

pasture:[英 [ˈpɑ:stʃə(r)] 美 [ˈpæstʃə(r)] ]


过去式:pastured;   过去分词:pastured;   现在分词:pasturing;   复数形式:pastures;

pasture 基本解释


名词牧草地,牧场; 牲畜饲养,放牧



pasture 相关例句


1. He is pasturing his cattle on the top meadow.



1. There were smooth areas where sheep had pastured.



1. pasture

1. This pasture can no longer carry such a large number of cattle and sheep.


2. Sheep are grazing in the lush green pastures.


3. pasture的近义词

3. These lands afford good pasture.


pasture 网络解释

1. pasture的意思

1. 牧草:切短青草及牧草 (Pasture) 的乾物含量约20%、青贮玉米约30~35%,乾草及谷物约90%,除非称重,否则永远不知道它们到底吃了多少. 至少,餵给母牛要抽样去测定含水量. 别忘了计算一下吃剩的饲料有多少量,这些工作只需要一个称及一个大箩筐就行.

2. 牧草地:在生态足迹分析法中的所有指标都是基于生态生产性土地这一概念而定义的,根据生产力大小的差异,地球表面的生态生产性土地可分为6大类:化石能源土地(fossilenergyland)、可耕地(arableland)、林地(forest)、牧草地(pasture)、建筑用地(bui

3. 牧地、草原;放牧:passive 被动的 | pasture 牧地、草原;放牧 | pattern 模范、式样、模式;模仿

pasture 双语例句

1. At present, China's expanding use of rotary cultivator, and whole sets of parts production enterprises with 100 more from the South to the North dryland and irrigated pasture, forest lands and fruit were widely used rotary cultivator to work operations.


2. Do you have the things you need to take care of bars barns and pasture land lands?


3. Our emphasis on meat not only leads to heart attack, stroke, and cancer but also reduces our food production (16 pounds of grain are needed to make one pound of beef) and adds to global warming (due to clearing woods to make pasture and to raise animal feed and also due to the animals'production of methane, a greenhouse gas).

我们的重点放在肉不仅导致心脏病,中风和癌症,但还降低了我们的粮食生产( 16公斤粮食需要,使一磅牛肉),并增加了对全球变暖(由于清理树林,使草场并且提高动物性饲料,也由于动物生产的甲烷,温室气体)。

4. pasture

4. The development of Songfangtun Oil Field is cited as an example for the study to illustrate its impact on the surrounding pastures and the regularity of pasture restoration.


5. 2 That they went to the approaches of Gedor, east of the valley, seeking pasture for their flocks.


6. It is agood place for goats to pasture.


7. pasture

7. There was a plantation-type mansion, huge grounds girdled by a rich black-dirt bridle path, stables and pasture for a herd of horses.


8. pasture的翻译

8. Livestock resources: Gannan Prefecture, Gansu Province is the main animal husbandry base, has a sub-alpine meadow pasture 4084 mu, the total area of the state total 70.28 percent, lawn area of 3848 mu of land can be used, accounting for 94.22% of the grassland area. Is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and natural grassland in Gansu Province in a higher carrying capacity, are highly resistant to grazing pasture, stocking rate theory of 6.21 million sheep units.


9. Studies were conducted on nitrogen balance and cycling, such as N deposition, ammonia volatilization, N loss with runoff and leaching in a pasture ecosystem of Smooth Crabgrass in typical red soil in South China.


10. One day, when his brothers had gone to pasture their father's flocks at Shechem



11. A man may own a tract of land for many years without knowing its value. He may think of it as merely a pasture. But one day he discovers evidences of coal and finds a rich vein beneath his land.


12. Grazing intensity and fertilizer dosage were the key factors affecting the dominance of pasture grass. The main weed species were E. odoratum, E. rubiginosum, H. perforata, I. anlindrica and E. annua.


13. Wire meshes deep-processing products, as well as various special-shaped nets, fencing wire mesh, grassland protection nets more than 400 varieties, more than 6000 kinds of specifications, widely used in petroleum, chemical, building, civil, food, paper, medicine, roads, railways, urban green belts, pasture breeding border protection and other industries.


