

let:[英 [let] 美 [lɛt] ]



let 基本解释

允许,任由; 让,随; 假设; 出租


let 相关词组

1. let alone : 不管;

2. let up : 减小, 停止;

let 相关例句


1. Let us go.


2. My mother wouldn't let me go to the film.


3. Let each man decide for himself.



4. She would not let the child do it.



1. That apartment lets for $500 a month.


let 情景对话


A:Let me ask you (something/ this/ a question).


B:Sure, go ahead.



B:I mean (give me a break/ let it be).





B:Besides, you should let (old people/ children/ pregnant women) on first.


A:Oh, I didn’t know, sorry.


let 网络解释

1. 重发球:(3)如比赛中遇重发球(LET),该发球应重发,如遇重赛球(NO COUNT)时,得从第一次发球开始. (5)最后一局(THE FINAL GAME)须使用下面制度:

2. let

2. 线性能量传递:肌肉 33.线性能量传递(LET)与氧增强比的关系是:39.相对生物效应(REB)与:11.胃的粘膜相关性非霍奇金淋巴瘤(MALT)用抗幽门螺旋杆菌药物治疗后:32.低线性能量传递(LET)射线照射哺乳动物细胞存活曲线:33.氧增强比(OER)是指:11

3. let:liner energy transfer; 线性能量传递

4. let:ladies european tour; 欧洲女子巡回赛

5. let:logical equipment table; 逻辑设备表

6. let:linear energy transfer; 线能量转移

let 双语例句


1. The Tao receiver actually comes with a car and home kit, along with headphones and a random assortment of other stuff to let you do everything you want, right out of the box.


2. O seven apples on a with's tree With seven seeds to plant inside of me In springtime I grew a magic song Then skipping along, oh I sang the song to everyone I looked at the world through apple eyes And cut myself a slice of sunshine pie I danced with the peanut butterflies Till time went and told me to say hello but wave goodbye A thousand sugar stars Oh put then in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf insede a girl, you say And off I'll go from June to May Oh whistling round the world I met a golden swan upon the road Who was a handsome prince, so I was told I asked it the way to yesterday Then I was a sailor, and through the day I sailed away Bluebird seas I sailed With mermaids riding whales Oh whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go down Winder Way Oh whistling round the world Through apple eyes Oh there are rose-coloured skylines Where flying silver spoons Eat melting marmalade moons Through apple eyes I see for millions of miles The sun's a diamond shining In the nighttime of a summer day A thousand sugar stars Oh put them in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go Oh whistling round the world Let's whistle round the world Whistle round the world

o七个苹果,就同的树七种子植物里面的我在春天,我成长的一个魔术歌然后跳到沿线,哦i唱这首歌给大家我一看,在世界通过苹果电脑眼和削减自己一片阳光馅饼动作与花生蝴蝶直到时间一天天过去,并告诉我说,你好,但波再见 1000糖颗星哦付诸表决,然后在一个瓦罐然后哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼insede一个女孩,你说断断续续我会去,从6至5月哦吹口哨环游世界我遇见了一名金色天鹅后,道一位英俊的王子,所以有人告诉我我问它的方式,以昨日那么,我是一个水手,并通过我每天航行距离蓝鸟公海航行i 与mermaids骑鲸哦哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼里面一个女孩,你说断断续续我会走络筒机方式哦吹口哨环游世界通过苹果电脑的眼睛哦,还有玫瑰有色skylines 如飞行银汤匙吃熔化果酱的月亮通过苹果电脑的眼睛我看到数百万英里太阳的一颗钻石闪耀在夜间的一个夏天,一天 1000糖颗星哦,他们在一个瓦罐然后哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼里面一个女孩,你说断断续续我会去哦吹口哨环游世界让的哨子环游世界哨子环游世界


3. Now, let us look at a few pictures of the ice cream.


4. Don't let the blood hemolyze.


5. But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the cour e to let that person know how you feel.



6. Doctors used to let blood from people to lessen a fever.


7. Doctor s used to let blood from people to lessen a fever.


8. let的解释

8. Doctor used to let blood from people to lessen a fever.


9. Doc to rs used to let blood from people to lessen a fever.


10. For forms of government let fools contest, whate're is best administered is best.


11. Well, I just wanted to let you know I was out, and I wanted to see you.


12. let在线翻译

12. Let our company help you deal with these complicated issues now, our company is approved by the Chinese Government's lawful operation of international air transport, international shipping, international express professional international logistics services company.


13. Let's go and buy a potted plants.


14. Let me give you my two cents worth.



15. So, let`s look at a related determinant of power: culture.


16. let是什么意思

16. Let's go sailing on the river.


17. Not only do you study with your eyes, mouth and mind present while at your desk, but you do not let up on your studying during meals, bedtimes and even in the bathroom.


18. So in our timidity, let each of us make a choice: Whether consciously, to rema


19. Let's have noodle for rice today.


20. Then you walk away from it and let it ferment.


let 词典解释The form let is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. let的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。

1. 允许,任由,让(某事发生)

If you let something happen, you allow it to happen without doing anything to stop or prevent it.

e.g. People said we were interfering with nature, and that we should just let the animals die...


e.g. Thorne let him talk...


