

arbitrary:[英 [ˈɑ:bɪtrəri] 美 [ˈɑ:rbətreri] ]


arbitrary 基本解释

形容词乱; 随意的,任性的,随心所欲的; 主观的,武断的; 霸道的,专制的,专横的,独断独行的

arbitrary 相关例句


1. Dictators are arbitrary rulers.


2. She married an artist with an arbitrary character.


3. My choice was quite arbitrary.


4. This is an arbitrary decision.


arbitrary 双语例句

1. In chap.3, we will extend themodel of the large bipolaron introduced by Verbist et al to arbitrary Ndimensions, calculate the bipolaron characteristics such as the ground-state energy, effective mass, average number of virtual phonons, andradius, and plot the figure of the bipolaron stability region.



2. Experimental results show that proposed algorithm supports the compressing of multiple arbitrary shape ROI images from loss to lossless compression with configurable ROI priority. The generated bit stream could be truncated at any place, and the decoder can still decode image and ROI mask information well.

实验结果表明,该算法支持有损到无损的多个任意形状ROI 的图像编码,而且ROI 优先级可调,能够生成具有嵌入式可截断性质的码流,在任意地方截断仍能保证解码器所需的图像信息和ROI 掩膜信息,且计算复杂度和SPIHT 相当,压缩效果高于BbB 移位算法。


3. There is way too much attention focused on our appearance and an arbitrary number on the scale.


4. Divisions of the wage scale must be arbitrary and rigid.


5. Unlike days and years, the units of geological time scale are arbitrary and of unequal duration.


6. Numerical values on any temperature scale are arbitrary.


7. This fact and a number of other properties make them suitable for recognizing a noisy curve of arbitrary shape at any scale or orientation.


8. arbitrary什么意思

8. The equations to determine the frequency corresponding to an arbitrary scale, the central frequency of the mother wavelet, and the sampling frequencies of both the signal and the wavelet function were derived, and the computational complexity of this algorithm was analyzed.


9. Actions such as hers are measured by an arbitrary scale. Society possesses a conventional standard whereby it judges all things. All men should be good, all women virtuous.


10. arbitrary的意思

10. In this article we have examined the law of motion of a charged particle when it is put into a constant magnetic field and a vibration electric field, and a gravity field at a uniform speed along arbitrary orientation, we also calculate some particle`s motion states in some certain circumstances via the discussion aiming for the Larmor frequency a and the vibration frequency w from general to concrete.


11. arbitrary

11. It is not arbitrary, want access to their own understanding and interpretation of the process, but the ruling class, ubiquitous access to power under the shadow of this process.


12. Dredging plan menus in the original map access arbitrary location and size of the image.


13. PhpGACL is an set of functions that allows you to apply access control to arbitrary objects by other arbitrary objects.


14. arbitrary

14. A generalized verifiable multi-secret sharing scheme applicable to arbitrary access structures is presented for the first time.


15. During May last year the subdivision of company alliance semiconductor, which is specialized in development and release of asynchronous static memory with the arbitrary access, became independent enterprise.


16. arbitrary什么意思

16. But because it has a free arbitrary, passionate, rhythm and striking features, so more suitable for young people.


17. There is no logical relationship between sound and meaning as the symbolic connection between them is arbitrary and conventional.


18. arbitrary在线翻译

18. The method is available for an arbitrary SDF graph, and has good optimized memory.


19. By introducing the rotating angular rate from the body frame to the navigation frame instead of the pose matrix, the rotating axis could be pointed to the entire three dimensional spaces in the navigation frame. The rule of SINS error states had been gained for the body frame rotating arbitrary orientation.


20. The implementation of the system should make clear the relationship between labor disputed arbitrary prescription and lawsuit prescripting and correctly make sure of the beginning time of arbitrary prescription and the termination and the suspension of arbitrary prescription.


arbitrary 词典解释

1. 武断的;任意的;任性的;主观的

If you describe an action, rule, or decision as arbitrary, you think that it is not based on any principle, plan, or system. It often seems unfair because of this.

e.g. Arbitrary arrests and detention without trial were common.



The victims were not chosen arbitrarily.


He is horrified by the apparent arbitrariness by which she sets the prices.

她定价时貌似的随意性让他很惊讶。arbitrary 单语例句arbitrary什么意思

1. Government support is by no means arbitrary administrative intervention with the operation of a particular cultural enterprise.

2. While it is reasonable to admit that there are certain criteria of market economy, it is incorrect to rigidly apply such criteria in an arbitrary way.

3. Almost all parents complain about the arbitrary fees charged by schools to admit children, but interestingly most of them end up paying them.

4. Affirmative action is also subject to arbitrary definitions of " minority ", for it is based on the volume of voices instead of real demographic data.

5. They are not coordinated across different layers of government, they differ from place to place and they may seem arbitrary or unfair.

6. Experiments should be conducted on integrated law enforcement to solve problems of duplicate law enforcement and arbitrary imposition of fines.

7. The idea that rising costs eat up China's competitiveness is arbitrary in nature.

8. Even when condoms are available and their effectiveness known, decisions on using them can be highly arbitrary.

9. Moreover, data show that the problem of arbitrary charges is far from over.

10. This is a silly arbitrary standard that doesn't take into account genetics or the body types of individuals.

arbitrary的解释arbitrary 英英释义


1. based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice

e.g. an arbitrary decision

the arbitrary rule of a dictator

an arbitrary penalty

of arbitrary size and shape

an arbitrary choice

arbitrary division of the group into halves