14. pasture的翻译

14. It may automatically finish pasture tedding and swath turning (especially suiting rye and alfalfa) and finally rake to strip, convenient for the bander to automatically finish the pick-up, banding, tying and bunch laying.


15. Organically reared cows, which eat high levels of fresh grass, clover pasture and grass clover silage, produced milk which is on average 50% higher in vitamin E, 75% higher in beta carotene (which our bodies convert to Vitamin A) and two to three times higher in the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthine than non-organic milk.

有机饲养的奶牛,吃的高水平的新鲜草,苜蓿牧草和青贮草三叶草,生产牛奶,这是对平均高50 %,在维生素E,75 %为高,在β胡萝卜素(即我们的身体转换成维生素A )和两高出三倍,在抗氧化剂叶黄素和zeaxanthine比非有机牛奶。

16. 7 It will belong to the remnant of the house of Judah; there they will find pasture.

2:7 这地必为犹大家剩下的人所得。他们必在那里牧放群羊。


17. The vast Europeanize Pasture is a place that many people had long been thinking about and yearning after.


18. Ah Ching said Hmm. You can follow me to pasture. We will wait for him on the mountain side.


19. Pasture horse cow sheep, standing alone and cold Ao, domineering, loyalty, braveness


20. The result of the turf quality assessment was similar with the analysis of morphological characteritics. The result was showed: bermudagrass Xinnong NO.2 had highest score, and was suitable for the turf; Xinjiang bermudagrassC_5 had lowest score, and was suitable for the pasture, water and soil conservation; while the left could be used for both of two.


pasture 词典解释

1. 牧场;牧草地

Pasture is land with grass growing on it for farm animals to eat.

e.g. The cows are out now, grazing in the pasture.


e.g. ...mountain pastures.


2. 更好的地方(或工作、条件);更好的前程

If someone leaves for greener pastures, or in British English pastures new, they leave their job, their home, or the situation they are in for something they think will be much better.

e.g. Michael decided he wanted to move on to pastures new for financial reasons.


e.g. ...nurses seeking greener pastures overseas.


3. 放牧

If you put animals out to pasture, you move them out into the fields so they can eat the grass.

4. 让…退休;使赋闲

If you say that someone is being put out to pasture, you mean they are no longer being employed because they are considered to be too old or no longer useful.

e.g. I'm retiring next month. They're putting me out to pasture.


pasture 单语例句pasture的反义词

1. Xinjiang's capital and hub for most flights coming from Central Asia is Urumqi, meaning " beautiful pasture " in Mongolian.

2. He said the government had made great efforts to convert the deserts into forestry and pasture and fund other projects to restore healthy forest ecosystems.

3. It will return grain plots on hillsides to forestry and pasture in a planned progressive way to restore and expand vegetation coverage.

4. Morning sunshine squeezed out from white and grey clouds and across the light curtain of rain added a warm glow to the vast pasture.

5. There has been absolutely no restriction on dairy sales in New Zealand because of this suspension of DCD use on pasture.

6. Some 90 percent of the pasture area receives no TV signal, and operations for patients were often delayed due to shortage of power.

7. The new factory in Hengshui is the first " factory and pasture integrated demonstration program " that Mengniu has initiated.

8. " The government will pay the bill if croplands or pasture are damaged, " he said.

9. A pasture to the east of the lake is home to grazing cattle and farmhouses dotting the landscape.

10. A chunk of verdant Alpine pasture in front of my cabin has been swallowed up by a huge hole.

pasture 英英释义


1. bulky food like grass or hay for browsing or grazing horses or cattle

Synonym: eatageforagepasturagegrass

2. a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock

Synonym: pasturelandgrazing landlealey


1. feed as in a meadow or pasture

e.g. the herd was grazing

Synonym: cropbrowsegrazerange

2. let feed in a field or pasture or meadow

Synonym: cropgraze