, because I did not know I should choose thisroad, although I will walk this road will be a very slow long road, could persist, I all could not give oneself pledged Walks, had notthought gives up, because I know this world to need to we such person, in order to be just, for the more people's rights and interests, Icertainly must go down, calculated my finally I meet the body not tohave the husband and not to have the food to eat, am possible I to beable to be Chinese first attorneys the beggar But I do not careabout, because I have made the matter which I wants to do Possiblylater I will be able to lose the person which I most will love, myfamily member I possibly can burst into tears, but I could not perishin the past day, because had more people to need, and everybody wassimilarly important in the little family, I had to have to make thechoice, I could choose everybody, my pain could trade more familiesthe joy, I why not?


4. E. g:In the strong wind, the beggar shivered with the terrible cold.


5. beggar的意思

5. It happens that I have been brought up to believe that it is proper to make contributions to charity, but if I give some charge to a beggar.


6. The beggar is immortal, will the dinner in the house, gush out later JinZhan silver Taiwan daffodil.


7. beggar在线翻译

7. An able-bodied or even a wealthy man who voluntarily identifies himself with the beggar is actually a beggar and thus all the more deserves pity and charity.


8. Wrapped in the blanket which had hitherto formed his only covering, he might have been the child of a nobleman or a beggar; ir would have been hard for the haughtiest stranger to have assigned him proper station in society.


9. A healthy poor beggar is much happier than a sick wealthy king.


10. beggar的翻译

10. No, that`s true beggar.


11. What if you were the beggar, how would you like to be treated?


12. The beggar was a prince in disguise.



13. A money baldicoot and I am become together beggar, but the money that I denounce from beginning to end not as good as he is much.


14. beggar的翻译

14. Beggar`s Chicken is one of the most famous dishes of Hangzhou.


15. beggar的意思

15. It was overrun with Roman wormwood and beggar-ticks, which last stuck to my clothes for all fruit.


16. beggar

16. At that time, although called melting for the beggar, our shoe of rotten clothing, a bowl of cold meals put down, half that must steal cook goose, can ask two people half day gladder too.


17. One day, to the palace, a beggar, guard blocked him.



18. If you don't sweat you feel itchy, you cheap beggar!


19. beggar是什么意思

19. One day, in the palace came a beggar, the guard to block him.


20. Mr. He is a beggar on horseback and he shows off by giving excess tips and by constantly.


beggar 词典解释

1. 乞丐;叫花子

A beggar is someone who lives by asking people for money or food.

2. 使极度贫穷;使一贫如洗

If something beggars a person, country, or organization, it makes them very poor.


e.g. He warned that lifting copyright restrictions could beggar the industry.


3. 无法,难以(相信、描述、形容等)

If something beggars belief, it is impossible to believe it. If something beggars description, it is impossible to describe it.

e.g. The statistics beggar belief...


e.g. His courage beggars description.


beggar 单语例句

1. Afraid of the demon, passing boats would usually prepare a beggar to feed him.

2. But as I thought about it afterward I realized I had just run into the best beggar I have ever met in Beijing.

3. On the boat, the beggar asked the crew to boil his pumpkin in a big pot.

4. We will always remember with gratitude the beggar who donated all the money he had received in alms.

5. He never responds when a beggar holds out his or her hand for money.

6. He disguised himself as a beggar and survived on the money he made from collecting garbage.

7. Li plays the role of a young man from a rich family who becomes a beggar after spending all his money on a woman.

8. A lame beggar sitting in the street in Guangzhou said he was from Henan Province.

9. Baocheng Law Firm is yet to receive a case involving a kidnapped child beggar, he added.

10. On that day, he would pretend to be a beggar walking among the crowds.

beggar 英英释义


1. a pauper who lives by begging

Synonym: mendicant



1. reduce to beggary

Synonym: pauperizepauperise

2. be beyond the resources of

e.g. This beggars description!