

suck:[英 [sʌk] 美 [sʌk] ]


过去式:sucked;   过去分词:sucked;   现在分词:sucking;

suck 基本解释

及物动词吮吸; 吸取; 吸入; 卷进入

不及物动词吸入; 舐,吮吸; 通过吸吮的动作产生声音; 巴结

名词吮吸; 吸力; 吸入物

suck 相关词组

1. suck dry : 吸干, 耗尽;

2. suck around : 老是围着...打转;

3. suck in : 吸收;

4. suck off : 拍...马屁;

suck 相关例句



1. The boat was sucked down into the whirlpool.



2. The baby is sucking its finger.


3. suck什么意思

3. Plants suck up moisture from the earth.



1. The old man sucked at his pipe.



1. The baby took one suck at the milk bottle and pushed it away.


suck 网络解释

1. 吸:晚上我们回到了公司宿舍,羽把我约到了洗衣房,一进去,他就把门拉上,一把抱住了我,他的唇雨点一般落在我的唇上,轻轻地温柔地,下唇、上唇、然后是试探性地把他的舌头伸了进来,我也回应着他的吻,感受着羽传来的甜蜜跟温度,吮吸(Suck)着他的舌头,两人的

2. 吸吮:有人认为间断对椎间盘施加牵引力,形成负压,可起到类似吸吮(suck)作用,使椎间盘回纳. Levernienx将造影剂注入实验标本椎间盘内,然后行牵引,分别对牵引前、牵引时和牵引后的椎间隙摄片. 当椎间盘破裂时造影剂从椎间盘前方流向后方,

3. 吮:3、 牵引,牵引是重要的保守治疗手段,通过对腰椎的牵引,可使腰椎间隙增大,产生椎间盘内的负压,可起到类似吸吮(suck)作用,使椎间盘回纳. 腰椎间隙的增大,关节突关节的拉开,可使椎间孔恢复正常的外形,从而解除对神经根的挤压,

suck 双语例句

1. New version sucks man, u ppl suck..


2. Nevertheless, sth should be done and suck in the experience and if it hurts it's probably worth it


3. suck的解释

3. If you get to heat level 5 your day will suck.


4. suck的近义词

4. All you do is sit around and suck blood all day!



5. I have a dream that one day my Great China`s oil wells have a free suck around the Nansha Islands!


6. suck的解释

6. He hates to suck around.


7. suck

7. Aeration: Wine like the sponge, often suck the air around bottle, in order to prevent mould flavor, it will be better if can ventilate.



8. Secondly, if the morning of his eight 9:00, and after did not sleep, you wake your baby to 7:00, to speak, he said, touching the whole body massage, and then suck the breast, around 9:00 I think he should be trapped, if, sleep 1-2 hours, then close at noon, and then suck the breast, making a will, will be sleeping the afternoon between 4-6 points must let baby stay sober, so that he finished more than 7:00 after the milk definitely is trapped (at least my house is such a baby).


9. The so-called glass edge side-to-edge of the screen printing is the business card printing and membership card production network version of the graphic than glass contour around even larger, Business card printing and membership card making squeege the glass business card printing and membership card making, ink plate ink absorption of monlchamus before the use of computers will stencil than glass around major envirogluvtm suck, in order to impress a piece of glass does not monochamus in the glass around product, thereby realizing the glass edge-to-edge business card printing and membership card.


10. suck的意思

10. L Servo motor and vacuum suck wind belt conveyer system control the joint of cardboard box and pass localization of paper, laminate error 0.5mm

l 伺服马达以及真空吸风皮带输送系统控制纸板内盒与过胶面纸的定位贴合,贴合误差±0.5mm

11. suck的解释

11. They vant to suck your blood, and have for quite some time.


12. suck

12. Vampires They vant to suck your blood, and have for quite some time.


13. If you don`t recharge his batteries, he can`t suck.


14. These young, sexy half-vampire women can't fly or make humans into vampires but they can still suck blood, move super fast and kick some butt.


15. suck的翻译

15. He shall suck the poison of a: the viper's tongue shall slay him.

20:16 他必吸饮虺蛇的毒气。蝮蛇的舌头也必杀他。

16. suck在线翻译

16. He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him.


17. When a woman experiences an orgasm, we think the intensity of the muscular contractions she has during the big pressure changes going on in her body helps to pull or suck up the sperm into her cervix and from there into the uterus, explained Pacey.


