

empire:[英 [ˈempaɪə(r)] 美 [ˈɛmˌpaɪr] ]



empire 基本解释


名词帝国,帝国领土; 帝权,君权,最高统治权; 大企业组织



empire 相关例句


1. He started off with one small factory, and now he's the head of an oil empire.


empire 情景对话


A:Wow, this is the famous Empire State Building.



B:It’s huge.



A:Would you like to go to the top?


B:Yes, of course.


A:The view is breathtaking.


B:It makes me dizzy.


empire 网络解释

1. 黑金帝国:虽然两对组合在本片中都是首次银幕牵手,但无论从他们个人的整体风格还是从影经历上来说,他们之间的都是相当搭调的影坛搭档. 导演弗兰克?雷耶斯以编剧/导演的身份在2002年杀入影坛,首次操刀之作(Empire)在大范围内获得好评

2. 罗马帝国:豪斯医生(House)全3季 英语原声 中英字幕[6HDVD] 48罗马帝国(Empire)高清晰 英语原声中文字幕[1HDVD] 6罗马(Rome)第1季 高清晰 英语原声 中英文字幕[2HDVD] 12

3. 帝国大厦:内容是寻访与二战时犹太人屠杀事件相关的人物,从拍摄到完成历时十三年,也是正式上映过的电影中最长的一部. 八、(Empire):485分钟,安迪沃霍(AndyWarhol)的纪录片,就是镜头一动不动对着帝国大厦拍了8个多小时.

empire 双语例句

1. His latest book Invitation to Terror: The Expanding Empire of the Unknown, examines today`s terror threat, and how it is encouraged and exacerbated by the collapse of meaning within the West itself.


2. For Qing court had not realized the strategy position of Xi - tao Mongols, result to them experienced intricate process into Qing empire


3. Affiliation Tapani Empire, House Melantha


4. empire的反义词

4. He was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire near the border town of Bavaria, Germany.


5. I really like to call them the Empire of the Rising Sun because it makes them more ominous and it makes them different.


6. The communist revolutions in both Italy and Britain left two powerful communist neighbours on the border and Prussia抯 central position was looking increasingly weak, the choice was clear, rapprochement with the Russian Empire.


7. empire

7. Lord Black, who at the height of his power owned a media empire spanning the UK, US, Canada and Israel, flanked by his wife Barbara Amiel Black and daughter Alana, sat stone-faced as the verdict was read.


8. For the first time the Ottoman empire lost substantial territory to Europeans.


9. As a young general he fought to rebuild the empire of his father, Antigonus I Monophthalmus.


10. Luke was born during the chaos as the galaxy transitioned from Republic to the tyrannical Empire. He and his twin sister, Leia, were secretly spirited away from his father and the Emperor.


11. empire的解释

11. A hearing at Deep Space 9 revealed that gov- ernment agents had faked the deaths by using the names of Klingon citizens who had died earlier in a crash on Galorda Prime. The Gowron regime had hoped to disgrace Worf, and to gain sympathy for the empire's plan to annex Cardassian territory.

武夫后来得知Duras谋杀了K'Ehleyr而杀了Duras.2367年末与2368 年初Duras家族挑战Gowron政权而引发了克林贡内战,武夫再次被扯入克林贡政治圈中,武夫和Kurn以回复Mogh家族名誉作为交换条件,同意协助Gowron 政权,在此冲突中他被迫辞去星际舰队的职务,不然就会被禁止介入克林贡的内政事务。

12. Most historians therefore consider the establishment of the Empire to be a process that started with the split of the Frankish realm in the Treaty of Verdun in 843, continuing the Carolingian dynasty independently in all three sections.



13. As a leader of the Imperial Federation League, he sought to replace the British empire with a bigger group of trading partners, so as to guarantee supplies.


14. Empire, the New Republic, the Imperial Remnant, the Galactic Federation of Free


15. Why is it that more than thirty years after the first movie, Star Wars continues to spark debate over its appeal to children, whether it is appropriate material and whether George Lucas'empire exerts too much influence?


16. And when Marcus heard of this dinner, they say, he groaned and bewailed the fate of the empire.


17. Following drawn-out patent wars, Baekeland negotiated a merger with his rivals that put him at the helm of a veritable bakelite empire


18. Following drawn-out patent wars, Baekeland negotiated a merger with his rivals that put him at the helm of a veri-table Bakelite empire.


19. It had thousands of rooms separate apartments for the emperor's wives, some of the most beautiful women in the empire.


20. It had thousands of rooms and separate apartments for the emperors wives, some of the most beautiful women in the empire.


empire 词典解释

1. 帝国

An empire is a number of individual nations that are all controlled by the government or ruler of one particular country.

e.g. ...the Roman Empire.


2. 企业王国;企业集团

You can refer to a group of companies controlled by one person as an empire .

e.g. ...the big Mondadori publishing empire.


empire 单语例句

1. Paris'business empire spans 17 product lines and 35 stores but she insists she is not a ruthless businesswoman.

2. The West is unified by the cultural tradition of the Roman Empire and Christianity.

3. Cardin's worldwide fashion empire has an estimated annual turnover of six billion euros.

4. Chilean newspapers were filled with reports that the stash includes 10 papal rings and original gold statues from the Incan Empire.

5. The belt plays a central role cinching tiny waists or creating an empire waistline.

6. Singapore became one of the most important commercial and military centres of the British Empire, and the hub of British power in Southeast Asia.

7. In the heyday of the Persian Empire, it was ruled by Darius I and then the conqueror Alexander the Great.

8. The newest outpost in the Crystal Jade empire sports a striking rounded window, which surrounds a sleek waterfall and bar.

9. A new wall to connect the remaining fortifications along the empire's new northern frontier was built to defend against intrusions from the north.

10. Not only did it secure a world empire for the emperor, it also undertook the mission of protecting him in his afterlife.

empire 英英释义


1. a group of countries under a single authority

e.g. the British created a great empire

2. a group of diverse companies under common ownership and run as a single organization

Synonym: conglomerate

3. a monarchy with an emperor as head of state

4. the domain ruled by an emperor or empress

the region over which imperial dominion is exercised

Synonym: imperium