2. 允许,准许,同意(某人做某事)

If you let someone do something, you give them your permission to do it.


e.g. I love sweets but Mum doesn't let me have them very often...


e.g. The Americans won't let her leave the country...


3. (开门、让路等)允许(…进、出或通过)

If you let someone into, out of, or through a place, you allow them to enter, leave, or go through it, for example by opening a door or making room for them.


e.g. I had to get up at seven o'clock this morning to let them into the building because they had lost their keys...


e.g. I let myself into the flat...


4. (用于引出要说的话)让我,我来

You use let me when you are introducing something you want to say.


e.g. Let me say it again. I despised Wade's life...


e.g. Let me tell you what I saw last night...


5. (用于礼貌地表示愿意提供帮助)让我,我来

You use let me when you are offering politely to do something.

e.g. Let me take your coat...


e.g. Let me get you something to drink.


6. (用于将他人的注意力引向下面的话题)让我们

You say let's or, in more formal English, let us, to direct the attention of the people you are talking to towards the subject that you want to consider next.


e.g. Let's consider ways of making it easier...


e.g. Let us look at these views in more detail.


7. (用于提出建议或表示赞同)让我们

You say let's or, in formal English, let us, when you are making a suggestion that involves both you and the person you are talking to, or when you are agreeing to a suggestion of this kind.

e.g. I'm bored. Let's go home...


e.g. 'Shall we go in and have some supper?' — 'Yes, let's.'


8. (用于委婉地发出指令)让我们

Someone in authority, such as a teacher, can use let's or, in more formal English, let us, in order to give a polite instruction to another person or group of people.


e.g. Let's have some hush, please...


e.g. 'Let us pray,' said the Methodist chaplain.


9. (表示犹豫或思考)让我看看/让我想想

People often use let in expressions such as let me see or let me think when they are hesitating or thinking of what to say next.

e.g. Now, let's see. Where did I leave my bag?...


e.g. 'How long you been living together then?' — 'Erm, let me think. It's about four years now.'


10. (表示不关心)任由,让,随

You can use let to say that you do not care if someone does something, although you think it is unpleasant or wrong.


e.g. If he wants to do that, let him do it...


e.g. Let them talk about me; I'll be dead, anyway...


11. (表示认为某人应该做某事)让

You can use let when you are saying what you think someone should do, usually when they are behaving in a way that you think is unreasonable or wrong.

e.g. Let him get his own cup of tea...


e.g. If they value these data, let them pay for them.


12. (表示祈祷或盼望)让

You can use let when you are praying or hoping very much that something will happen.

e.g. Please God, let him telephone me.


13. 假设;假定;如果

You can use let to introduce an assumption on which you are going to base a theory, calculation, or story.

e.g. Let x equal 5 and y equal 3...


e.g. The new man in my life (let's call him Dave) had a very jealous ex-girlfriend.


14. 出租(房屋、土地等)

If you let your house or land to someone, you allow them to use it in exchange for money that they pay you regularly.

e.g. She is thinking of letting her house to an American serviceman...


e.g. The reasons for letting a house, or part of one, are varied.


in AM, use 美国英语用 rentDo not confuse let, rent, and hire. You can say that you rent a house or room to someone when they pay you money to live there. We rented our house to an American professor. You can also say that you let a house or room to someone. They were letting a room to a school teacher. In British English, if you pay a sum of money to use something for a short time, you say that you hire it. In American English, it is more common to say that you rent it. He was unable to hire another car... He rented a car for the weekend. If you make a series of payments to use something for a long time, you say that you rent it. ...the apartment he had rented... He rented a TV.

不要混淆let,rent和hire。出租房屋以收取租金用 rent,如:We rented our house to an American professor(我们把房子租给了一个美国教授)。出租房屋亦可用let,如:They were letting a room to a school teacher(他们把一间房租给了一个学校老师)。在英国英语中,短期租用物品用hire,在美国英语中则更常用rent,例如:He was unable to hire another car(他雇不到别的车),He rented a car for the weekend(他租了辆车周末用)。采用分期付款的方式长期租用物品用rent,如:the apartment he had rented(他租下的公寓),He rented a TV(他租了一台电视机)。

15. (网球或羽毛球发球时的)擦网球,触网重发

In tennis or badminton, if you serve a let, the ball or shuttlecock touches the net but lands in the correct part of the court. You then serve again.


16. (通常用在否定句后)遑论,更别提,更不用说

Let alone is used after a statement, usually a negative one, to indicate that the statement is even more true of the person, thing, or situation that you are going to mention next.

e.g. It is incredible that the 12-year-old managed to even reach the pedals, let alone drive the car.


17. 不打扰;不干涉

To let someone be means to leave them alone and not interfere in what they are doing.


e.g. If your child is really sick and needs sleep and quiet, let him be.


18. 松开;放开

If you let go of someone or something, you stop holding them.

e.g. She let go of Mona's hand and took a sip of her drink...


e.g. She held the photos with the determined grip of a small child and wouldn't let go.


