

aerobics:[英 [eəˈrəʊbɪks] 美 [eˈroʊbɪks] ]


aerobics 基本解释



aerobics 网络解释

1. 健美操:上肢的控制,训练跨的灵活度、协调性、节奏感,助你成为一个舞台上最炫的Dancer,周日:街舞(HIP-HOP)同上培训内容:爵士(JAZZ)、街舞(HIP-HOP)、酒吧舞(CLUB DANDCE)、风情拉丁舞(SALSA)肚皮舞(BELLY DANC) 健美操(AEROBICS)

2. 韵律操:早上出去到社区的community center(联络所)看看有什么想学的课程,比如瑜枷(Yoga),韵律操(aerobics)或者kick boxing. 联络所的工作人员很客气, 耐心的回答我的询问,很舒服的感觉. 新加坡按照地区分成很多个社区,每个社区都配备有联络所,

3. 健身操:健身操(Aerobics) 也称有氧运动,是一项大众健身项目. 它起源于美国,80年代中期传入我国,它的运动形式简洁、易于掌握,对于提高锻炼者的心肺功能、运动技巧和塑造健美形体有着特殊的效果.

aerobics 双语例句

1. Aerobics paper market in Wuhu City sentinel study on the content of teaching and research focus on the quality of coaches analyze.


2. Because a very large amount of exercise, sport shoes: Aerobics time.


3. aerobics

3. It's a form of existential aerobics, a moving meditation.


4. Taking 400 students graded 2006 from Harbin Institute as subjects by the methods of interviews, literature and experimental analysis, this paper studies the superiority and effectiveness of the layered progressive method in aerobics teaching in colleges and universities.


5. aerobics在线翻译

5. The personal trainer suggested them to me because yoga will increase my strength and flexibility and aerobics will make me sweat like a pig.


6. In addition to the Tai Chi Tuan, Yoga, Pilatis, they also have my favorite aqua aerobics.

另加太极拳,瑜珈,提拉母丝,当然也有我最喜欢的aqua aerobics。。

7. Today's aerobics demand not only choreographic complexity, proper music, and overall visual fluidity, but also a positivemanner, spiritual outlook, temperament, and expression with which the aerobics are performed.


8. I imitate aerobics teacher's actions, I do what she did.


9. Aerobics training time and frequency can be according to their study and living conditions for time.


10. I imitated my aerobics teacher's action, and what she did, i will do


11. I imitate the action of aerobics teacher and I do what she does.


12. aerobics的翻译

12. Popular aerobics; value oreintation; sports philosophy; harmonious society


13. Try water exercise, such as aqua aerobics.


14. Derek just led me through the warm up in the aerobics room.


15. aerobics的近义词

15. The residential compound is supported by a dedicated team of staff and offers a full-range of living amenities, including a gym and aerobics room and attractive common areas.


16. Today, while doing aerobics in my room, I started doing really powerful Knee Highs. My cell phone fell out of my pocket while doing one knee high. As I looked down, I kneed myself in the face.


17. The intervention was a randomised 8-week trial with three groups: aerobics in bright light, aerobics in normal room lighting, and relaxation/stretching in bright light.


18. Kiddy Jazzercise, Aerobics Room 1, five minutes.


19. aerobics在线翻译

19. And now there are 1 rubber ground track field, 1 standard indoors basketball gymnasium, 2 standard clay tennis courts, 4 standard hard tenis courts, 5 badminton courts, aerobics gymnastics room and ping-pong room.


20. Most days, Tracee would still be pedaling her stationary bicycle, alone in the gym`s big empty aerobics room, pedaling to disco music while she yelled encouragement to a spinning class not there anymore.

大 多数日子,翠西还是会去健身房,在空荡荡的有氧运动室里,踩着健身脚踏车,随着迪斯科音乐的节拍,朝着已经不复存在的自行车健身班喊着激励口号。

aerobics 单语例句aerobics什么意思

1. Tracy also regularly sweats it out with Madonna and Gwyneth, using a cardio dance aerobics programme she created to help clients lose fat.

2. Accompanied by disco music, there's also a dance performance that resembles a gym aerobics class.

3. Sun said he noticed an increasing number of men were joining fitness clubs and spending hours on the equipment and doing aerobics.

4. Instead of an aerobics class in the local gym, women go for a pole dance class.

5. Tai chi is a peaceful alternative to the wild antics of aerobics and is attracting new followers each day.

6. Step aerobics and swimming are two good options that work multiple parts of the body and offer good results.

7. " The yoga club also has a standard swimming pool where aqua aerobics lessons are offered, " Liao said.

8. Prenatal aqua aerobics is offered at Le Meridian hotel and other hotels may offer similar services.

9. So an increasing number of young people have appeared in fitness centers, taking part in a wide array of exercises from calisthenics to aerobics to yoga.

10. Xu said that the number is less than the number enrolled for traditional aerobics.

aerobics 英英释义


1. exercise that increases the need for oxygen

Synonym: aerobic exercise