

conceit:[英 [kənˈsi:t] 美 [kənˈsit] ]



conceit 基本解释

名词自负; 幻想; 思想,观点; 巧妙构思

动词幻想; 〈古〉理解

conceit 相关例句


1. No one admires a man who is full of conceit.


2. His conceit is intolerable.


3. He jotted down the conceits of his idle hours.


4. conceit

4. I don't have much conceit of his poems.


5. He is wise in his own conceit.


conceit 网络解释


1. 幻想:他开始幻想(conceit)高山上所有的动物都来朝拜新的高山之王的盛况,争相对他欢呼的情景. 小甲虫得意的乱飞舞,好像在接受臣民拥戴一样.

2. 自负:concede 让步,承认 | conceit 自负 | concentrate 集中,浓缩

conceit 双语例句

1. I think him a very handsome young man, and his manners are precisely what I like and approve - so truly the gentleman, without the least conceit or puppyism.



2. 2640 Conceit may puff a man up, but it can never prop him up.


3. O-We+b'j:C3w 2640 Conceit may puff a man up, but it can never prop him up.


4. Excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments; conceit.


5. And to her, who was overflowing with vanity and self-conceit, this was the last offense, and she could not forgive him.


6. To part with self-conceit. For it is impossible for any one to begin to learn what he thinks that he already knows.--Epictetus


7. Self-conceit has set measures to his progress.


8. We can see both their self-conceit and wisdom. Having the basis and keeping innovating is their main advantage.


9. She charged her failure to self-conceit.


10. After coming into the 20th century, US was dominant over all other countries in the world, however, she lost something innocent and self-conceit of her youth at the same time.


11. There are many more verses filled with conceit when referring to lord sivan like in one verse he says that he possesses the gnosis of lord sivan but lord sivan is no match to him because he is a worshipper of lord narayanan.


12. In ways, The Dumb Waiter is a precursor to a major conceit of modern gangster films, such as those of Quentin Tarantino, films that juxtapose, often to comic effect, the violence of the criminal's job with his banal, but revealing, small talk.



13. A clever turn of speech; a verbal conceit


14. conceit是什么意思

14. But having abandoned conceit, well-centered within, with right awareness everywhere fully released, alone in the wilderness, heedfully living, one will cross over, beyond Mara's sway.


15. Of great riches there is no real use, except it be in the distribution; the rest is but conceit.


16. He was eaten up with conceit, violent egomania.


17. At first he had taken by-paths, and crossed many fields, and changed his course several times, in case of pursuit; but now, feeling by this time safe from recapture, and the sun smiling brightly on him, and all Nature joining in a chorus of approval to the song of self-praise that his own heart was singing to him, he almost danced along the road in his satisfaction and conceit.



18. And being an absolute Johannes factotum is in his owne conceit the onlie Shake-scene in the countrie.



19. In terms of the historical inheritance of personlaity, Tang Yin`s dissipation and unconventionality succeeded the Wei-Jin Style, his pride and conceit echoed Li Bai`s customs and hence his unconventional thinking and behavior left a deep influence on all generations.



20. But if one is borne along by the stream of the qualities, unsteady, wavering, bewildered, full of desire, and distracted one goes into self-conceit.


conceit 词典解释

1. 自负;自高自大

Conceit is very great pride in your abilities or achievements that other people feel is too great.

e.g. He knew, without conceit, he was considered a genius...


e.g. Pamela knew she was a good student, and that was not just a conceit.


2. (文学中)巧妙的比喻,别出心裁的对比

In literature, a conceit is a clever or unusual metaphor or comparison.


e.g. Critics may complain that the novel's central conceit is rather simplistic.


conceit 单语例句conceit是什么意思

1. Chan's accusation is an epitome of academics'conceit and exclusiveness.

2. Most players bring enough natural conceit to be certain that no team could possibly be as good without them as they are with them.

3. The video works on display at the World One Minutes 2008 show express the conceit and vision of their respective creators in exactly 60 seconds.

4. Here a conceit that isn't as funny or telling as Arcand seems to believe sidetracks the movie for a while.

5. He called on Chinese people to be on guard against conceit and rashness and to continue to strive for new achievements.

6. This conceit by some people rings hollow, especially under honest and factual scrutiny.

7. The connection between life and language has long endured, according to a conceit of philosophers and writers.

8. Republican Mitt Romney takes the middle class conceit probably the farthest, well into six figures.

9. There was no trace of arrogance or conceit on the face of this holder of two world records.

conceit 英英释义


1. the trait of being unduly vain and conceited

false pride

Synonym: conceitednessvanity

2. an artistic device or effect

e.g. the architect's brilliant conceit was to build the house around the tree

3. a witty or ingenious turn of phrase

e.g. he could always come up with some inspired off-the-wall conceit

4. an elaborate poetic image or a far-fetched comparison of very dissimilar things

5. feelings of excessive pride

Synonym: amour propreself-lovevanity