19. 放弃,舍弃(感情、态度、控制权)

If you let go of a feeling, attitude, or the control that you have over something, you accept that you should give it up or that it should no longer influence you.

e.g. In therapy, she began to let go of her obsession with Mike...


e.g. The work should focus on helping parents to let go of their children.


20. 放走;释放;让…逃走

If you let someone or something go, you allow them to leave or escape.

e.g. They held him for three hours and they let him go...


e.g. I'm quite happy really to net a fish and then let it go.


21. 解雇;解聘;让…离职

When someone leaves a job, either because they are told to or because they want to, the employer sometimes says that they are letting that person go .

e.g. I've assured him I have no plans to let him go...


e.g. Peterson was let go after less than two years.


22. 不予理会;不予追究

If someone says or does something that you think is annoying or stupid and you let it go, you do not react to it or say anything about it.


e.g. Let it go, he thought. He didn't feel like arguing.


23. 放松;随心所欲

If you let yourself go, you relax and behave much more freely than usual.


e.g. Stop worrying about what you're feeling. Let yourself go.


24. 不修边幅;不注意仪表

If someone lets themselves go, they pay less attention to themselves or their appearance than they used to, so that they look untidy or unattractive.

e.g. If you have let yourself go, you should consider doing something about it for the sake of your health.


25. (使自己)陷入,卷入,招惹(麻烦等)

If you say that you did not know what you were letting yourself in for when you decided to do something, you mean you did not realize how difficult, unpleasant, or expensive it was going to be.

e.g. He got the impression that Miss Hawes had no idea of what she was letting herself in for...


e.g. I realized I'd let myself in for something from which there was no turning back.


26. 告知;告诉;使知情

If you let someone know something, you tell them about it or make sure that they know about it.


e.g. They want to let them know that they are safe...


e.g. If you do want to go, please let me know.


27. 泄露;无意中吐露

If you let drop ,let fall, or let slip information, you reveal it casually or by accident, during a conversation about something else.

e.g. How could she know about that? He'd certainly never let drop any hint...


e.g. He might have let something slip in a moment of weakness.


28. 放任;给予完全的自由

If you say that someone has been let loose in a place or situation, you mean that they have been given complete freedom to do what they like in that place or situation, and you suggest that this may be risky.

e.g. She has all the glee of a little girl let loose in a sweetie shop...


e.g. Trainees go through a four-hour lesson before they are let loose on the controls.


29. (常指地)发(声),讲(话)

If someone lets loose a sound or remark, they make it, often suddenly.

e.g. He let loose a long, deep sigh...


e.g. Hill let loose a torrent of abuse against those who prosecuted his case.


30. to let fly -> see fly

to let your hair down -> see hair

to let someone off the hook -> see hook

to let it be known -> see known

to live and let live -> see live

to let the side down -> see side

to let off steam -> see steam

31. 使美中不足;使差强人意;使不理想

If something lets you down, it is the reason you are not as successful as you could have been.

e.g. Many believe it was his shyness and insecurity which let him down...


e.g. Sadly, the film is let down by an excessively simple plot.


32. 给(轮胎等)放气

If you let down something such as a tyre, you allow air to escape from it.

e.g. I let the tyres down on his car...


e.g. Remove wheelnuts, let down tyre, put on spare.


相关词组:let downlet downlet inlet in onlet intolet offlet onlet outlet uplet up on

let 单语例句let什么意思

1. But it was not easy to convince their agents to let them act in a maiden work.

2. McLaren chief executive Martin Whitmarsh let his guard slip when asked by reporters on Sunday afternoon whether he thought Hamilton could win before Button.

3. After police intervention, the shop owner let family buy back the jewelry for the original 800 yuan.

4. The pawnshop finally let Wang buy back the ring for 200 yuan.

5. The companies struggled to make headway on negotiations under Bartz, who failed to reach an agreement to let Alibaba Group buy back shares in 2010.

6. Money can't buy you love, but it can let you rent a girlfriend to take home for Chinese New Year.

7. Let us hope we will not have to wait too long to see changes, or at least for that day when more ordinary citizens think about buying tickets.

8. Let us hope our leaders have the wisdom to hear and seriously act on peoples'hopes.

9. The foundation notified all donors by letter within the last 10 days to let them know their names would be published on its Web site.

10. Only a handful would agree to let me quote them by name.

let 英英释义



1. a serve that strikes the net before falling into the receiver's court

the ball must be served again

Synonym: net ball


1. cause to move

cause to be in a certain position or condition

e.g. He got his squad on the ball

This let me in for a big surprise

He got a girl into trouble

Synonym: gethave

2. leave unchanged

e.g. let it be

3. actively cause something to happen

e.g. I let it be known that I was not interested

4. consent to, give permission

e.g. She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband

I won't let the police search her basement

I cannot allow you to see your exam

Synonym: permitallowcountenance

5. grant use or occupation of under a term of contract

e.g. I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners

Synonym: leaserent

6. make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen

e.g. This permits the water to rush in

This sealed door won't allow the water come into the basement

This will permit the rain to run off

Synonym: allowpermit