

lofty:[英 [ˈlɒfti] 美 [ˈlɔ:fti] ]


lofty 基本解释

形容词高尚的; 高耸的,巍峨的; 傲慢的


lofty 同义词



lofty 反义词



lofty 相关例句


1. lofty什么意思

1. He is a man of lofty ideals.


2. lofty什么意思

2. We stood in awe of the lofty redwood trees.


3. I don't like your lofty manner.


lofty 网络解释


1. 傲慢的:loftsman 放样员 | lofty 傲慢的 | log cabin 小木屋

2. lofty什么意思

2. 高的,高尚的,高傲的:locomotive 移动的,引起运动的 | lofty 高的,高尚的,高傲的 | logical 合乎逻辑的

3. lofty在线翻译

3. 高远的:loft 楼厢 | lofty 高远的 | log 圆形木材

4. 崇高的;高级的:literacy 有文化;有读写能力 | lofty 崇高的;高级的 | loom 织布机 ;隐现

lofty 双语例句

1. Faith is required of you, and a sincere life, not a lofty intellect nor a delving into the mysteries of God.


2. Configuration feature: For lofty deciduous leaf arbor, the bark of grown tree has the phellem layer that develop.


3. So, I would like to use blood youth erected for himself a lofty goal.


4. Your lofty with your intelligence is can't use simple speech phrase to come to form.


5. lofty的近义词

5. He is known to be a young man with lofty ideals.


6. lofty的翻译

6. Stand on the bridge the distance, lofty blue sky, the bright sun and wind, clear water eddy whirl, green bamboo charming and shady trees, the distance like a huge rock to wear thin air gates open, transparent on three sides of this mountain air, The guests can walk through.


7. Our mission is lofty and sacred, and our responsibilities are both arduous and glorious.


8. There is such a profession, which shoulder the lofty mission of silence.



9. The public service advertising is lofty, deeply public's welcome, is reduced, has diluted the public regarding advertisement, has defended the advertising industry prestige.


10. lofty什么意思

10. I formed a beautiful picture in my mind: In the lofty mountains covered with dense forest, a handsome boy with leg wrappings, wearing a jacket made of animal skin and shouldering a hunting-gun, was running with a hunting dog after a wounded river deer, whose stumbling steps were set against the white cloud in the blue sky in sharp contrast to the strong and vigorous image of the boy----the boy was none other than myself.


11. While decorating, beautifying modern cityscape and environment, they are transmitting a kind of lofty aesthetic emotion to people.


12. I could not but smile to hear her talk in this lofty strain.


13. Legend has it that a Dwarf who begins his or her service in Vemsdal can reach similarly lofty heights.


14. Mr Liu Chuanzhi once had said such word: Lofty of barren of dispatch of the rate that dismiss a statement is foolish the job that which?


15. Not all projects have lofty goals: One searches for the Sudoku puzzle with the fewest initial entries.


16. She imagined silent antechambers, heavy with Oriental tapestries, lit by torches in lofty bronze sockets, with two tall footmen in knee-breeches sleeping in large arm-chairs, overcome by the heavy warmth of the stove.


17. On the structure a gleam of divides paragraph:⒃ of the lofty that show Po amuses Yan Tuo of time of collection of ⑿ of cut up with a hay cutter of ひ of deer of attentively of T of unoccupied place lofty is fond of Wei Touchun of Tang blame discuss timing of frequency modulation of VVF of 訴 of let down with a rope of ⒌ of dream of take along sth to sb dominates electric machinery, dusting is even and adjustable the canal heats to warm up outside; enamel Yuan Gong fast, safe, clean, lukewarm accuse set, the job is reliable, convenient.


18. lofty什么意思

18. Wherever they looked, there was group upon group of sharp, lofty, cliff-like, and hideously shaped stone shafts.



19. Sharing the opportunities for development and meeting the challenge s together for the lofty cause of human peace and development are the common w ishes of people in all countries.


20. Contrast, Chinese mythology, gods and humans are completely different image: the appearance of different patterns that they completely ignore these people in character although they did not selfish, greedy, pleasure-seeking, envy, and others conduct, but they also are not The general feelings of the people, they are cold-blooded is relentless, and are not involved in human activity, God is just a group of Chinese people for the illusory, the lofty creatures.


lofty 词典解释

1. 崇高的;高尚的

A lofty ideal or ambition is noble, important, and admirable.

e.g. It was a bank that started out with grand ideas and lofty ideals...


e.g. Amid the chaos, he had lofty aims.


2. (建筑物)巍峨的,高耸的;(房间)屋顶高的

A lofty building or room is very high.

e.g. ...a light, lofty apartment in the suburbs of Salzburg...


e.g. Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings and rambling rooms.


3. 傲慢的;高傲的

If you say that someone behaves in a lofty way, you are critical of them for behaving in a proud and rather unpleasant way, as if they think they are very important.

e.g. ...the lofty disdain he often expresses for his profession.


e.g. ...lofty contempt.



'We supply financial information to selected clients,' Crook said loftily.


...loftily indifferent to the world outside.

对外部世界的漠然俯视lofty 单语例句lofty的反义词

1. He said China will hold hands with people around the world to carry forward the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind.

2. The resonant voices and the palatable wine cast our mind to the pure lands among lofty mountains and emerald rivers.

3. I hope local policymakers will take climate change into consideration and reexamine their lofty goals.

4. The prior charm of the lofty venue has been preserved by the new owner, expanded by sleek renovations of the natural wood interior.

5. It is one of many humble, filling and comforting vegetable soups from Provence that are given that lofty title.

6. It also needs to imbue its members with the lofty ideal of communism.

7. All comrades in the Party should set up a lofty communist ideal, fortify their conviction and spur themselves on by holding to lofty ideological and moral standards.

8. Going inside the Kunlun Cordillera, the mountains you see appear to be lofty and grand.

9. But it is unrealistic and even cruel to expect most to hold up the shield of lofty morals and noble characters.

10. The true spirit of heroes will be instilled in every citizen when it is deemed to be not too lofty an ideal.