18. Autumn is the season of orange that one of the orange, small and grow, if you stand in front of a few orange trees suck the smell here, they will feel that a fresh-smelling from the Unit, if you approaching some of these oranges will make your mouth watering, and now you can not help but pick the one down, gently break apart and oranges, the sweet and sour at this time it will be exposed to the flesh, then flesh it!



19. Come 3 years, each district of the Anhui province takes storage facilities construction seriously generally, build, transformed a batch of storehouse, commissariat is bought, safety stores ability enhances; to acquire apparently, replaced a batch of facility, store level of carry exercise mechanization, automation raises; apparently but also put in a few problems that not allow to ignore, need to improve knowledge further, do well program, aggrandizement management, will build storage facilities to build devoted mechanism length effect. 1 main effect saves state-owned food company nearly 3 years to throw 1.01 billion yuan to be used at storage facilities to build in all completely (finance 70 million yuan, the bank borrows money 190 million yuan, the enterprise prepares 750 million yuan of) oneself, among them 578 million yuan use one million one hundred and sixty-three thousand four hundred tons at building Cang Rong, occupy 8% what appearance of total storehouse of state-owned food company saves completely by 2004, year the 1.8 times; 2.88 that all adds Cang Rong newly to be allowed to add a storehouse newly 2004 uses 100 million yuan 100 million yuan at transforming a storehouse to allow twelve million six hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred tons of; 1.44 to be used at providing clear miscellaneous facility 1181 stage, conveyer pound of 1865 stage, ground 890, gather up suck.



20. I do draw and write and such, but they suck..


suck 词典解释

1. 吮;啜;吸

If you suck something, you hold it in your mouth and pull at it with the muscles in your cheeks and tongue, for example in order to get liquid out of it.

e.g. They waited in silence and sucked their sweets...


e.g. He sucked on his cigarette...


2. 抽吸,抽取,抽,吸(空气、液体等)

If something sucks a liquid, gas, or object in a particular direction, it draws it there with a powerful force.

e.g. The pollution-control team is at the scene and is due to start sucking up oil any time now...


e.g. The air is sucked out by a high-powered fan...


3. 将…卷入

If you are sucked into a bad situation, you are unable to prevent yourself from becoming involved in it.

e.g. He warned that if the President tried to enforce control, the country would be sucked into a power vacuum.


e.g. ...the extent to which they have been sucked into the cycle of violence.


4. 糟糕透顶;很差

If someone says that something sucks, they are indicating that they think it is very bad.


e.g. The system sucks.


5. to suck someone dry -> see dry

相关词组:suck up

suck 单语例句

1. Swimmers stash gel packs loaded with carbohydrates and a dash of flavoring in their suits, pulling them out to suck on as needed.

2. Another woman said a man asked to suck her toes in a discount store.

3. Air conditioners suck up 40 per cent of the total electricity consumption in the city in summer.

4. If a home relied on such a constricted drainage system, it would cause any plumber inspecting it to suck their teeth with alarm.

5. I learned later that it's a tool to suck extra gravy when roasting turkey.

6. GMO's Grantham said he thinks a new bubble " will suck in the money and it will go higher and higher ".

7. You get to keep driving and flying, but those trees are supposed to suck in your trail of carbon.

8. " Listed companies should not suck the blood from investors but take social responsibility more seriously, " Yang said.

9. Kang Kang was too weak to suck his own mother's milk and nearly died from starvation.

10. Parents should never suck on the nipple, since they might transfer bacteria to their child.

suck 英英释义


1. the act of sucking

Synonym: suckingsuction


1. draw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth

e.g. suck the poison from the place where the snake bit

suck on a straw

the baby sucked on the mother's breast

2. give suck to

e.g. The wetnurse suckled the infant

You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places

Synonym: breastfeedsucklenursewet-nurselactategive suck

3. take in, also metaphorically

e.g. The sponge absorbs water well

She drew strength from the minister's words

Synonym: absorbimbibesoak upsop upsuck updrawtake intake up

4. draw something in by or as if by a vacuum

e.g. Mud was sucking at her feet

5. provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation

Synonym: fellateblowgo down on

6. be inadequate or objectionable

e.g. this sucks!

7. attract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc.

e.g. The current boom in the economy sucked many workers in from abroad

Synonym: suck in