

juggernaut:[英 [ˈdʒʌgənɔ:t] 美 [ˈdʒʌgərnɔ:t] ]



juggernaut 基本解释


名词重型卡车; 巨大的力量[物体]


juggernaut 网络解释

1. 剑圣:Quote: Yurnero,剑圣(Juggernaut) 无隙斩(Omnislash) 若林肯持有者是主目标,则晕眩效果被抵挡,但是伤害不会. 若只是被影响,没有效果. Quote: Luna Moonfang,月之骑士(Moon Rider) 月光(Lucent Beam) 该技能被完全且完美地抵抗.

2. 雷公弹:情海生死恋 Dark Victory (1976) | 雷公弹 Juggernaut (1974) | 铁幕情天恨 Girl from Petrovka, The (1974)

3. juggernaut的近义词

3. 毁灭之王:杀戮之王 - 火箭 Rockets | 毁灭之王 Juggernaut | 保卫之王 Oddball

juggernaut 双语例句

1. And it is not clear that China can rein in its own economic juggernaut.


2. juggernaut是什么意思

2. The avatar has great range, it is one of the closest you will get to a juggernaut.


3. The men at the helm of this economic juggernaut remain inscrutable, but they no longer labour in obscurity.


4. Summary of heroes that now make use of Scepter: Lord of Avernus, Bane Elemental, Holy Knight, Clockwerk Goblin, Shadow Priest, Sacred Warrior, Invoker, Juggernaut, Tormented Soul, Slayer, Demon Witch, Moon Rider, Necrolyte, Nightstalker, Pandaren Brewmaster, Butcher, Oblivion, Queen of Pain, Shadow Shaman, Crystal Maiden, Spiritbreaker, Sand King, Twin Head Dragon, Vengeful Spirit, Venomancer, Faceless Void, Windrunner, Witch Doctor, Lord of Olympia.


5. The site's results page resembles an online magazine - a different look and feel from search juggernaut Google's.


6. The suffocating juggernaut of the war, and the internal traumas they had buried under their hearts


7. There's no doubt in my mind that Star Wars is a marketing juggernaut.


8. China`s economic juggernaut powered on.


9. Johnson's idea is to rechannel the huge savings pools in Europe and Asia, and duplicate overseas the mutual-fund juggernaut he has created in the U.


10. juggernaut

10. Taiwan has long been seen as the most sensitive issue in U. S.-China relations -- the one problem thought to have the potential to provoke armed confrontation between the world's reigning superpower and a rising Asian economic juggernaut.


11. To make it complete, the juggernaut is covered by a layer of gold to make it look even more religiously important.


12. The chains of your Juggernaut burst when it was pulled uphill.

你的Juggernaut 的链子在往山上推的时候断了。


13. A very small chance, albeit it, and it's just for Juggernaut skills; not skills in the other trees.


14. The army cost roughly a quarter of one percent of today`s military juggernaut and looked it.


15. Against all odds (and the Visual Basic juggernaut), it gained a lot of fans.


16. Silverlight has the full mass and motive power of the Microsoft juggernaut behind it, and for that reason we can't dismiss it.


17. juggernaut在线翻译

17. Timing of using a Juggernaut is also vital because it can easily be revived using a saboteur engineer assimilator.


18. Such is the irrelevance of the Republicans in the House of Representatives, however, that their efforts to block the Democrats` juggernaut are not one of them. They unveiled a rival health plan this week that would cost less, allow inter-state competition and reform malpractice insurance—but it would also cover far fewer people and it fails to restrict jiggery-pokery by insurers.


19. Congress bayed for protection against the Japanese juggernaut.


20. That wasn't what people thought they had been voting for, and the privatization campaign quickly devolved from juggernaut to farce.


juggernaut 词典解释

1. 重型卡车

A juggernaut is a very large truck.

2. 无法控制的强大机构;巨头集团

If you describe an organization or group as a juggernaut, you are critical of them because they are large and extremely powerful, and you think they are not being controlled properly.


e.g. The group became a sales juggernaut in the commodity options business.


juggernaut 单语例句juggernaut什么意思

1. China's economic model propels its energy consumption, which concentrated among heavy industry and manufacturing fuels an export juggernaut.

2. At least one ratings juggernaut took a trophy when Jon Cryer of " Two and a Half Men " won a supporting acting Emmy.

3. The show has been off the air since December 2009 to make way for the annual Fox ratings juggernaut " American Idol ".

4. Some industry watchers speculate that NBC may try to challenge Fox's juggernaut " American Idol " when it returns to airwaves in the winter of 2012.

5. The television juggernaut is very comfortable playing Goliath - fighting the millions of miniature Davids, and kicking their asses.

6. So how does " Baby Shaq " expect Greece to conquer the American juggernaut.

7. The measures appeared to be taking the heat out of those industries, but other data last Wednesday suggested China's export juggernaut had been little affected.

8. Some observers see this as the last defense put up by dying industries in the rich world before they succumb to the Chinese juggernaut.

9. China's vehicle market has been racing ahead and creating history over the past two years, but the juggernaut stalled in April.

10. Here we see the desire of weaker states to merge or come in line with the juggernaut of the Tang.

juggernaut 英英释义


1. a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way

Synonym: steamroller